Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 538 Middle East (3)

The Soviet Union, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania...

Russia and Turkey have fought twelve Russian-Turkish wars since the 16th century. Türkiye ended up losing most of them. As a result, Turkey's territory was swallowed up piece by piece by Russia. By now, Turkey, the superpower that dominated Europe, Asia and Africa in the early modern period and even almost destroyed the Western world, has irrevocably fallen into an ordinary second-rate regional country.

In 1397, the Second Kingdom of Bulgaria was annexed by the Ottoman Empire and ruled for 500 years. At that time, the Ottoman Turks required Bulgarian Christians to convert to Islam. If they did not change, they would either have to pay a head or a poll tax. The less compliant Bulgarians became second-class citizens in their own land. In order to strengthen their rule, Ottoman also continued to immigrate Turks. From 1877 to 1878, the Russo-Turkish War between the Ottomans and Russia resulted in a major defeat for the Ottomans. The Bulgarians, who had been oppressed by the Turks for a long time, also staged a comprehensive uprising during the Russo-Turkish War. They declared independence from the Ottoman Empire in March 1878.

Then the Bulgarians, with the support of Russia, massacred more than 200,000 Turks and recovered most of the land occupied by the Turks. Without external intervention, Bulgaria would have been able to clean up the Turks in the country at that time.

As close neighbors, Greece and Türkiye have deep historical roots and close exchanges. Ancient Greece once created a splendid civilization. From 30 BC, the Romans began to invade Greece. In 168 BC, ancient Rome conquered Greece, and Greece was ruled by the Roman Empire. In 395 AD, the ancient Roman emperor divided the empire into two, and Greece came under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire. Greece and Byzantium also got along very well.

However, due to the crazy expansion of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, in 1460, the entire Greek region was conquered by force by the Turks and implemented a cruel dark rule. The Greeks, who could not bear the oppression, repeatedly resisted, but were violently suppressed by the Turks. In this state, the Greeks lived for nearly four hundred years. It was not until the early 19th century that, with the help of Britain, France, Russia and other great powers, the Greeks got rid of the rule of the declining Ottoman Turkish Empire.

And the independent Greeks constantly retaliated against the Turks. In the first Balkan War, Greece united with Bulgaria, Serbia and other countries to attack Turkey. After World War I, it also took advantage of the defeat and carving up of the Ottoman Turkish Empire to occupy a lot of Turkish land. At this time, the revolution led by Kemal, the founder of Turkey, broke out and drove the Greeks out of Turkey. Otherwise, perhaps Turkey would all belong to the Greeks. In this way, the feud between the two countries was settled, and there was no sign of easing. It has become a tradition in later generations, and hurting each other has become normal.

With Iran, they belong to Sunni and Shia sects respectively, which determines that the relationship between the two countries is not much better. Although the Ottoman Empire did not conquer Iran, it did fight many wars and occupy land.

In this way, Türkiye today is surrounded by a group of enemies. It's just that their respective strengths are not very good, forming a delicate balance, and there is no open battle.

If Germany supports these countries with weapons and equipment and incites them a little, the third Balkan War will definitely break out and eat Turkey alive.

Sararuolu's face was extremely ugly, and Feng Paben said proudly. "This is the way the world is. Whoever has more chess pieces and the gun has the right to speak forcefully. If you fall behind, you won't necessarily be beaten. It's just because I don't want to beat you! In this world of the jungle, the weak have no right to speak! Okay. , I still have things to be busy with, please come back, Mr. Minister." As he spoke, he once again deeply realized the wise saying that "the confidence of a diplomat comes from the strength of the motherland." Ten years ago, and at least five years ago, German diplomats would not have been able to speak so forcefully. But now that Germany has become a world power, diplomats like them have naturally become more confident and confident in their speech. Are you dissatisfied? If you have the guts, fight with real swords and guns; if you don't, just hold back!

Seeing Sararuolu leave angrily, Feng Baben shook his head. "What a bunch of idiots. If you voluntarily hand over the Turkish Straits, maybe His Highness will be kind enough to let you join the EU."

The Turkish Strait, known as the "throat of the world", is the only strait from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, so it is also called the Black Sea Strait. It consists of three parts: the Bosporus Strait, the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Dardanelles Strait, with a total length of 345 km. The entire strait runs northeast-southwest and is the dividing line between Asia and Europe. The northeast end is the Bosporus Strait, the southwest end is the Dardanelles Strait, and between the two straits is the Sea of ​​Marmara, Turkey's inland sea. Sovereignty on both sides of the Taiwan Strait belongs to Türkiye. During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union established the Black Sea Strait as one of the most important maritime chokepoints in the world. After the Cold War, NATO still regards the Black Sea Strait as one of the strategic points of Eurasia.

In the original time and space, it was not that Turkey had never thought about joining the EU. On the contrary, it had always dreamed of joining the EU. Joining the EU had even become a basic national policy. As early as 1963, when the EU was not yet established, Turkey expressed its intention to join the EU. the will of the European Community. From 1987, Turkey began to formally apply to join the EU, but due to the opposition of most EU members, the application failed.

There are many reasons for this. Türkiye is a developing country with a relatively backward economy, and many indicators do not meet the EU's minimum standards. If Türkiye joins the EU, it will inevitably drag the EU back and become a burden to the EU. The UK insists on withdrawing from the EU because there are too many poor relatives in the EU and feels that it is being dragged down.

In fact, the EU not only has to spend money to subsidize Turkey, but also has to face a huge army of Turkish immigrants and workers. The Germans have suffered greatly from the influx of Turks. Even the Germans can't bear it, let alone other countries. Therefore, EU member states are unwilling to let Türkiye join. If Turkey joins, not to mention those rich countries, even those not rich countries will not agree. It is easy to get close to the big players. Who is willing to join another freeloader? Therefore, it is normal for the EU to reject Türkiye repeatedly.

Secondly, there are various political, religious, cultural and other factors that are major obstacles preventing Turkey from joining the EU.

Therefore, even if Türkiye does hand over the Turkish Straits, Yanik will not agree. When the Turkish Strait is used one day, just incite neighboring countries to seize it.

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