While Yannick was explaining the space program to the little sisters Elizabeth, the waiter came up to ask for permission to serve the food.

"Let's eat first."

Queen Elizabeth, mother and daughter looked at the exquisite dishes placed on the table by the attendants in amazement.

"I like Chinese food, I hope it suits your taste."

Margaret said curiously. "Brother Yannick, what tableware are you using?"

Yannick shook the chopsticks in his hand. "These are called chopsticks; they are oriental tableware."

"I want to try it too."

"Okay, little Elizabeth, do you want to try it? Where is Her Majesty the Queen?" The dishes on the table are all easy to use with a knife and fork, but since she wants to try them, it doesn't matter. Yannick asked someone to bring a set of cutlery and placed it in front of Margaret.

Margaret couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, but she held them in a cross shape. "Hey, how could this happen?"

While Margaret was struggling with chopsticks, eight dishes and one soup were already placed on the table. Although it is not an exaggeration to say that Yannick, with his current status, would eat a full banquet every time, he does not like to be extravagant and wasteful, and usually only eats two dishes and one soup. The aroma of the dishes filled the air, causing beggars on the roadside to kneel down and cry immediately after smelling it; Yannick even saw Queen Elizabeth swallow her saliva and smiled. "Margaret, stop playing around. You won't be able to learn it for a while. Eat quickly. Her Majesty the Queen won't worry that I have poisoned the food."

Poisoning food is one of the most common methods of political assassination in the past. As early as the ancient Roman period, King Mithrada VI of the Pontic Kingdom who fought against Rome used prisoners to conduct poison experiments; and the Roman tyrant Nero also Slaves were forced to taste various fungi in order to distinguish which ones were poisonous and which ones were edible. In addition to using crystal wine glasses and gemstones, which were said to be poison-testing, to test food, European kings in the Middle Ages also had full-time poison testers. These poison testers were always the first to taste the dishes prepared for the king to ensure that the dishes were not poisonous. Being poisoned.

In the ancient East, there were also incidents where emperors were poisoned to death by tampering with their meals. "Zizhi Tongjian·Jin Ji 8" (Volume 86) records that Sima Zhong, Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty, "In November, at night, Jisi, the emperor was poisoned by food, and he died in the Xianyang Hall at Gengwu.". (On November 17th, Emperor Hui was poisoned by eating wheat cakes at night, and died in the Xianyang Hall on Gengwu (18th day).) Therefore, in order to ensure food safety, the royal family usually used two methods. One way is to let others taste the meal before the emperor eats it. This job is often the responsibility of the eunuch serving the meal, which is called "tasting the meal." If it is poisonous, the emperor can avoid the danger of death.

Yannick attaches great importance to food safety issues and will have professional testers inspect each dish to ensure it is safe before eating it with confidence.

After trying several times, Margaret finally gave up in frustration, picked up a spoon and scooped out a spoonful of fragrant, milky-white soup.

"Wow!" Margaret couldn't help but exclaimed after taking a careful sip. "Brother Yannick, what kind of soup is this? It's delicious! I've never had such a delicious soup."

"Cross carp soup, Margaret, what do you usually eat?"

Margaret pouted. "Besides potatoes, there are potatoes! There are also hard salted fish! Mom, why are you staring at me?"

A look of embarrassment flashed across Queen Elizabeth's face, and she lowered her voice and spoke sternly. "Talk less while eating and concentrate on eating."

Yannick persuaded with a smile. "Your Highness, there is no need to be too strict with children, as it will kill their innocence."

But Margaret didn't dare to say another word, she just buried her head in eating voraciously. I saw her eating a lion's head, a portion of shark's fin, and most of a squab like a whirlwind. Seeing that the whole squab was about to be eaten by her, Yannick looked at Queen Elizabeth in surprise. "Does she usually eat this much?"

Queen Elizabeth asked softly. "Margaret, why do you eat so much?"

Margaret slurred with her mouth full of food. "Wow, these are so delicious. I won't be able to eat them when I go back. I want to eat them all."

"..." Queen Elizabeth was stunned for a moment, her eyes suddenly turned red, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Seeing this, Yannick quickly spoke. "Margaret, you will stay here for a few days, you can eat slowly."

