Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 460 Special Envoy

Molotov collapsed.

As a staunch revolutionary, he could regard death as unyielding; but as a husband and father, he could not imagine what kind of inhuman torture his wife and daughter would suffer in that kind of hell.

Yannick curled his lips inwardly when he saw Molotov bursting into tears and crying like a man. Do you know what the cycle of cause and effect is?

After crying hysterically, Molotov lay on the sofa like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"It seems that Mr. Molotov has already figured it out? If you are worried about your daughter's safety, we can take her to Germany for protection."

Hearing Yannik mention his daughter Svetlana, Molotov regained some expression on his face.

"Of course, it's not difficult to take it over secretly, cause a fire or car accident, and subvert one's strengths and weaknesses."

Molotov opened his mouth, looking like he was hesitating to speak, and he spoke after a long while. "Really? You can guarantee Svetlana's safety?"

"Of course." Yannick said seriously. "I never treat my friends in the empire badly. I can guarantee that no matter what happens in the future, your daughter will live a peaceful life. Now I want to know what agreement the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union signed?"

Molotov couldn't help but feel confused and pointed at the newspaper. "Don't you already know everything?"

"These are just speculations by the intelligence agencies and there is no definite evidence."

"This conjecture is very close." Molotov told the secret agreement between Britain and the Soviet Union in detail.

"So that's it. Hey, Churchill really spent a lot of money." Yannick couldn't help but sigh. India is known as the "jewel in the crown of the British King". Even this pearl can be ceded. This is indiscriminate medical treatment for a sudden illness. What? Unfortunately, the Soviet Union failed to live up to its expectations and is still struggling on the Finnish battlefield.

"Then you two will talk slowly." After saying these words, Yannick left the living room, returned to the bedroom and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Reinhard came to report. "Your Highness, Molotov hopes to secretly send his daughter to Germany as soon as possible."

Yannick nodded. "No problem, just contact Natasha to make arrangements. What did he say?"

Reinhard looked excited. "He talked a lot, but he mastered so many things that he couldn't finish them in a short while."

As soon as Reinhard left with his front foot, Ribbentrop arrived with his back foot. "Your Highness, the British side is sending a special envoy."

"Oh?" Yannick raised his eyebrows. "Is Churchill willing to pay a "peace negotiation fee" of 50 tons of gold?" Churchill was so stupid that he would rather give Spain 200 tons of gold than pay a "peace negotiation fee" of 50 tons of gold. Now he finally can't hold on anymore? "Tell them that the 'peace negotiation fee' has increased in price. We will not negotiate without 100 tons of gold." Once Northern Ireland is recovered, the UK will completely become a turtle in the urn. By then, let alone 100 tons, even 1,000 tons. He was not interested in talking about gold either.

Ribbentrop said with a strange expression. "They didn't say anything about the gold, but the envoy was Queen Elizabeth."

"Queen Elizabeth?" Yannick was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and nodded. "Command bases V1 and V3 to rest for a day."

On the other side, the Irish army finally launched an offensive into Northern Ireland.

Because the British pulled the Northern Ireland troops back to the mainland, the Irish army's offensive was quite smooth.

However, although there was no resistance from regular troops, they were harassed by many stragglers.

When the armored troops were heading towards County Armagh, Northern Ireland, in a weed pile on the outskirts of County Armagh, three old men with gray beards were playing with a two-pounder bang-bang cannon. Three Lee-Enfield rifles.

The two-pounder boom gun was derived from the MK II 40mm machine gun during World War I. In a sense, this thing was gradually enlarged from the Vickers machine gun. The basic design of the MKVIII type in World War II did not change much. . This thing was the shame of the 40mm machine gun in World War II. It had a short barrel and low muzzle velocity (the early MKII was less than 600m/s, and the MKVIII during World War II was 730m/s). The bomb weight was also small, and the power was insufficient. It had a 14-round ammunition chain. The sustainability of the ammunition supply is only that much. It is completely incomparable to the Bofors 40mm machine gun, and it is only slightly better than the German 37mm hand-operated machine gun.

The three old men methodically opened the ammunition boxes, loaded the magazines, and waited with bated breath for the armored troops approaching from afar. When the armored troops passed by three hundred meters away, he aimed at the side armor of one of the tanks and suddenly stepped on the trigger.

Boo! Boo! Boo!

Armor-piercing bullets passed over the flat field at a speed invisible to the naked eye and hit the Jackal tank.

However, the shell did not hit the fragile side armor, but the strongest turret front armor. Just a few sharp collision sounds of "ping...chirp" were heard, and all the shells bounced in all directions, flying without a trace.

"Enemy attack! Three o'clock direction!!"

Although they were not the German Wehrmacht, they were still foreign legionnaires who had experienced hundreds of battles. Faced with this sudden sneak attack, they did not panic. More than one pair of eyes saw the smoke emitted when the two-pounder was fired, and infantry firepower of various calibers was immediately poured on the bushes. Grass blades and branches flew in the dense barrage, and soon the two-pounder Bang Bang cannon hidden behind the grass was exposed to everyone.

But after the two-pounder banger fired three shells, the fourth shell did not fire. "Damn it, you bastard!!"

Just as the three old men were hurriedly removing the dumb bomb, the turret of a "Cheetah" self-propelled anti-aircraft gun traveling outside the armored force had already turned around.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The two-pounder bang cannon's thin shield was shattered in an instant. The terrible firepower repeatedly fired the two-pounder bang cannon several times. It stopped firing only after confirming that the target had been completely destroyed.

A jeep carefully drove to the haystack, and several soldiers carefully checked the surroundings before returning to the team. "Sir, just one bang-bang cannon and three old men, they were all beaten into a hornet's nest."

The officer spat with disdain and ordered. "Keep moving!" We encountered many harassment battles like this during the French campaign. The results almost always ended in tragedy, with the gunners often losing their lives on the spot in addition to the admiration of their courage from onlookers.

The armored troops drove into County Armagh, which almost became an empty city. They did not stop too much and went straight to Belfast, the first payment in Northern Ireland, 50 kilometers away.

The entire area of ​​Northern Ireland is only more than 14,000 square kilometers. If everything goes well, Ireland will be unified in three days at most.

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