Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 528 Announcement

Molotov spent an afternoon revising and revising, and finally came up with a notice that looked like what it was. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As for how many people believe this announcement, that's none of his business; I'm afraid no one except the Soviet Union will believe that U.S. Secretary of State Chisato Akiaki came to transform himself into an assassin to assassinate Stalin.

Looking at the time, it was already past six o'clock in the evening. The newsstand at the entrance of the park should have been closed long ago, so he could not pass on today's explosive information.

Gee, this world is so crazy. Even if Crown Prince Yannick is extremely knowledgeable and foresighted, there is no way he could have guessed what happened today.

After sighing with emotion, Molotov asked his secretary to deliver a dinner, and after eating, he headed to the Kremlin.

Starlin, who was sitting behind his desk, was smoking his pipe and looked a little gloomy. But Motolov is also used to it, and there has been no smile on Stalin's face in recent days. He walked to the desk and spoke cautiously. "Comrade Stalin, this is a notice to be released to the public. Please take a look."

Starling took a few glances and sighed. "Hey, I was impulsive, I was impulsive."

Molotov muttered in his heart that of course he was impulsive, otherwise he would not have beaten the Secretary of State to death. But why are you so impulsive? He didn't dare to take the initiative to ask, but as if he could see the doubts in his heart, Starlin spoke. "Molotov, do you know why you beat him to death?"

Little did he know, Molotov shook his head.

Starling pointed to the sofa opposite and motioned for him to sit down. He asked while replacing the tobacco pot with new shredded tobacco. “Do you remember the Spanish gold from a few years ago?”

"Of course I remember." It was the time of the Spanish Civil War. In the battle with Franco's army, the Spanish government troops were retreating steadily, and the signs of defeat were already apparent. The Spanish government is preparing to ship more than 600 tons of gold in the treasury to other countries, of which 50 tons will be stored in France and the other 560 tons of gold will be sent to Moscow.

But the strange thing is that the gold that has entered the Soviet Union has mysteriously disappeared, and it has disappeared without a trace. There is no clue until now. The new Spanish government insisted that the Soviet Union had embezzled the gold, and there had been a lot of quarrels in the past few years.

"The Spaniards said that we took that batch of gold. Unfortunately, they were only half right. We took it, but we didn't take it. You must remember that Khrushchev was in charge of this, and Orlo was in charge of the transportation. Husband, the gold train overturned on a cliff a few kilometers away from Dakharkov and fell into the abyss. By the time we dug out the train, the entire carriage was already empty and there was not a single piece of gold. There were only corpses and a strange gun." As Stalin opened the drawer and took out a photo, Molotov quickly stood up and stepped forward to take the photo.

This photo seemed to be old and had begun to turn yellow. Looking at the content in the photo, Molotov couldn't help but be startled. Isn't the gun above the M3 submachine gun?

"This..." Molotov understood instantly. "Could it be that the Americans robbed the gold at that time?" Molotov heard that Jewish people from a nearby village disappeared en masse at that time. In other words, the Americans colluded with these Jews and robbed the gold. ?

Starlin gritted his teeth. "You also heard this afternoon. That bastard personally admitted that this submachine gun was independently developed by them."

There was just one thing that Molotov still couldn't figure out. "But didn't he say that this submachine gun was only developed at the beginning of this year?" The gold robbery happened several years ago.

"You are so confused. Do you still believe what they say? What truth can come out of their mouths?" Stalin exhaled smoke and said angrily. "This submachine gun must have been developed a few years ago. After the gold robbery, it was hidden for all these years in order not to reveal the truth. I didn't let anyone publicize it at the time. These damn Americans thought it was over. It’s passed, and now it’s taken out again.”

"Damn Roosevelt! He stole our gold and came to help us under the pretense? Think about how much industry we could develop and how much armaments we could increase if we got that batch of gold. We will not lose on the Soviet-Finnish battlefield. It was so miserable. I couldn't hold it back for a moment and became impulsive."

Listening to Stalin's explanation and curse, Molotov thought to himself that that is not our gold either. It seems that Comrade Stalin had no intention of returning the gold, and it was just robbed on the way. "Then do we want to ask the United States for that batch of gold?" As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his head. This idea was a bit naive. Not to mention that the United States will not admit it. Even if the United States takes 10,000 steps back and admits that they have robbed this batch of gold, how can they spit out the meat that they have eaten? If it is returned, it will only be returned to Spain. How can it be returned to the hands of the Soviet Union?

Of course Stalin also thought of this, cursed the United States and Roosevelt a few more times, and waved his hand helplessly. "Go ahead."

Half an hour later, at eight o'clock sharp, the Soviet diplomatic department issued an announcement that shocked the world.

Berlin time is one hour behind Moscow. Yannick, who had just finished eating, was walking in the garden when Reinhard came in a hurry to report the news to him.

"Oh, there is such a thing?!" Yannick muttered in disbelief. After all, such absurd things never happened in the original time and space. "Is there any news from Moscow?"

Reinhard shook his head. "No, Your Highness, but there was news a few days ago that the United States and the Soviet Union might join forces to deal with us."

"Haha, it's okay now. Let alone joining forces, I'm afraid they will become mortal enemies."

It was only one o'clock in the afternoon in Washington, and Roosevelt almost stood up on the spot when he heard the news.

"How is it possible!" The US Secretary of State assassinated Stalin? This is too ridiculous! ! "Contact Moscow immediately!"

It is a pity that there is no "hotline" for direct communication between the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States. Even more than ten years after the end of World War II, with this technology and strength, the U.S. State Department and the military opposed the establishment of such communication channels. “We do not support the president’s idea of ​​having dialogue with Soviet leaders behind our backs.” Some even said, “We do not want the White House to become a branch of the Kremlin.”

It was not until 1962, when the Soviet Union and the United States encountered the Cuban Missile Crisis, that everyone realized the need for such a direct communication channel to strengthen communication so that the leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union could communicate quickly, directly and privately in times of emergency. and contact, thereby eliminating the risk of the outbreak of nuclear war due to delay, misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the other party's actions.

All that can be done now is to use the radio to contact the U.S. Embassy in the Soviet Union to find out what happened.

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