Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 540 Middle East (5)

In a makeshift prisoner of war camp, captured Saudi soldiers were performing pilgrimages. Worship is their daily duty. No matter when and where, even if it is the end of the world, they must perform worship on time. For example, now they are in a prisoner of war camp, patting sand on the spot to perform wudu, kneeling down and worshiping devoutly.

In the middle of the pilgrimage, the roar of engines was heard in the distance, and several trucks filled with soldiers drove next to the prisoner of war camp.

The soldiers guarding the prisoners came forward and saluted the major battalion commander who jumped out of the passenger side of the truck. "Sir, what are your orders?"

The major returned the salute. "We were ordered to execute these prisoners of war."

"What?!" Several guarding soldiers were shocked. After all, the Geneva Convention clearly prohibits the killing and torture of prisoners. In war, as long as soldiers lay down their weapons and surrender, they are prisoners, and the party that captures them must be responsible for the lives and safety of these prisoners.

With the strict discipline of the German army, if prisoners of war were executed privately, they would definitely be sent to a military court.

As for the lives of these Arabs, they didn't care much. If it weren't for military discipline, they would have perished long ago.

It’s a bit incredible to say that the ancestors of the Judahs and Arabs were half-brothers, the offspring of Abraham’s one wife and one concubine.

Who is Abraham? (The Arabs called Abraham Ibrahim, but they were just the same person.)

Abraham is a descendant of Shem, Shem is the son of Noah (also called Noah), and Noah is a descendant of Adam, the man God created from dust in his own image.

Isaac, the father of Abraham and his wife Sarah, is the ancestor of the Judah people; Ishmael, the father of Abraham and his concubine Hagar (Sarah’s maid), is the ancestor of the Arab people. To put it simply, they are a legitimate son and a bastard.

Later religious scholars analyzed and observed the birth status of Ishmael and Isaac and found that Ishmael was born by blood and human will, while Isaac was born under God's permission. Their descendants formed a race. And the two major religious clans, namely the Arabs and the Jews. Their various entanglements in religious beliefs and history have doomed the discord between the two peoples.

Judaism is the oldest religion. Both Christianity and Ishlamism were born from the sect of Judah. All three religions recognize the Old Testament in the Bible.

The Arabs believe in Ishlamism, which was created by Muhammad on the basis of the Judaism. The teachings adopt most of the contents of the Judaism "Old Testament", except that many people's names are called differently. Therefore, people believe that the Allah of Islam is God, but he is called by different names.

Muhammad initially wanted the Judeans to recognize his prophetic status, but the Judeans believed that Muhammad had a wrong understanding of the Bible and refused to admit it. The Judeans only recognized the prophetic status of Abraham and Moses.

In addition to religious conflicts, the long-term occupation of Jerusalem by the Arabs was also the reason why the Jews could not stand and even hated the Arabs.

The land of Jerusalem was first occupied by the Judahs for more than 700 years, and then the Kingdom of Judah was destroyed by the Romans. The scattered Judahites lived as Gypsies around the world for more than 2,000 years, wandering around. The Romans occupied the land of Palestine for more than 700 years, and were defeated by the Arabs. , the land was occupied by the Arabs for the next 1,500 years. The same piece of land has been occupied by three waves of people for 3,000 years. Who should belong to it?

Everyone has their own rhetoric and opinions, but for the people of Judah, that land is naturally the homeland of their ancestors. Although the target of their war at this time was Saudi Arabia, they were of the same origin as the Arabs who occupied Jerusalem, so they hated the enemy.

The major took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over. "This is an order personally signed by the commander." After saying that, he waved to the back, and the soldiers who jumped out of the car surrounded the prisoner of war camp in a semi-encirclement.

The prisoners of war who were doing their worship without any distractions did not realize that something was wrong until they heard the clicking sound of being loaded. They raised their heads and looked around in panic, and saw that heavily armed German soldiers had surrounded the prisoner of war camp.

shouted the major. "Raise the gun and aim!"


All guns were pointed at these prisoners of war, and several machine guns were set up on the trucks.

The prisoners of war who were kneeling on the ground suddenly panicked, but before they could get up, the major gave the order coldly. "Fire!!"


Da da da!

Bang bang bang!

After a burst of intense gunfire, hundreds of prisoners of war in the prison camp fell in a pool of blood. The major replaced his pistol with a new magazine and ordered. "Pour in gasoline and burn these bodies cleanly without leaving any traces!"

At this time, in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, several men with traditional Arab headscarves wrapped around their heads were discussing countermeasures with a frown on their faces. "Damn it, why do these Germans fight whenever they say?" Only now did they realize that the behavior of these Germans was completely different from that of the British. They had previously considered themselves the true owners of the land. The greedy British can only choose to compromise with them, let alone these newly arrived Germans. After all, they also have tens of thousands of "elite soldiers and generals", and the Germans may not necessarily have the courage to attack!

However, the Germans used practical actions to tell the Saudis that they did not accept this trick. The Germans were more bellicose than they imagined. They would start fighting if they disagreed, and they were better at fighting than they were.

Facing advanced weapons that were almost generationally different from them, these Saudi troops, which inherited the weapons from the last war, simply collapsed at the first touch and could not stop the surging steel torrent of the German army.

"If we agree to the Germans' 30/70 split request now, will the Germans stop attacking?" A middle-aged man asked with a bitter look on his face. After all, 30% profit is also a profit. If the fight continues like this, let alone 30%, I'm afraid I won't even get 10%.

The man next to him shrugged helplessly. "Maybe, but if it were me, I would continue to attack." The Germans have seen through their own vulnerable combat effectiveness. How could they easily stop with such an advantage?

"It's not good! It's not good!" Just as everyone was sighing depressedly, a panic-stricken Arab officer stumbled in and said loudly with a cry. "Tabuk! Tabuk is occupied by the Germans!"

"What?!" Everyone was shocked, and the Arab man at the head started to slap the case. "Tabuk was lost in less than a day?! There were 10,000 troops there!!"

These idiots who don't have much modern military knowledge don't know that facing troops like Germany with a high proportion of heavy weapons, sticking to the city is undoubtedly a way of seeking death. It is better to escape to the desert. Moreover, most of their cities are made of wood and mud buildings. These buildings do not have much earthquake resistance. A tank grenade can destroy a house, and a heavy aviation bomb can knock down a large area of ​​buildings; 20 mm or even 7 mm The bullets can penetrate several walls and kill the enemies in the house; what should have been a brutal street fight turned into a one-sided massacre.

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