"Since President Roosevelt is so eager for war, and since he is so confident of defeating Germany, then I will give him this opportunity! So that he understands that the war is not just a play, and he can win if he wants to. From this moment on, Germany officially surrenders to the United States Declare war with Canada!" Originally Yannick was too lazy to pay attention to Canada, but thinking that Canada must be on the side of the United States, he took it along with him.

Yannick's sonorous and powerful voice spread instantly along the radio waves throughout Europe and even the world. "I promise that Germany will be invincible!"

The U.S. Ambassador to Berlin, who was hiding in the embassy so tremblingly that he didn't even dare to breathe, suddenly heard a burst of cheers from the crowd outside the wall, which really shocked him. "What's going on? Are they going to rush in?!"

Just as the cheers outside were getting louder and louder, the secretary ran in to report. "The German Crown Prince just declared war on the United States on the radio!"

"Oh God!" Mr. Ambassador finally understood what the cheers outside were about. "These warlike Germans!"

The warlike nature of the Germans has existed since ancient times, and this character inherited the brutal spirit of the Teutonic warriors. In ancient times, the Teutons lived in the arid north of Germany, living in large primeval forests. The cold climate and barren land made the Teutons the strongest nation, and they were ambitious and wanted to conquer regions that were richer than themselves. Therefore "warlikeness" became one of the barbaric traits of the Teutons.

Ludwig quoted Heine in his book "The Germans" when he evaluated this character of the Germans: "Christianity can weaken, but cannot kill, the brutal spirit of the Teutonic warriors. One day, this will This kind of Christian doctrine used to restrain the Teutonic warriors will not work. The brutal martial spirit out of the primitive state will rise again, and the ruthless personality that the Nordic Germanic poetry has repeatedly praised will be worshiped. The tenets of Christian doctrine will completely collapse. The day is coming... And one day, when you hear a bang like never before in the history of the world, you will know that the German Ray has finally achieved its purpose. This rumbling thunder shakes the air. The flying eagle crashes to the ground and dies, and the lice in the remote deserts of Africa will tuck their tails and sneak into the Huang family's dense forest in fear... Germany, freed from its shackles, is more shocking than the entire holy land plus Croatia and Cossacks. !".

Heine predicted in 1838 that the warlike character of the Germans would trigger a world war, and that was exactly what happened. Ludwig also made a profound analysis of this character of the Germans. He said: "This country (Germany) has been dreaming of dominating the world since ancient times, and now this fantasy has become stronger. They (the new industrial leaders and the old A generation of generals or Rongke landlords) are all ambitious and desire power far more than the pursuit of money. Even today, what drives them desperately is not the pursuit of more wealth and enjoyment of life.

A warlike nation never enjoys leisurely leisurely moments on holidays or weekends; on the contrary, it wishes to deprive others of this enjoyment. Germans believe that anything easily obtained has no value. What they hope to gain through countless hardships and conquests is valuable. "It can be seen that the Germans are good at being conquerors. His dream since ancient times is to dominate the world.

In the past year, many people have gradually discovered that this dream is not just a dream, but a huge possibility that can be realized.

First, Poland, which claimed to be the "number one military power in Eastern Europe", followed by Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Even Europe's number one power, France, and the old maritime hegemon, the British Empire, also surrendered to Germany. As the German army set foot on the British mainland, the United States on the other side of the Atlantic wanted to get involved in Europe, which was almost a fantasy.

And the furry bear in the east, tsk tsk, look at the bear-like appearance that it can’t even chew on a small country like Finland. It’s not something to be afraid of at all! When the time comes to kick this furry bear over and integrate Europe, Asia and Africa, Germany can firmly become the world's largest country. As for the United States? Stay somewhere cool!

Almost the entire German industrial group profited from this war. Today, more than 70% of German industry is producing military equipment or related products. You must know that the arms trade is one of the most profitable industries in the world. Not only is the profit huge, but it also generates long-term and sustainable benefits, and is accompanied by political benefits. It is a very profitable and very unfair industry. Just business. Historically, the arms trade has been compared with the drug trade and smuggling trade, and has been called the world's three major profit-making industries. It is no exaggeration to say that Germany's weapons and equipment are now the best in the world, supplying almost all of Europe and other countries, and making German military-industrial enterprises make a lot of money. They just can't wait for this war to continue. .

Coupled with farmers who have received land benefits and workers who have received more employment opportunities, almost no one will object to the country launching a war, or no one will think that launching and expanding a war is an unacceptable thing - the only thing The difference is that some wars on individual markets will only upset some businessmen.

Just as the Ambassador was sighing, the commander of the Marine Corps detachment in charge of security and defense came in to report. "Mr. Ambassador, the people outside have dispersed." The U.S. embassies in various countries around the world are guarded by the U.S. Marine Corps. However, the strength of this force is limited to begin with, and it is divided into small teams and stationed at the embassies of various countries. On average, there are less than ten people in each country. The leader of each team has a title that sounds awesome, that is, the Marine Detachment Commander, but in fact he is just an ordinary sergeant.

"It's gone?" Mr. Ambassador couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his face. "Looks like we can go home."

Generally speaking, after the two countries declare a state of war, there are two situations: whether to sever diplomatic relations. It is also possible to maintain each other's embassies and consulates in a local war. In this case, there is no need to take tough measures and secret surveillance is enough; if If you decide to sever diplomatic relations, you will formally expel the ambassador and diplomats, give you a time limit to leave the country, and return to your home country through a neutral country or a third country. According to international law, expatriates should also have this treatment, but whether it is implemented depends on the government's attitude. Pacific After the war broke out, all Japanese in the United States were imprisoned in concentration camps. Americans were afraid that they would become collaborators and cause trouble.

Less than half an hour after Yannick declared war on the United States and Canada, Italy, Vichy France, Romania, and Ireland declared war on the United States and Canada one after another. At this moment, the European war finally turned into a world war.

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