Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 451 Guerrilla (1)


In a hidden cave in the southern mountainous area, a group of young people in ragged clothes and sallow faces were gathering around a fire to keep warm. They were wearing Polish military uniforms, but these uniforms were already in tatters, making them look like a group of beggars.

These "beggars" are Polish guerrillas. After the fall of Poland, these former Polish soldiers did not surrender to the German army. Instead, they retreated into forests and other places to form guerrillas. They used their actions to prove to the Germans that not all Poland People are willing to be slaves to the subjugation of their country.

But guerrilla warfare is quite difficult. They attacked German transport convoys several times and paid a heavy price. Initially they had more than 200 people, but now there are only more than 50 people left. Even the German logistics transport team is equipped with heavy firepower such as armored vehicles and mortars, which is naturally much stronger than the guerrillas who only have rifles and grenades.

The arrival of cold winter has made the activities of these guerrillas who are about to run out of ammunition and food more difficult. After all, people always have to eat, and guerrillas are not gods, so they don’t have to eat or drink.

Katzper, the captain of this guerrilla group, decided to take a risk and go to a nearby village to collect some food. He took out the map and looked at the surrounding environment carefully. "There is a village called Dika 4 kilometers to the southeast, and there is also a village called Bewata 6 kilometers to the south."

The guerrilla next to him spat, with a look of disgust on his face. "I know that Dika, there are quite a few Judas pigs living in the village!"

In later generations, there was a film and television drama called "Our Fathers", which was based on World War II.

The Polish partisans in the play hate the Jews so much that even though they can accept a rebellious German as a teammate, they cannot accept the Jews.

After World War I, for Poland, which had finally recovered its country, the top priority was to build a national identity. One of the main tasks was to promote the Polish language. However, among the Polish Jewish community, 79% chose Yiddish. Polish is the first language, and only 12% choose Polish. This cannot help but make Polish nationalists doubt the loyalty of the Jewish people to the new country. Preventing and even persecuting ethnic minorities is a common phenomenon in newly independent nation-states, and Poland is no exception.

In addition, after the October Revolution, a large number of Jewish people fled Soviet Russia. According to the Riga Peace Treaty signed between Soviet Russia and Poland, the Jewish people in the disputed areas gained the right to freely choose their nationality, so hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees immigrated to Poland. On the eve of World War II, there were approximately 3.5 million Jews living in Poland, accounting for 10% of the Polish population. This has had a certain impact on Poland's economic and social stability, and even squeezed the living space of the Poles.

Because of their religious beliefs, Europeans discriminated against and rejected the Jewish people, thinking that they were "European Gypsies", so Western Europe expelled them to Eastern Europe. Poland is a country that believes in Catholicism, and Catholicism also discriminates against the Jewish people. That’s why the Polish partisans in the TV series said, “Killing a Jew is like drowning a cat.” This shows that they had little sympathy for the Jews and were even full of resentment.

In addition, during the war, there were rumors that the Jews were Soviet traitors and had betrayed Polish interests. Next, the Soviet Union and Germany carved up the territory of Poland, which basically confirmed the previous rumors. The Poles changed from a certain degree of discrimination to hatred, and some unfriendly behaviors towards the Jews occurred.

When the Jewish people in Warsaw were driven out of their homes by the German army and rushed into the quarantine zone, the surrounding neighbors, the local Poles, took the opportunity to move in and live in these high-end residences.

When World War II ended, some surviving Jewish people returned to their hometowns and asked their former neighbors to move out. These Poles found excuses and began to raise their butcher's knives against the Jews.

From 1945 to 1946, there were at least 50 murders of Jewish people in Krakow and other places. The murdered people were all survivors of the Nazi massacre. The purpose of the murderers was to prevent those Jews from returning to their homes. Those Jews who died in the Naz massacre could never come back, and their houses and property were taken away by their poor neighbors without compensation.

These events triggered two waves of Polish Jewish emigration (deportation) abroad. Entering the new century, anti-Semitism once became the main obstacle to Poland's accession to the European Union.

"Then let's go to Beva Tower." Although they were happy to plunder the Jewish people, if they made too much noise, they might attract the German army, so Katzpel decided to go to Bewa Tower.

They didn't dare to act during the day, so they could only wait until dark, then quietly descended the mountain, and Bevata rushed to Bevata Village.

After walking cautiously for a long time, they saw the village of Bevata in the distance. When they arrived at the outskirts of the village, Katzper asked the team to stop and hide, and he quietly sneaked into the village with two people, and carefully knocked at the entrance of the village. The door of the first house.

"Who is it?" A weak voice came from inside the house.

Katzpell lowered his voice and whispered. "We are guerrillas."

"What?!" The people in the room were startled, as if something fell to the ground with a clang. After a while, an old man in his fifties came over and opened the door. "I am the mayor of this village. Are you really a guerrilla?"

Katzpell patted the gun on his back. "Hello, village chief, we are truly guerrillas, that's absolutely true."

The village chief was stunned for a few seconds with his mouth wide open, and his expression changed several times. However, Katzpel did not notice that he was carrying the candlelight in the room.

The village chief, who had regained his composure, quickly pulled them into the house. "Come in, come in. Just the three of you? Have you eaten? Come on, let's warm up by the fire first."

Katspel was so moved by the village chief's warm concern that he almost shed tears. "A group of us came, and everyone else was outside the village."

The village chief sighed. "It's so cold that they can freeze outside. Call them over quickly. I'll greet the villagers and ask them to prepare some hot food. Don't worry, no Germans will come here."

"Thank you, village chief." Katzper couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and ordered a team member to inform others to enter the village.

After everyone entered the village, the village chief also found several villagers and asked each household to receive several guerrillas.

Katzper and the three team members were kindly retained by the village chief and stayed at his home. Katzpell chatted while helping wash the potatoes. "Village chief, do the Germans often come to harm the villagers?"

"The Germans don't like us in this small place. Life is pretty decent. But...hey, are there any other guerrillas around here?"

As far as Katzper knew, they were the only guerrilla group within a few dozen miles, but in order to cheer up the village chief, he was still very sure. "Of course, our guerrillas are spread all over the country and will drive out the German devils sooner or later!"

While the team members were waiting hungrily, the potatoes were finally cooked. Just as they were devouring the potatoes, a sudden shout came from outside. "The German patrol is coming!"

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