Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 501 Young Soldier

"Oh God!" Seeing tanks one after another leaving the town, Commander Brooke's legs went weak and he almost lost his balance. "How did they transport the tank here?!" Although I don't know the specific data of the German tank, it seems that its size must be at least more than 20 tons. What kind of transport machine can the German army transport such a behemoth? !

Of course, the German army did not have such a large transport aircraft. They just disassembled the tanks, transported them to Boumare and reassembled them.

"Quick, push up all the anti-tank weapons!"

As mentioned earlier, the veterans here have been transferred to the front line, and the more sophisticated weapons have also been transferred. Now the so-called anti-tank weapons in their hands are only 2-pound anti-tank guns and 9mm Bose anti-tank rifles.

The 9mm BOSS anti-tank rifle is loaded with a 5-round magazine, and an excellent shooter can achieve 1 round in 6 seconds. It fires 99 armor-piercing projectiles and can penetrate 21mm steel plates at 100 meters and 15mm steel plates at 300 meters. From 1937 to 1940, the British Royal Small Arms Factory and the Canadian Inglis Company produced a total of 62,000 rifles.

Before the outbreak of World War II, tanks in all countries were weak. Taking the German Type 1 and Type 2 tanks as an example, the armor thickness of the former is only 13 mm, and the side and rear armor of the latter is only 16 mm, which can be penetrated by the Boss anti-tank rifle.

It was just that not long after the war began, the German army's main tanks changed into Type 3 and Type 4 tanks. Therefore, the British Army's Bose anti-tank rifle can only be used against armored vehicles, armored cars or trucks.

Its weight is as high as 16 kilograms, and it can carry more than 20 kilograms of ammunition, which is more than twice the weight of the Bren light machine gun. Such a heavy weapon is a nightmare for anti-tank gunners. At the same time, the length of the gun is also 6 meters, which is inconvenient whether it is carried on the back while marching or traveling by car or boat.

The most important thing is that its use is more dangerous. The effective range of the Bose anti-tank rifle is 460 meters. In fact, in order to ensure the penetration capability, shooting is carried out at a distance of more than 100 meters. Attacking armored targets at such a close distance and using such a large weapon is tantamount to advertising.

Anti-tank guns with low attack power often have no effect even if they hit the enemy several times in a row. At this time, the enemy will definitely counterattack immediately. Where can the hotshot with a 6-meter long gun hide at a mere 100 meters away? Almost certain death.

Over time, no one in the British army used this waste.

What’s even more interesting is that during the Dunkirk evacuation, the British army discarded thousands of anti-tank guns. After the Germans captured them, they simply threw them into warehouses and even resmelted them for steelmaking, thinking they were outdated weapons. Later, the British transferred 3,200 Bose anti-tank rifles to the Soviet Union through the Lend-Lease Act, and the latter also gave them to the guerrillas and second- and third-line reserve forces.

"Prepare the anti-tank guns and fire at close range!" Division Commander Brook ordered loudly. "Put it 100 meters away and then hit!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dense rockets hit the British position, covering the British position with firepower. The British position was turned into a sea of ​​​​fire; the frightened shouts of British soldiers and the screams of the wounded were everywhere. Before the bombardment ended, there was a continuous roar in the sky.

The corners of Commander Brooke's mouth twitched, looking desperately at the Il-2 attack aircraft group approaching from far away in the sky; they did not have any anti-aircraft weapons here.

The German tank is still one kilometer away. The Il-2 attack machine group has flew over the British position and began to use rockets, machine guns, and machine guns crazy; Can't stop them. The defeated army rushed over like a tide and broke through the interception of the supervising team. The platoon leader of the supervising team was even trampled and seriously injured by the defeated troops.

In the headquarters, the staff officer panicked and advised. "Commander, the defense line has collapsed. Please give the order quickly." Either retreat or surrender, or you will have to die here. We all have light weapons. Can a rifle kill such a big guy? Do not make jokes!

"..." Just when Commander Brooke was hesitating, the German tank group was getting closer and closer, 1000 meters, 500 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters...

There were also many brave British soldiers who did not flee, but the conspicuous 2-pound anti-tank guns had been completely destroyed, leaving only a few 9mm Bose anti-tank rifles firing bullets at the approaching German tanks.

However, this kind of counterattack was tantamount to tickling the opponent. Before he could fire a few bullets, he was blown up by the grenade fired by the tank.

Seeing that the German tanks were less than fifty meters away from the first trench, Commander Brooke seemed to finally recover and shouted loudly. "Retreat, get out of here!"

The Jackal tank's engine made a dull roar, and its tracks rolled over the trench. The trench was not wide enough to block the tank from crossing, and it drove across the trench easily.

The British soldiers hiding in the trenches just picked up the cluster grenades, and the infantry fighting vehicles following the tank troops also rushed to the trenches. The paratroopers who rushed out of the tanks pointed their guns condescendingly at the British soldiers holding cluster grenades in the trenches, and pulled the triggers mercilessly.

The remaining British soldiers quickly raised their hands to express surrender.

Watching the British soldiers lining up to walk out of the trenches with their hands raised, Fred felt a little uninterested. Rather than saying that our side is too strong, it is better to say that these opponents are too weak! There was no suspense in the battle at all. A charge came over and the battle was over without even a fierce blow!

He had just lit a cigarette and had not taken a few puffs when he suddenly pointed at a soldier in the British army and shouted in English. "You, that's you, come here!"

It was a very young soldier, so young that he looked childish. When Fred called him, he trembled in fright and came over hesitantly. "Sir, what are your orders?" There was a lot of dust on his young face, and his eyes were full of fear and anxiety for the rest of his life.

"What's your name? How old are you? How long have you been in the army?"

"Thomas, 17 years old, has only been in the army for two months."

"17 years old?" Fred frowned slightly. "So you're a minor? How could you join the army?"

"Prime Minister Churchill ordered that all persons over the age of 17 must join the army."

Fred translated these words to the surrounding German soldiers, and everyone couldn't help but feel contempt. "You can go to the front line with a gun and a knife if you have the ability. It's really shameless to send these underage children to die."

But they would not have thought that in the original time and space of World War II, Germany also recruited many underage children at the end of the war to replenish its military resources in order to maximize its military strength. Because these children's military uniforms were printed with a "baby bottle" pattern, they were nicknamed "baby divisions."

In April 1944, the "Baby Division" was put into use and deployed to northern France to guard against Allied landings that might occur at any time. At that time, the "Baby Division" had a strength of 20,000, equipped with 177 tanks, 700 machine guns, 70 mortars, 37 field guns, and 33 anti-aircraft guns.

On April 20, the "Baby Division" ambushed the 27th Canadian Tank Regiment and won a complete victory. But just ten days later, the troops suffered heavy casualties, with more than half of the company and platoon commanders killed. 4,000 people in the division were killed and 8,000 were wounded and missing. When the battle lasted until August 15, the young division that had 20,000 troops two months ago had only the last 500 men left.

Fred ordered a soldier beside him. "Hans, take him to Holler, he should be interested." Holler is a reporter with the army.

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