Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 441: Trip to Egypt 1

The next day, Irish Prime Minister de Valera, President de Grassehead and Jonas signed an alliance agreement; then a Declaration of Independence was read out, announcing that Ireland would abandon neutrality and declare war on England.

As soon as the agreement was signed, Germany immediately sent 100 520 fighter jets to Ireland. By the time the armistice agreement between Germany and France came into effect, the arsenal in Toulouse, France, had produced a total of 437 520s, 351 of which were delivered to the French Air Force, and 52 to the French Navy and Air Force. During the campaign, 520 lost a total of 106 aircraft, of which ground losses and flying accidents accounted for the majority.

In addition to the dozens of 520s owned by Vichy France, the remaining more than a hundred became trophies of the Germans.

The Germans naturally looked down upon this kind of fighter that was no match for the BF109F, and almost chopped it up and burned it. Now that Vichy France is also producing BF109, the 520 fighter jets are naturally useless and are just used to support Ireland, which has little air power.

And although the 520 fighter jet is no match for the German BF109F or the British Spitfire, it can still compete with the British Hurricane fighter jet. Pierre Legrand, the ace pilot of the original time and space, once shot down 6 "Hurricanes" and 1 "Fighter" of the Royal Air Force in his 5200 fighter jet.

Considering that there were not many pilots in Ireland, the Germans also sent pilots there. There are many Frenchmen in the German Foreign Legion, many of whom are pilots.

The only trouble is that in order to transport supplies to the Irish port, mines must be cleared first to clear a channel. Fortunately, the Germans were well aware of the mines they had laid, and they were able to clear them quickly.

On the other side of the North African battlefield, Rommel's army has surrounded the city of Cairo, and Yannick can't wait to leave for Egypt. However, he did not go to the front line to express condolences, but to find the pyramid.

The plane landed at a temporary airport built near the Pyramid of Khufu.

Stepping out of the cabin, a feeling of stuffy heat hit my face.

"..." The temperature in Berlin at this time was below zero, and it felt like it was at least 27 or 8 degrees here. Yannick took off his thick coat and walked down the ladder.

"Welcome to Egypt, Your Highness." Standing at the bottom of the gangway was a high-spirited Rommel. In the North African Campaign of the original time and space, when Rommel advanced to a place more than 100 kilometers away from Romania, he was already at the end of his efforts, and in the end he could only return in vain with hatred.

"Well done, General Rommel. I heard that there are at least 300,000 soldiers in Cairo. Is General Wavell preparing for street fighting?"

"Yes, Your Highness. As long as you give the order, our army will be able to lay waste to Cairo immediately."

Yannick shook his head. "Don't worry, he wants to fight in the streets, but I won't let him get his way! You just need to besiege Cairo City. In two days, they will have a taste of what is called a super weapon that can destroy the world." As he said this, he looked away. From a distance, he sighed. "Oh, it's really spectacular."

What he looked at was the famous Sphinx.

The Sphinx is about the thickness of a street and the height of 6 stories. It faces due east. On the two days of the spring and autumnal equinoxes every year, you can watch the sun rise from the front. The crouching posture of the stone statue is as if it has finally decided to move forward after sleeping for thousands of years. In terms of location selection, people at that time must have done very careful research and measurements before deciding on this location overlooking the Nile Valley. Local materials were used to make the building 30 feet (about 14 meters) higher than the nearby hills. The head and neck of the Sphinx are carved from the limestone mountain top. The rectangular limestone on the lower side of the hill was carved into the body and separated from the surrounding environment to highlight the carvings. The builders at that time also dug a 5-meter-wide and 6-meter-deep tunnel around the statue. The ditch makes the Sphinx proudly independent and unique.

"Do you think that Khafre really looks like this?"

Sphinx, who is the owner of this face? The most mainstream theory in later generations is Khafre, the pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt. This view appears in all standard Egyptology textbooks, encyclopedias, archaeological magazines, and common scientific literature; it has been accepted as historical fact.

The only problem is that, short of using a time machine, none of us can say for sure whether the Sphinx looks like Khafre or not, not even the most eminent Egyptologists, because Khafre's body has never been found. It has never been found, and all that can be done is to continue to study some existing statues.

Among all these statues there is one that is known to be the pinnacle of carving skills, and that is a statue of dark diorite. The statue now sits quietly in a room on the ground floor of the Cairo Museum. It is with this eye-catching and beautiful statue as a reference that scholars confidently assert that the Sphinx resembles Khafre.

Rommel said a little embarrassed. "Your Highness, I am not good at archeology."

Yannick asked again. "Do you think there might be a treasure hidden down here that could be as rich as the rest of the world?"

Rommel said seriously. "If Your Highness wants it, we can dig it up right away to find out what's going on."

Yannick laughed. "That's okay, I'm not the Napoleon in the rumors."

This Sphinx has no nose. To be precise, it originally had a nose.

There is a legend related to Napoleon: When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798, he was so arrogant that many people prostrated themselves before him. When they came to the Giza Pyramids, only the Sphinx looked toward the east and had no intention of bowing his head. Napoleon was so angry that he ordered the bombardment of the Sphinx. As a result, Napoleon's soldiers used the Sphinx as a practice target, and the Sphinx's nose was blown off during the test firing.

There is also a record that after Napoleon conquered Egypt, in order to find the hole for the treasure under the body of the Sphinx, Napoleon ordered his soldiers to dig everywhere. However, the soldiers dug for many days and still could not find the hole to enter the treasure house, so he became angry with shame. Napoleon ordered his soldiers to blast the statue of the Sphinx with cannon, so the nose of the Sphinx was blown off.

However, Yannick did not believe these rumors.

Although Napoleon was an invader, judging from the diaries and memoirs left by Napoleon, Napoleon was not just a warrior and would not act recklessly. He has been interested in history since he was a child, and he is a person who respects science and culture very much. There is a popular saying in his army: "Let scholars walk in the middle of the ranks."

Moreover, he himself is also a very knowledgeable person. When he was young, he was a talented student in mathematics, history, and other natural sciences. His research on Egyptian culture was no less than that of the famous scholars of the time. When he led his troops to Egypt in 1798, he led a scientific and artistic inspection team of nearly 200 people. This inspection team was composed of scholars in history, mathematics, architecture, language, and archaeology in order to study the history and culture of Egypt. . How could a person with such respect for culture do such blasphemy?

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