When the news came on the radio that the United States had declared war on Germany, the whole of Europe was in an uproar.

While people in other countries were discussing what kind of trouble the United States was going to make, the German people were already furious and erupted on the spot. Germany has endured humiliation for twenty years, and now it has finally swept across Europe. Even its former enemy the British Empire has been kicked to the ground. Seeing that it is proud to live a good life, these Americans don't want others to have a better life, right? !

This is really unreasonable and intolerable!

Large-scale protests and demonstrations broke out in various places. The U.S. Embassy in Berlin and consulates in various places were surrounded by angry people who threw stones and eggs at the embassy. The embassy staff could only hide in the room and tremble. They were also quite confused. They were fine yesterday, so why did they declare war today?

At this time, Yannick, who had finished dinner, was leisurely flipping through the British weapons report compiled by German engineers. He is not in a hurry about war against the United States. After all, even if war is declared, it will not start in a day or two. They can't get through, and the Americans can't get through. They can only stare at each other across the Atlantic Ocean.

There are four main types of tanks under development in the British weapons department. Because the British did not officially name them, German engineers gave them numbers such as No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4.

There were several semi-finished prototypes of the No. 1 and No. 2 tanks. Yannick could tell at a glance that the No. 1 tank was a "Churchill" infantry tank.

The Churchill tank was the last infantry tank produced by the United Kingdom in World War II. It was also the infantry tank produced in the largest number by the United Kingdom during World War II, with a total production volume of 5,640 vehicles. Churchill tank models are very complex, with a total of 18 models. The most important of them are the models 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 78. Like all British infantry tanks, the Churchill tank's biggest weaknesses were its lack of firepower and poor mobility. Not only was it unable to confront the German Tiger and Panther tanks head-on. Moreover, its maximum driving speed is only 20-25km/h, which is even slower than the German King Tiger tank. It is truly the same speed as infantry.

The second tank is the Crusader cruise tank.

The Crusader tank, also known as the Type VI cruise tank, is a famous British tank in the early World War II that was developed from the Covenant cruise tank. More than 5,300 units were produced. There are three types of Crusader cruise tanks, of which the Type II cruise tank is the most famous. It is mainly used in the North African battlefield as the main tank of the "Desert Rats" British 7th Armored Brigade. But by the Battle of Aleman at the end of 1942, the British tanks had been replaced by M3 Lee tanks and M4 Sherman tanks. Therefore, the Crusader tanks began to retreat to the second line, and only the modified 76mm self-propelled howitzers were still active on the front line. The Crusader tank also had many types of deformed vehicles during World War II, including artillery command vehicles, command tanks, anti-aircraft tanks, tank rescue vehicles, artillery tractors, minesweepers with bulldozers, etc., but the numbers were extremely limited.

As for the No. 3 and No. 4, let alone prototypes, even the design drawings were not perfect. Yannick looked at the design drawings for a long time and could not see that the No. 3 tank was the design drawing of that tank, but he could see that the No. 4 tank was the "Centurion". "Heavy tanks.

The Centurion tank is a heavy tank developed by the British at the end of World War II. Although 6 prototypes were sent to the European battlefield before the end of the war, they did not catch up with any battles. After the war, Centurion tanks continued to be produced and continued to serve with the British Army. Due to its excellent design, it has also been favored by many countries and has become the tank that served the most countries in the West after World War II.

"A pile of rubbish." Yannick threw the document aside casually.

As an important part of the Allied Forces in World War II, British tanks can be said to be unique. But it is worth mentioning that the British army's idea of ​​subdividing tanks into cruise tanks and infantry tanks in the early days of the war can be said to be seriously behind the times. Because whether it is a cruise tank or an infantry tank, it has certain inherent disadvantages and cannot be compared with German tanks or even Soviet tanks of the same level.

It was not until the middle and late stages of the war that the British gradually realized this mistake and built a classic tank like the Centurion.

In Yannick's view, the "Crusader" cruise tank, "Churchill" infantry tank, etc. are just piles of garbage, and there is no need to produce them at all.

He decided to have British weapons factories produce Jackal tank chassis.

Although the British "Torpedo Operation" had shipped most of the stocks and bonds to Canada, if they did not obediently return them, Yannick would order them all to be canceled and new stocks and bonds to be issued. But even so, without revitalizing Britain's sluggish economy, these things are still a pile of meaningless waste paper. He decided to start with the military industry. Once there were orders for military industry, it would create a large number of jobs; coupled with the blood transfusion from the colonies, the British economy could gradually recover.

As for the issue of confidentiality, Germany's local factories have begun to produce more powerful medium tanks, so it doesn't matter whether the secrets are leaked or not. These newly produced Jackal tank chassis will produce various self-propelled artillery such as assault guns, anti-aircraft guns, mortars, etc.

This medium-sized tank was named the "Panther Tank", and its various performances far exceeded those of the Panther of the original time and space. In addition to thicker armor and greater horsepower, this tank will be equipped with an 88mm KWK 36L/56 tank gun.

Although the 75mm KwK 42 L/70 tank gun is higher in power and performance than the 88mm KWK 36L/56 tank gun, its cost and process difficulty are also far higher than the latter. The 75mm caliber artillery barrel is lengthened to 70 times the diameter, and a taper from large to small is added inside the slender barrel. A special deep-hole drilling machine must be used, and the difficulty of production can be imagined.

The Panther grew to 40 tons, and this main gun played an important role. I don’t know what the Germans were thinking. If the L48 doesn’t work, then use the L70. If the L70 doesn’t work, use the L100. The Soviets are more practical. If the 75mm doesn’t work, then the 7 won’t work. Just 85mm, or 122mm if 85mm doesn't work. Enlarging the caliber is always more convenient than lengthening the barrel.

Similarly, Yanik has no plans to equip a long-barreled 88mm tank gun with 71 times the caliber until the 88mm short-barreled gun is not enough (this situation will almost never happen. The short 88 gun is enough to deal with almost all tanks during World War II. Use 40 armor-piercing shells The armor penetration depth can reach 178 mm at a distance of 1000 meters. However, the German army during World War II favored long-distance killing tactics. They always wanted to use their own advantages in artillery accuracy and fire control to kill as much of the opponent's armor at long distances as possible. Therefore, If you are obsessed with long-diameter tank guns), it is time to install a 105 mm rifled gun, which is the famous L7 105 mm rifled tank gun.

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