Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 485: Charge into battle

Jonas and others carefully touched the location of the weapon box, and soon saw the shining fluorescent rod in the distance. When parachuting at night, several fluorescent sticks will be tied to the weapon box, and during the day, they will be replaced with several smoke bombs to facilitate the search by the paratroopers.

"Found it!" A soldier exclaimed excitedly. Just as he was about to run over, Jonas pulled him back and fell to the ground.

Jonas shook his head, picked up the telescope and looked around carefully. "The location of the weapon box is really good. If the British hide in the grass behind and ambush us, we will be shot as soon as we get close."

The weapon box fell into an open space, but less than fifty meters behind the open space was a patch of weeds half as tall as a man.

And Jonas smelled a hint of danger.

One soldier said disapprovingly. "It can't be such a coincidence, sir? This is outside the city. There should be no British here at this time, right?"

Jonas glared at him and scolded. "Sometimes it's such a coincidence. Remember, if you are careful a hundred times, you may not be in danger, but if you are rash once, you will lose your life." After observing for a while, he ordered. "Get the submachine gun and let's go around behind that patch of grass. It's best if there's no one around. If there are, kill them all!"

The six of them were divided into two groups and carefully walked around behind the grass from both sides.

Sure enough, Jonas saw the British soldiers lying in ambush in the grass. These soldiers seemed like hunters waiting for their prey to approach, patiently waiting for the Germans to fall into their trap. Unfortunately, they never dreamed that six guns were already aimed at their backs.

"Fire!" Jonas yelled, pulled the trigger of the Scorpion submachine gun, and started shooting. With a rate of fire of more than 800 rounds per minute, the 30 rounds of ammunition in the magazine were instantly fired in less than three seconds.

Six submachine guns sprayed 180 rounds of bullets in just three seconds, sweeping towards the eleven British soldiers who had no idea that death was coming. Some unlucky British soldiers were shot by dozens of bullets and died, while the luckier ones were seriously injured and struggled to see the enemy behind them.

They came out to search for German paratroopers and found a German weapons box here. The squad leader leading the team concluded that the Germans would definitely come to search for the weapons boxes, so he simply set up an ambush in the grass and waited.

Unexpectedly, the rabbit did not wait, but the god of death came.

Jonas put a new magazine into the submachine gun and muttered as he changed. "These guys are a little clever, but they are obviously inexperienced and they did not defend their own rear." These British soldiers have a large number of people. If they are led by experienced officers and arrange personnel to guard behind them to guard against the enemies behind them, they may suffer a loss. It's Jonas and the others.

And their negligence just gave Jonas and others the opportunity to come over silently.

The soldier on the side said with lingering fear. "Sir, thank you for being cautious, otherwise we would be the unlucky ones."

Jonas smiled disapprovingly. "As long as you have survived a few life-and-death situations, you will be as cautious as me. Okay, don't hesitate, go get the weapons." Several people quickly opened the weapon box and took out an MG3 machine gun and a forced Cannon fire, two iron fists. There are six of them, one carries a machine gun, one carries a mortar, two carry ammunition respectively, and the last two carry two iron fists and are responsible for covering.

"Let's go to church!"

Just as Jonas and his party eliminated the group of British soldiers who set up an ambush, fierce battles were also taking place in other places.

The German paratroopers were not supermen and were not indestructible. They also suffered certain casualties, but these casualties were insignificant compared to the losses of British soldiers.

Because the Germans did not land at one point, there was news of frenzied attacks by German soldiers everywhere. Many defense points failed to withstand a round of attacks by German paratroopers before being breached. All the British soldiers could do was to flee in panic. , or be killed on the spot.


The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood, so strong that it almost made people sick. But Yitzhak didn't care about this. He took off a grenade from his chest, pulled out the safety, and threw it into the window above his head that was spitting out tongues of flames. Then he rolled aside quickly to avoid being affected by the explosion.

"Boom!" The huge explosion shattered all the glass windows at once, and the sound of machine gunfire stopped abruptly, replaced by the painful screams of the British soldiers in the house.

"Not dead?" Yitzhak frowned slightly, worried that the British soldiers inside were still capable of resisting, so he took off another grenade, put on the fragmentation sleeve and threw it in.

Grenades can be divided into defensive grenades and offensive grenades. To put it simply, soldiers on the defensive side can hide in the fortifications after throwing grenades. Therefore, "defensive grenades" mainly rely on fragmentation to kill and are more powerful. The attacker has no fortifications to conceal. For their own safety, grenades mainly rely on shock waves to kill, and their power radius is much smaller. This is the "offensive grenade".

The M24 long-handled grenade can be said to be one of the symbols of the German army in World War II. However, Yannick abandoned the hollow wooden-handled grenade early on, which even the Germans found too complex to manufacture, and chose an oval body stamped from thin metal skin.

Because of its thin skin and large filling, this grenade is far more powerful than the M24 grenade. Yannick also ordered the military industry department to develop a fragmentation sleeve that can be put on the grenade. There are two layers of small steel balls of different sizes on the fragment sleeve, and the sleeve is elastic, so it can be easily put on or removed from the grenade. It can be mounted on not only German oval grenades, but also round or cylindrical grenades from other countries.

Therefore, the current German standard grenade can easily switch back and forth between defensive and offensive types.

"Boom!" After an explosion, the room became completely silent.

After waiting for a while to make sure there was no movement, Yitzhak stood up carefully and looked into the house. I saw the corpses of six British soldiers lying in random directions in the room. Two of them were blown to pieces, and the other corpses were also quite miserable. They were covered in blood after being blown up by steel balls from grenades.

After confirming that they were absolutely dead, Yitzhak waved his hand towards the far corner. Soon a group of German soldiers came running from the corner. The captain leading the team looked into the room and patted Yitzhak on the shoulder. "Well done, Yitzhak, you'll get a medal."

The position of the British defense point was very tricky, and their team did not have heavy weapons to destroy this defense point, so they were blocked in the corner by the British firepower and could not move. Fortunately, Yitzhak stepped forward at the critical moment and knocked out this firepower point. Otherwise, when the British army brought in a mortar, these people would have to be killed here.

Because the most critical defense point was breached, this group of German soldiers cut directly into the flank of the British defense line, and the British defense line, which was not very strong in the first place, immediately collapsed. "Retreat! Retreat!!" The British commander also realized this and hurriedly ordered a retreat. Perhaps his shouting exposed his position, or maybe it was just bad luck. A grenade happened to roll down at his feet, and then the British commander's shouting stopped completely.

As a result, the battle turned into a one-sided massacre, and nearly a platoon of British soldiers fell to the guns of German paratroopers. Neither side seemed to have considered surrender.

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