Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 448: Thunderstorm Plan

“We will never admit defeat, never surrender! We will defend our homeland at all costs, we will fight on the beaches, we will fight on the enemy’s landing points, we will fight in the fields and streets, we will fight in the mountains.

We would never surrender, even if our island or a large part of it were conquered and starved; of course I never believed that would happen. Our Imperial subjects abroad will also continue to fight until the New World brings forth all its power to save and liberate the Old World when God sees fit. Long live Britain! for freedom! ! "

Listening to Churchill's hysterical speech on the radio, Yannick curled his lips in disdain. "crazy."

"It seems that Prime Minister Churchill is already struggling to his death." Elder Bloom, who was sitting opposite, agreed with a smile.

Yannick waved his hand and asked the secretary to turn off the radio. "Elder Broome, why are you here today? I know that the young Judah men in the army are fighting hard, and I also know that you have made a lot of efforts in the United States."

At this time, the number of Judah soldiers in the German army exceeded 500,000, and this number was gradually increasing. This is not surprising. The catastrophe of the Jewish people in World War II in the original time and space is well known, but at that time, there were at least 150,000 Jewish soldiers serving in the German army. Even Air Marshal Erhard Milch was of Jewish descent.

As for how these 150,000 Jewish ancestry appeared in the German army, during World War II, Germany proved that its ancestry was issued by relevant agencies. Although the Jewish people in the German army were also cleared out at the beginning, as the form of war changed later , Germany began to relax its policy, allowing some people of Jewish descent to join the army.

At the same time, most of the top German military leaders during World War II would also find ways to protect the Jewish soldiers in the army. At the same time, the Führer himself could also have privileges on the issue of whether he was a Jewish person. Many Jewish people or people with only Jewish ancestry, the Führer Corresponding certificates will also be issued. In other words, as long as the head of state says that you are not a Judah, you are not a Judah.

Germany's No. 2 figure, Göring, also helped his Judah officers change their blood certificates, because many Judah officers made great contributions to the German army.

Moreover, at that time, it was a very safe way for Judahs or people with Judah ancestry to serve in the German army. As long as the people of Judah could enlist in the army, their families would be protected from persecution. Although there are not many promotion opportunities for these Judah soldiers, it is related to their bloodline. Soldiers who were a quarter of Judah's blood still had a chance to be promoted.

"It should, it should." Elder Bloom asked with a few words of humility. "I heard that General Rommel has conquered Egypt?"

Yannick smiled. "Is Elder Bloom here to remind me not to forget our agreement?"

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"Don't worry, I'm not a forgetful person, and I always keep my word. But now is not the time. Elder Bloom also knows that the Soviet Union is attacking Finland, so do you know where the Soviet Union's next target is? "

Elder Broome asked doubtfully. "It can't be Germany, right?"

Yannick nodded. "Exactly, we have received accurate information. After the Soviet Union takes over Finland, our next target will be us. They have even formulated a plan called 'Thunderstorm'."

There are different opinions in later generations as to whether the "Big Thunderstorm" plan was real.

The "Secret Files of World War II" published in 2001 (written by Russian scholar Boris Vadimovich Sokolov) believed that the Soviet Union had already had a "Thunderstorm Plan" to attack Germany!

The mustache is a war maniac, but the bearded man is not a vegetarian. Britain and France engaged in "appeasement" back then, trying to divert the disaster to the Soviet Union, and then watched both sides suffer and then reap the benefits. In the end, they got involved in it. . The little beard was fighting hard on the Western Front (at that time, only Britain was resisting tenaciously in Western Europe with the help of the Strait). Would the big beard have the same idea, and want the little beard and Western Europe to lose both sides in the fight, and then...

It was based on this strategy that in March 1941, the Supreme Command of the Soviet Army formulated the "Strategic Plan for Western Front Expansion", which was to attack Germany (the 1939 "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Agreement" made the Soviet Union and Germany directly bordering each other)! The original plan was to attack on June 12, but due to lack of preparation, it has been postponed.

But Stalin and other senior leaders of the Soviet Union did not expect the madness of Mustache: he invaded eastward before the Western Front had any plans, which made the Soviet army at a loss.

This is what the "Secret Files of World War II" says.

To put it another way, even if the "Thunderstorm" plan did not exist, there must be no other military preparations for the Soviet Union to attack Germany. Normal countries would imagine and formulate military strategies based on neighboring countries as imaginary enemies. This is called being prepared. For example, Canada formulated the "Department of Defense Plan No. 1" to invade the United States.

At the beginning of the last century, intelligence obtained by the Canadian military showed that the United States was studying a combat plan to invade and annex Canada. In response to this, both the Canadian military and political circles were very nervous and urgently convened manpower to study countermeasures. Since the United States is much stronger than Canada, no matter how it defends, the US military will be in a crushing situation. Faced with this situation, some radical military officers suggested that since we couldn't hold on, why not adopt a preemptive offensive strategy? If the Canadian army can invade the United States, then the US military will definitely not dare to invade Canada!

According to the Canadian military's vision, on the eve of the US military's invasion, the Canadian Army will concentrate its elite forces to launch an attack on the United States from the western front, seizing cities such as Seattle and Portland with lightning speed. They sought to disrupt the U.S. military's offensive plans and thereby preserve Canadian territory. Of course, in addition to the western front, Canada also set up two offensive routes: the eastern and central lines. However, these two fronts do not focus on offense. Instead, they adopt defensive, guerrilla and other tactics to delay the US military's offensive as much as possible, and if possible, sneak attacks on other American cities. At the same time, the Canadian army that invaded the United States did not take it as its mission to occupy cities. Instead, it wanted to destroy various facilities in the United States as much as possible and weaken the United States' war potential. When the combat objective is achieved, the Western Front troops must quickly retreat to assist other troops in resisting the US attack.

The question is: Is the Soviet Union's "Western Front Expansion Strategic Plan" part of a general military plan, or is it really the Soviet Union's national strategic war? Tragic reasons), what are so many troops used for? Are they used for attack or defense?

German Field Marshal von Manstein's analysis in his book "Lost Victory" is that the Russian army should be a strategic preparation that can "respond to a variety of situations" and be used for defense in peacetime, but once "the world changes", They tore up the "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact" and moved westward, but overall they were still on the defensive, but this was also a great threat to Germany. Of course, this was the German view, as was also stated in The Lost World Empire by another German general, Armin von Roon.

In fact, this can also be seen as a kind of excuse. The Germans said: We are not that "guilty", we just took action earlier than the Soviets. If we don't take action, the Soviets will beat us.

However, even if this plan really existed according to the Russian scholar, the Soviet Union's performance was not much better.

"Even if the Soviet army really takes action ahead of the enemy, such as launching an attack on June 12 as previously planned, the losses they will suffer will not be smaller than the losses they suffered during the implementation of the 'Barbarossa' plan. ." - "Secret Plans for World War II"

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