Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 546 North Carolina (4)

"Oh, God!"

When the two destroyers arrived at the sinking point, they saw that the sea surface was already blood red. No matter how the sea water rose and fell, it could not wash away the blood. The salty and humid air was accompanied by the pungent smell of blood.

Sharks usually only bite humans but do not eat them (there is also a contrary view, sharks will actively attack humans and eat them). If a shark bites you, it generally won't bite you again. After one bite, if they realize you are not a sea creature, they will let you go. The demonized great white shark is even more picky about what it eats. They can tell whether the prey meets its nutritional needs, such as fat and protein content, with just one bite.

This is why shark attacks and eating are rare.

But why do most people lose their lives after being attacked? For example, if a great white shark is about 6 meters long, it takes one bite and says, "It doesn't taste good, let's go." Then the smell of blood in the sea water can attract all the sharks within a few hundred meters, and then you hear one after another "It doesn't taste good." "What a crap thing", "It tastes terrible", "It's disgusting", one bite after another... and then he died...

As a result, these sailors flopping in the sea were miserable. If a shark bites one, it doesn’t taste good, bah! Another one, this one doesn’t taste good either! Pooh! Get another one! Repeatedly, the shark did not fill its stomach, but attracted more sharks around to try the taste.

"What, what should I do?!" Although the destroyer has guns and cannons that can easily kill sharks wandering on the sea, there are also thousands of people in the sea, densely packed. The shark was swimming among these people, and if he opened fire rashly, he might injure his own people. Moreover, there are so many people in the water that even their two destroyers can't accommodate them. Although a request for support has been sent to the base, it is more than 200 kilometers away from the nearest port, and it will take three or four hours for rescue to arrive. By the time they arrive, these people in the water may have already become the shark's meal.

Seaplanes can be faster, but seaplanes can't carry many people. Even if they are all dispatched, it will be a drop in the bucket.

The sailors on the destroyer could only shoot at the nearest shark, and had to be careful to avoid hurting friendly forces in the water.

Before he could kill a few sharks, he suddenly heard a violent explosion in the distance.

Destroyer Captain Thomas, who was directing the rescue work, felt his heart sink suddenly because he heard that this was not the muffled sound of a depth charge falling into the water and exploding, but an explosion on the sea surface.

Sure enough, when he followed the sound of the explosion, he saw thick smoke billowing from a destroyer in the distance, which was obviously severely damaged.

Thomas's face turned pale, his feet went weak, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the first mate next to him helped him.

"How could this happen?! How could this happen?!" You must know that destroyers are the nemesis of submarines. Submarines have no choice but to escape when encountering destroyers. And most of them are difficult to escape, and there is only one way to die.

But why was this submarine able to deal with its own destroyer Zhou Xuan with ease, and even sank a destroyer? !

The other destroyer was obviously panicked, zigzagging wildly and throwing depth bombs indiscriminately. But anyone with a little experience knows that it is quite foolish to drop depth charges without determining the exact location of the submarine. Although the sound of a deep bomb explosion is astonishing, it is indeed very scary for submariners (wetting one's pants is probably a small case. A more extreme example is a German captain who suffered a mental breakdown and committed suicide during a deep bomb attack), but this and sinking are two different things.

The development of technology is also improving the performance of submarines. If the distance is too far, it can only be shocked. For a 300-pound depth bomb, it can only damage the shell if it is more than 30 yards away from the submarine, and it can be effectively destroyed within 10 yards. Moreover, the explosion of the depth charge will interfere with the sonar for more than ten minutes, during which the sonar will become almost deaf.

In less than five minutes, the destroyer was also hit by a torpedo.

"Oh God!" Thomas almost fainted. Sinking one destroyer was considered luck, but sinking two destroyers in succession was nothing. "Devil, this is the devil!" Tuo Taran shouted after muttering to himself for a few times. "Quick! Go at full speed! Get out of here!"

"Captain?!" The first mate was shocked. They hadn't even salvaged a few people yet, so they were about to escape? Isn't this just like escaping from the battlefield? He's going to court-martial!

Thomas was almost crazy, screaming hysterically. "We will be sunk if we don't leave! Leave quickly!!"

In fact, the first mate was also trembling in his heart. This German submarine was too scary. Now that he saw the captain's reaction, he just responded. Even if he had to go to a military court, he was still the captain. They were just obeying orders.

The order to proceed at full speed was conveyed to the engine room. The destroyer ignored the friendly forces in the water and rushed over. Many people who fell into the water were seriously injured by the bow of the destroyer. Another destroyer followed closely behind, leaving behind only countless people who were wailing, cursing, and begging for help.

During World War II, many destroyers had reached speeds between 30 and 40 knots and could maintain this speed for a long time; however, these four destroyers were Clemson-class destroyers built by the United States in the late World War I.

The "Clemson" class is the second batch of the famous "flat deck" four-chimney destroyers and is an enlarged and improved version of the "Weeks" class. On September 8, 1923, 14 "Clemson" class destroyers collectively ran aground on the rocks during their trial voyage, and 7 of them were damaged, causing the largest accident in the world's navies in peacetime.

Although the speed of these "old-fashioned" destroyers is only thirty knots, they are still unmatched by submarines.

But Krezimer had no intention of letting them go. "No. 5 and No. 6 load oxygen torpedoes!"

The new submarine is equipped with a fashionable gadget like a hydraulic torpedo reloading machine, which only takes about a minute to load a torpedo.

Soon, the two oxygen torpedoes were loaded, and the two torpedoes plunged into the water, chasing the two destroyers that had escaped 5,000 meters away at a speed of fifty knots (about 93 kilometers per hour). The sound induction mechanism on its head made it immediately discover the destroyer running at full speed, and it plunged into it without hesitation!

As mentioned earlier, the German oxygen torpedo warhead is loaded with air-fuel explosives. The torpedo hit the rear of the destroyer hard, and the remaining high-pressure oxygen from the propeller was ejected, forming an air-fuel explosive powder-oxygen gas ball, which exploded violently. Its power can easily destroy large ships, especially a small destroyer. Not a problem.

Watching the two destroyers explode in the distance, Kretschmer couldn't help but exhale. "Great victory!"

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