Everyone came to the bank's conference room.

Yannick asked, sitting in the chairman's seat. "Your Excellency Clement, since the fleet anchored in Canada has been detained, will India's Eastern Fleet still obey the orders? Or are they also detained by India?"

Hearing Yannick's unkind tone, Deputy Prime Minister Clement shook his head hastily. "Your Highness, the Eastern Fleet set sail three days ago and will return to Alexandria, Egypt, in two days."

Yannick nodded. "That's good."

Because it was defeated so quickly, many advanced weapons of the British Army did not have time to develop. For example, the 17-pounder gun, which will become famous in later generations, is still in the design stage. Many weapons and equipment are of the same level as during the last war, and most of them are useless. With the destruction of the Expeditionary Force in the Battle of France, the demand for weapons in the United Kingdom skyrocketed. However, the British industrial production capacity was already stretched. In addition, the top management only wanted quantity, not quality, and the quality of many products was no longer guaranteed. The performance of the artillery produced by Shaoxin was not as good as that of pre-World War I products.

The situation of the Air Force is not much better than that of the Army. At this time, the RAF's advanced fighter force was almost completely wiped out, leaving less than 50 Spitfires captured by the Germans, and a large number of scrapped airframes that were damaged and needed to be repaired or dismantled into parts. Most of the bomber units have been preserved, but due to lack of spare parts and fuel, they were parked on the side of the runway and rusted, and most of the models were old and dilapidated.

Originally, the navy's equipment was the main target of the Germans, but now part of it has been seized by Canada. The so-called Eastern Fleet may only have a few old warships. Fortunately, the British mainland's military port base shipyards, various design institutes, research institutes, military academy research institutes, equipment laboratories and other scientific research institutions are also considerable assets, which can make up for some losses to some extent.

Yannick sneered. "Canada has eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard." The straight-line distance between Canada's capital, Ottawa, and Greenland is more than 2,500 kilometers, completely within the combat radius of German long-range bombers. However, in order to avoid irritating the United States, no military bases were built in Greenland, and only a few weather stations were established on several coastlines. Therefore, even if Yanik wanted to bomb Canada, he would have to wait until a military base in Greenland was built before he could carry it out.

But compared to military operations, he now has a better way to deal with these bastards who don't know where to start. "Now that gold is gone, the pound cannot support its value. And as far as I know, since the outbreak of the war, the pound has devalued crazily. The purchasing power of the pound today is less than half of what it was before the war, right?" German Cheng Tons and tons of counterfeit currency are put out, so it would be strange if they don’t depreciate. Fortunately, Britain surrendered quickly, otherwise if it had persisted for another two or three years, the value of the pound would be about the same as toilet paper. "If we don't find a solution, I'm afraid the British economy will collapse before long. Tsk tsk, the two prime ministers have really committed an unforgivable crime against the UK. They really should be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever."

The British senior officials were a little embarrassed by these words and could only smile and nod in agreement.

Yannick ignored their reactions and continued. "In this case, in order to save the British economy and prevent the world's economy from falling into chaos, we have an obligation to solve this big trouble, right? We issue new currencies that can ban the British pound, mark, franc, lira and other European currencies. A single currency. Let’s call it the euro, our own European currency.”

"New currency? Euro?" Everyone was stunned after hearing this. This is not a trivial matter. If it is not done well, it will cause economic chaos around the world!

Yannick nodded. "Yes, it is the euro. I know some of you will not be reconciled. But think about it, the British treasury is so empty now. Once a country with rich reserves of pounds wants to come to the UK for exchange, or there is a run, the pound will immediately It just collapsed.”

"..." Everyone here is not a fool. Of course, they know that once there is a run on the pound in this difficult situation, the pound will immediately turn into waste paper, followed by a catastrophic blow to the British economy; this kind of blow It will be more deadly than the economic crisis of ten years ago.

After a quick discussion, everyone decided that this might be the most effective and direct way to save the British economy. There are also disadvantages. For example, Britain will lose its currency dominance and completely become a vassal of Germany, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Who made them a defeated country.

"Your Highness, when will the euro start to be issued?" the finance minister asked.

"We have already prepared enough euros for exchange, and they will be delivered this afternoon. The exchange will last for half a month starting from tomorrow, and we will no longer recognize the original banknotes after half a month."

The later Euro was officially used in 11 countries (euro area countries) including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain on January 1, 1999. It will replace the currencies of the above 11 countries on January 1st.

Now is a time of war. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. Coupled with Yannick's one-stop dictatorship, it only takes half a month for the euro to replace the currencies of most European countries. "I know this is not an easy matter." He also knows that it is definitely a big project for people across the country to go to banks to exchange currency. "But I believe that if we all work together, we will be able to complete it successfully." If it cannot be completed, then it will either have different intentions or it will be a waste. No one will cooperate with a waste, let alone someone with different intentions. Everyone knows what will happen.

Deputy Prime Minister Clement hurriedly took the lead and assured. "Please rest assured, Your Highness, we promise to successfully complete the mission."

"Not only Europe, but also other countries have to exchange them, and they also don't wait for expiration." Yannick continued. "But there is a premise. If Canada wants to exchange, it must first return the British gold and fleet. Similarly, if the United States wants to exchange, it must return France's gold. If it refuses, then the European foreign exchange in their treasury will be lost. All turned into waste paper.”

As early as July 1, 1867, after the British North America Act (later renamed the "Constitution Act 1867"), Upper Canada (now Ontario) and Lower Canada (now Quebec), as well as New Brunswick The Canadian federation composed of the provinces of Nova Scotia and Nova Scotia already has the right of local self-determination and does not belong to the colonial areas. Therefore, the Canadian Constitution and foreign, economic, monetary and other autonomy, the official currency is not the pound, but the Canadian dollar.

However, as a quasi-colonial or dependent country, Canada hoards a large amount of sterling foreign exchange. In addition, European countries naturally have a lot of foreign exchange.

The same is true for the United States. This is not the era of dollar hegemony in the future. The United States also holds a considerable amount of foreign exchange from European countries. If France's gold is not returned, then there will be no chance of converting the foreign currency and it will be left in your hands as waste paper!

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