Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 480 European Union (2)

The anchor point of the gold standard is gold. For example, it stipulates how many grams of gold a unit of banknotes can be exchanged for. Institutional credit is still needed as a guarantee. For example, banks and other institutions absorb gold on the market, and then give notes (notes) to people who deposit gold, and replace them with Physical currencies such as gold and silver circulate in the market, and credit is reflected in the fact that if you need it, the bank can use your bills to exchange for gold. If you have to talk about the advantages, it is probably because the reserves of gold are limited and the amount of banknotes that can be issued is limited. The public basically does not have to worry about inflation.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious. The industrial revolution brought about great progress in productivity, per capita output increased rapidly, and more and more commodities were produced. Using gold as an anchor limited the total amount of currency. Gold-standard currencies were scarce relative to commodities, so Will result in product price reduction.

In other words, as long as you buy it later, the price will be lower. It costs 100 yuan today, and it may only cost 50 yuan tomorrow. Of course, ordinary people definitely want this, but in fact, when everyone wants to delay consumption, today’s cost It may be more expensive than the goods produced tomorrow. No one is willing to invest in starting a business, because it is the best result to put the money in your hands and let others set up the factory. Great deflation will bring about a great depression, and everyone wants to start a business again in the future. Consumption, in addition to daily necessities, is also cheaper in the future. Without consumption activities, there will be no employment. If you don’t want to spend money earlier to buy goods produced by your own company, how can you expect others to buy your things? and pay salaries, the economy would come to a standstill and the result would be the collapse of the entire society.

Therefore, the currencies of later generations are basically credit-based.

Under the credit standard system, a country's money supply does not depend on the country's metal reserves, but on the monetary policy formulated by a country's government based on its judgment on economic development or other factors. Under this system, the money creation process is easy, the cost is negligible, and it is controlled by the government to varying degrees.

"In 10 to 20 years, the status of the euro should be completely consolidated. Of course, it may be faster; by then it will transition to a credit standard system."

Prime Minister Pétain couldn't help but wonder. "But we don't have that much gold."

Yannick smiled. "Prime Minister Pétain really knows how to joke, isn't that gold you store in the United States?" At the end of the French War, France secretly transferred 2,226 tons of gold to the United States, and Germany intercepted more than 400 tons of gold, which means there are still 1,800 tons. of gold exists in the United States.

Prime Minister Pétain looked a little ugly and said very depressed. "Those damn Yankees won't give it back."

"You don't want to spit out the meat you put in your mouth? Or do they still expect De Gaulle to make a difference?"

After de Gaulle fled to the UK, he published a "Letter to the French People" on the BBC, announcing the establishment of the "National Council of Free France", referred to as "Free France".

However, only the United Kingdom recognized the legal status of "Free France". At the same time, Germany also supported the "Vichy French" puppet regime. Later, De Gaulle united some French colonial countries to fight the German army in North Africa. These colonial countries wanted to cooperate with the US military. , but the US military thought they could deal with the Germans and had to fight alone.

In August 1940, the "British-French Joint Force" led by de Gaulle failed to fight the German army. De Gaulle established an operational base in Africa, crossing the Mediterranean from the North African battlefield to fight against Italy. There were about 70,000 French armed forces overseas, most of which were concentrated. In the African battlefield; in addition, there were many French guerrillas in the German-occupied areas who had been fighting the German army, and some people who moved to London through Spain also participated in the "Normandy landing". At the end of World War II, the armed forces in various parts of France had reached 500000.

At this time, not many people responded to De Gaulle. De Gaulle and his thousands of people were hiding in Tibet like bereaved dogs. I heard that he had fled to North America not long ago.

Yannick said nonchalantly. "Don't worry, there will be ways to get the Americans to spit out the gold. Italy should be able to come up with 1,000 tons of gold, or more; Spain had that batch of gold stolen by the Soviet Union, and now 200 tons is the limit. The British The war reparations, plus the 2,000 tons of gold we can provide. Adding those from other countries, it should be no problem to collect five to six thousand tons of gold.

Let's continue talking about the European Union. Today our German technology is far ahead, and in the near future we will control the world's largest oil production area. "

Prime Minister Pétain was shocked. "Are you planning to attack the United States?"

Before and after World War II, the major oil-producing country that bore the brunt was the United States. The United States' oil production reached 70,000 tons in 1930 (the Soviet Union's oil production during the same period was 18.5 million tons). By 1940, the United States' oil production was 205.91 million tons. In 1941, the oil production was 192.35 million tons, definitely ranking first in the world. !

On the other hand, although the Middle East also produced oil at this time, it was not the world's main oil-producing region and accounted for only 5% of the world's oil production. It was not until the 1950s that the Middle East became the world's major oil-producing region.

Yannick shook his head. "Of course not. My attitude towards the United States is that I won't offend him unless he offends me."

Prime Minister Pétain was shocked when he heard this. "Your Highness has found an oil-producing area again?" Or is it the largest in the world? !

Yannick just smiled and talked for a while before Prime Minister Pétain finally asked the question he was most concerned about. "Your Highness Yannick, what position will we be in this European Union?"

Although only half of Vichy France is left, its strength is not weak. In terms of economy, France remains the world's leading economic power. Vichy France had to pay 400 million francs in occupation fees to Germany every day, which shows France's economic strength.

Although France has lost its northern industrial zone, it still has a relatively complete industrial system and industrial strength. France can still produce various modern weapons and equipment such as aircraft, tanks, and warships.

The code-named SO-6000 jet aircraft project, which was secretly developed by the Vichy French Southern Aircraft Company in 1943 in the original time and space, fully demonstrated France's industrial and technological strength. The aircraft was successfully tested in 1946, making France one of the world's leading jet aircraft. The ranks of aircraft powerhouses. In addition to developing jet aircraft, Vichy France has also successfully developed an electric vehicle with a top speed of 30km/h. The research and development of new French tanks has not stopped.

Even though France lost half of its country, the Germans still did not dare to push too hard. If the French are pushed into a hurry, everyone will die, and the Germans will probably lose a few teeth. Although Vichy France fell to Germany to a certain extent, this preserved France's strength. This is also an important reason for the rapid rise of the French after World War II.

Yannick smiled. "Your country naturally ranks second."

Prime Minister Pétain seemed relieved and asked again. "What about England?"

"Britain can rank fifth or sixth." What will be left of Britain after this war is over? Tens of millions of civilians waiting for food, countless desolate cities, and colonies that are about to fall apart?

"That's very good." Prime Minister Pétain showed a comfortable expression and talked about another thing. "Has your Highness heard? King George VI is ill."

Yannick also heard the news. George VI was bedridden recently, but there was no more specific news.

Prime Minister Pétain sighed. "If George VI dies, then his eldest daughter will take over the throne, right? How old is that little girl?"

"Of course." Before Queen Elizabeth went back last time, he also persuaded the two children to stay in Germany, but Queen Elizabeth took them back. Maybe she also knew that George VI would die soon. .

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