When Molotov returned to the Kremlin in Moscow, Stalin was in a meeting. When he saw Molotov walking in, Stalin showed a kind smile on his face. "Comrade Molotov, you came back so quickly. It seems that this trip went well. When will the Germans hand over our aircraft carrier?"

Molotov secretly sighed that it looked like there would be another storm soon. "Comrade Stalin, things have changed a bit."

"Oh? Did something go wrong in the sea test? It's not the Germans who are trying to play some tricks, right? Germany and the United States have declared war, and they still dare to play tricks on us?" Germany has declared war on the United States, and the war is about to break out. He doesn't believe it at this time Germany still dared to offend the Soviets.

Molotov silently took out a document, and Stalin's secretary placed the document in front of Stalin.

Reaching out to open the document, Stalin's expression suddenly changed. "What does this mean?" This document is clearly the secret agreement signed between the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom last time; using India as the Soviet Union's agreement to send troops to Germany. Molotov actually brought this back from Germany, and a faint uneasiness flashed in Stalin's heart.

Molotov said with a trembling voice as beads of sweat appeared on his face. "This was handed over to the Germans by the British. The German Crown Prince scolded us for being treacherous. Those two aircraft carriers were considered as compensation for them and will not be returned."

"!!" As soon as he finished speaking, the entire conference room fell silent, and everyone present did not dare to express his anger. Stalin's face was as green as black, his eyes were red, and he was extremely ferocious. His hair stood up one by one, and he exuded a violent aura.

"How dare they!" Stalin growled through gritted teeth. He slammed the table violently and yelled wildly and hysterically. "That is Soviet property! Who gave them the courage to seize our Soviet aircraft carrier?!"

"Declare war! These damn capitalist beasts must pay the price!!"

Molotov smiled bitterly in his heart, he couldn't even beat Finland, why should Germany pay the price?

After Stalin finished venting his anger and his face recovered a little, Zhukov spoke to persuade him. "Comrade Stalin, the behavior of the Germans is abominable, but now is not the time to use troops against them. Although Germany and the United States have declared war, it will take at least one or two years for the United States to be ready for war. Even if they are fully prepared, the two countries will not be ready for war. The two countries are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, and it is impossible for American planes to bomb Europe. Similarly, it is difficult for American ground troops to set foot on European soil. Germany only needs to devote a small part of its troops to defend the United States, and we will face most of them. a European force."

Starling nodded thoughtfully and asked. "What do you mean?"

Zhukov hesitated for a moment and then spoke cautiously. "Maybe we should cooperate with the United States. If American bombers take off on our soil, they can easily bomb Berlin. Similarly, American ground forces can easily engage the Germans in close combat."

Molotov was shocked and immediately scolded him righteously. "Comrade Zhukov, the Germans have told us through their actions that imperialist capitalism is the most unreliable. How dare you have such childish ideas? You are inviting fully armed Americans into the Soviet Union. Do you know You know there’s a saying called ‘Ling the wolf into the house’? Who knows who those Americans will point their guns at when they come over?”

What he said was well-founded, and many people present nodded. Stalin stared at Zhukov with a gloomy gaze.

Zhukov's back was instantly soaked with sweat, and he hurriedly spoke. "Comrade Stalin, we don't need Americans to come over. The United States only needs to provide weapons and equipment."

This time, before Molotov could speak, a voice spoke first. "Comrade Zhukov, do you mean that our Soviet weapons are inferior to those of capitalist countries? Are you questioning the superiority of socialism?"

"!!" Zhukov really wanted to reply: Are our weapons more advanced than others? If that were the case, would we still have lost so miserably in the Finnish battlefield? However, the Soviet-Finnish war has long become a taboo topic in the Kremlin, so he would not be foolish enough to touch Stalin's nerves.

After smoking a pot of cigarettes, Stalin finally spoke. "We do need more weapons." He didn't say better weapons, but more weapons.

Of course, he was not a fool and knew that Soviet weapons were indeed not as advanced as those in Europe and the United States. Even the suspension technology on Soviet tanks was secretly obtained from the United States.

In the early 1930s, the Amtelge Trading Company, a Soviet procurement company in the United States, signed a 10-year patent buyout contract with Christie and purchased two Christie tanks equipped with Christie suspension. However, due to political reasons, the Soviet Union could only purchase two Christie tanks without turrets and weapons in the name of tractors. After the two tanks were shipped out of the United States, the U.S. government reacted and tried to prevent the two tanks from being shipped to the Soviet Union, but it was too late.

After the two Christie tanks were shipped to the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union immediately tested them and created a simple replica BT-1. After the Soviet Union mastered the technology of the Christie tank, it immediately applied the relevant technology to Soviet-made tanks. Later BT series tanks and T-34 tanks all used the technology on the Christie tank.

"If the price offered by the United States is suitable, we can consider importing weapons from the United States. Comrade Molotov, contact Gromyko and ask him to find out what the Americans say first."

Andrei Gromyko was the Soviet ambassador to the United States at this time. In the original time and space, Maxim Litvinov should have held this position; but this unlucky guy was dismissed from his official post because he was a Jew and was sent to Siberia to grow potatoes. went.

Molotov nodded. "Okay, Comrade Stalin."

Starlin waved his hand with a tired look on his face. "That's the end of today's meeting. Let's disperse."

Everyone stood up and left the conference room. After walking out of the Kremlin, Marshal Budyonny grabbed Molotov and asked in a low voice. "Comrade Molotov, do you think the Germans are ready for a two-front war?"

Molotov thought for a moment and shook his head. "Comrade Marshal, to be honest, I don't see whether the German Crown Prince is bluffing or is really ready for war. But I think Comrade Zhukov has a point. The Germans don't seem to worry that the United States will attack Europe. After all, the Germans The power of the navy cannot be underestimated. What’s more, now we have two more ships..." At this point, Molotov did not continue.

Marshal Budyonny nodded silently, turned and left.

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