"Five American spies were captured? One of them was killed?"

Looking at the telegram sent from Greenland, Yannick couldn't help but muttered. "It's really interesting. Are they planning to send troops to seize Greenland?" As mentioned before, Greenland is a good forward base, both for Germany and the United States. If the United States occupies Greenland, then B29 bombers can fly there. Bombing of the German mainland.

"Does the United States know that those people have been arrested?"

Reinhard said a little unsure. "You probably don't know yet, but they were arrested as soon as they landed."

Yannick smiled. "Then let's play tricks on them and see if we can get them to send more people and equipment."

Reinhard immediately guessed what Yannick meant. "Yes! Then I'll make arrangements right away."

Are the Americans really planning to land in Greenland? After thinking for a while, Yannick called for Dönitz.

"Your Highness, as of yesterday, we have sunk a total of 34 ships, but they were all small guard ships and patrol ships. According to your instructions, we did not go deep into their defense circle." The Americans' outer defense line is quite loose. If it hadn't been for Yannick's order, the submarine force would have reached the gate of the US naval base long ago.

"Good job. Just now, the Americans airdropped a few spies to Greenland, but unfortunately they were caught on the spot. Maybe the Americans have taken some action recently and sent more submarines to patrol near Greenland."


"How's the 'Tiger Shark' doing?" (Introduced in Chapter 197)

When mentioning this matter, Dönitz's face showed uncontrollable excitement. "Your Highness, the 'Tiger Shark' completed sea trials half a month ago and everything is in good condition."

"Oh, that means you can go to sea and fight at any time now? Send the best crew to drive it. That Otto Kretschmer is good, let him go around the mainland of the United States." The last attack on Scapa Flow After Gautprien was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Silver Oak Leaves and Two Swords, and was promoted to lieutenant colonel, it was naturally impossible for him to continue to fight at sea.

"Tell Kretschmer, don't waste torpedoes on those small fish and shrimps. If you want to attack, attack large battleships of more than 20,000 tons." It is best to sink a few battleships or aircraft carriers. "How is the new batch of Tiger Shark-class submarines doing?"

"Your Highness, three super submarines have been started at the same time. And these submarines will use the AIP system."

Conventional powered submarines, also known as diesel-electric submarines, have three navigation modes: surface navigation, periscope depth using snorkel navigation, and underwater cruising. The first two flight modes require the diesel engine and generator to be started, and the operation of the diesel engine cannot be separated from the support of the atmosphere. Truly stealthy underwater cruising is powered by the boat's battery pack. However, the number and capacity of on-board batteries are limited, and the time of submersible is also limited. It can take up to 1 to 2 days or at least a few hours. The submersible submarine needs to surface and use a diesel generator set to charge the battery pack, which greatly increases the cost. The submarine's exposure rate or likelihood of detection.

In order to solve this technical problem, all developed countries in later generations have successively carried out preliminary research and feasibility studies in this area. Finally, four categories of AIP (Air Independent Propulsion) technology have been developed.

They are closed cycle diesel engine (CCD) AIP, Stirling engine (SE) AIP, fuel cell (FC) AIP and small nuclear power (AMPS) AIP.

In CCD-AIP, the diesel engine itself hardly needs to be significantly improved, and the host technology is mature. Other auxiliary system issues, such as recirculated gas mixing, exhaust gas spray cooling, CO2 seawater absorption principle, and water treatment system principle, have been studied by relevant units. , there is no major technical risk. Therefore, CCDAIP can be developed with low technical risk and low investment. Of course, relatively speaking, the structural noise and air noise of the diesel engine itself are relatively large, but modern vibration isolation technology can fully make the noise index of the diesel engine meet the requirements after vibration isolation. Because the water treatment system consumes less energy, the CCDAIP system efficiency can reach 35%.

The Soviet Union of the original time and space valued this technology very much. During the Cold War, it built 30 specially powered Q-class submarines. The submarines have three diesel engines, two are normal diesel engines and one is a closed-cycle diesel engine that provides energy through compressed liquid oxygen. Oxygen required by diesel engine. However, the instability of this technology has also made the Q-class submarines infamous. Among them, the M-256 boat exploded due to liquid oxygen due to a fire and the submarine sank. Therefore, the Q-class was also nicknamed "Lighter". In the early 1970s, all Q-class boats were dismantled.

But in the 1990s, the Germans picked up this technology again and successfully tested a 250-kilowatt closed-cycle diesel engine system. Later, the Netherlands and Italy also successfully tested closed-cycle diesel engine systems for modification of existing submarines or for use in newly-built conventionally powered submarines.

This put Yannick in a dilemma. After hesitating for a long time, he decided to continue researching closed-cycle diesel engines.

As for the Stirling engine AIP, the Dutch company Philips has successfully researched it and can just use it.

As for fuel cell AIP, it will be something that will mature slightly in a few decades.

Yannick picked up the phone and called Area 51. "Dr. Heisenberg, how is the research on the nuclear power system of submarines?" Heisenberg took over the nuclear energy research department after Dr. Albert's death.

"Your Highness, we have built a simulation reactor. After several verifications, the project can be put into use. It can allow a 3,000-ton submarine to reach a high speed of 16 or 17 knots."

"..." In Heisenberg's view, the submarine's speed of 16 or 17 knots was quite astonishing. Unfortunately, he didn't know that later generations of nuclear submarines could basically reach a high speed of 30 knots. Even the world's first nuclear submarine, the Nautilus, has a speed of 3 knots.

However, Yannick is already very satisfied. After all, it is only 40 years ago. The development of various industrial technologies still needs to go a long way, and we cannot rush it. Once this nuclear-powered submarine is completed, it can run underwater at a speed of 16 or 17 knots for several months. As for how long it can run, it completely depends on the underwater endurance of the submariners.

"Very good, Dr. Heisenberg, it will be installed on the submarine in about half a year. Operational safety must be absolutely guaranteed." Yannick knows the horror of nuclear energy. If there is a slight mistake, it will be a Pandora's box. Although the nuclear reactor on the submarine will not explode like a nuclear bomb, even a slight leak can be fatal to submariners in a confined space. "Multiple layers of strict containment measures must be implemented to completely isolate nuclear radiation."

After some warnings, Yannick put down the phone. "Since there are three submarines, it's just right. One is equipped with a closed-cycle diesel engine system, one is equipped with a Stirling engine system, and the remaining one is equipped with nuclear power."

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