Margaret's hand that was about to pick up the food paused in the air, and she looked at Queen Elizabeth in disbelief. "Is it true? Aren't you going back tomorrow?"

"Well, really." Queen Elizabeth covered her eyes with one hand and nodded, standing up hurriedly. "Sorry, excuse me."

Yannick asked Margaret as he watched Queen Elizabeth hurried out. "Are you okay? Did you eat too much?"

Margaret patted her belly and said with a smile. "It's a bit full, but I feel like I can still eat some."

"Don't eat anymore, or your stomach will burst." After saying these words, Yannick got up and walked out of the restaurant, and found Queen Elizabeth on the balcony not far from the restaurant. A sob that was extremely suppressed and too low to be heard came from under the slightly shaking shoulders.

"Her Royal Highness the Queen." Yannick stepped forward and handed out a handkerchief.

"Thank you." Queen Elizabeth thanked her and took the handkerchief to wipe the tears from her face.

Yannick sighed softly. "Children should not have to endure wars between adults, even the princesses of the royal family. I can't imagine the dire straits that ordinary people in the UK are living in."

Queen Elizabeth opened her mouth and was about to say something when Yannick spoke first. "You can't expect mercy from your enemies for this kind of thing, right?"

Queen Elizabeth glared at him resentfully and turned to look at the moon outside the window, wondering what she was thinking.

Yannick watched the moon with her quietly for more than ten minutes. He really felt a little bored. When he was about to persuade her to go back to eat, he heard Queen Elizabeth ask in a low voice. "Your Highness Yannick, what you just said about flying away from the earth, can it be realized?"

"Does Her Royal Highness the Queen think I am coaxing a child?" Yannick asked seriously. "Of course it can be achieved. In a few years, we will break out of the earth."

Queen Elizabeth said in disbelief. "How is it possible, with the current technology..."

"Are you trying to say that an aircraft built with current technology cannot reach the first cosmic speed?" A proud smile flashed across Yanik's face. "That's what you think."

"What?!" Queen Elizabeth was shocked. "Has Germany already developed this kind of aircraft?!"

"How can the development of science and technology in Germany be understood by ordinary people? Sorry, no offense, but in my opinion, although you are an honorary doctor of law from the University of Leeds and a queen, you are still an ordinary person. Of course, I am not exalting myself. Meaning. Your Highness the Queen, do you know why I started this war?"

Queen Elizabeth said without thinking. "Of course it's to wash away the humiliation of the last war."

Yannick shook his head slightly. "You see, you still can't escape the thinking of ordinary people. I can tell you truthfully that launching a war is not for revenge, expansion, or conquest. I just want to integrate as many resources as possible. I'll ask again You have a question, if the UK gets the resources to integrate the whole of Europe, what will it do?"

Queen Elizabeth thought for a moment and sighed. "Your Highness must have the answer."

"Naturally, we want to build more warships, build more aircraft and cannons, and conquer more land; we will not give up until we become the master of the earth. But I am different. Not all the integrated resources have been invested in the war. , a large part of it is invested in the plan to explore space. Perhaps Her Royal Highness the Queen will ask why it is necessary to use war to integrate Europe. So, if it were you, could you persuade the European countries to unite and cooperate sincerely? Just Several countries will have to fight over who will be the boss. Not to mention the UK, a troublemaker who doesn't want to see Europe integrated into one, is trying to make trouble."

"Prejudice and selfishness are the weaknesses of human nature. Six thousand years have passed since the origin of civilization, but human beings have never diluted their aggression and various kinds of discrimination. It is simply impossible to get people from different countries to work together."

"Now that Germany has swept across Europe, it is obvious to all that it is the leader of Europe. Naturally, everyone looks to Germany as the leader."

"Of course, there is a saying that 'If we divide for a long time, we will unite, and if we unite for a long time, we will divide.' Even if Europe is integrated now, it may be divided again in the future. But before that, I will take the lead in going into space, just like Columbus discovered the New World. ."

"If Britain's goal is to dominate the oceans, then our journey will be to the stars and the sea!"

(I’m updating one chapter today. Sorry, I’ve run out of saved manuscripts, so I can only update one chapter in the past few days.)

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