A mighty group of German bombers carried out a series of indiscriminate bombings in southern Scotland.

The British Air Force still acted like a coward, not daring to take off to fight. The idle escort fighters swooped down from high altitudes, using mounted rockets or machine guns to attack all seemingly valuable targets on the ground.

After the two rounds of bombing, the third bomber formation dropped a large number of mines.

The German air-dropped mines are mainly SD-2 bombs. Because their appearance resembles a butterfly after being dropped, they are also called "butterfly bombs"; they weigh about 2 kilograms. This kind of bomb is not used alone, but is placed in a container for distribution. There are usually 6 to 108 submunitions in a container.

During World War II in the original time and space, Germany dropped a large number of such bombs on Britain. The SD-2 butterfly bomb looks like a round pork can before it is deployed. Before it is ready to be dropped, ground crews need to install a special container at the bottom of the fighter plane to accommodate the SD-2 bomb. When the fighter plane reaches the target, the butterfly bomb will be released. After being released, each butterfly bomb will slowly fall to the target area like a "butterfly".

This weapon has caused serious damage to the UK. Unlike ordinary bombs, the SD-2 will not explode immediately after landing. Instead, it will become a very sensitive trigger mine. Once someone accidentally touches the butterfly bomb, it will It will cause a violent explosion, killing and injuring people within a few dozen meters. Not only that, this butterfly bomb can also change the type of explosives in the bomb, and a variety of combat options, including high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs, can be installed optionally.

Even the German army themselves were well aware of its power, so they called it the "egg laid by the devil." Even the German Army tried to avoid entering the throwing area.

For a period of time, this kind of butterfly bomb caused great panic in the UK. The British government also printed a large number of leaflets on how to deal with this kind of bomb to teach people how to avoid unnecessary casualties. However, despite this, many people still lost their lives. Here it is.

A British officer who experienced World War II once said in his biography that these bombs were everywhere, on roofs, beds, and even ceilings. To deal with them, you can only rely on courage! The bombs were sometimes used as booby traps to slow down the recovery of cities after they were bombed.

Butterfly bombs like these now cover the roads leading to Bumare.

An hour later, a group of JU52 transport planes carrying paratroopers arrived over Boumare. The pilot of the JU52 transport plane Fred was riding on saw signal flares rising one after another in front of him.

"Looks like that's it!" Pressing a button, the red signal light in the cabin lit up, accompanied by several harsh electric bells.

Fred, who was resting with his eyes squinted, suddenly opened his eyes. "Stand up! Get ready to skydive!"

All the soldiers stood up on the bumpy plane. They had heavy supplies hanging on their bodies, and it was very difficult to stand up. With mutual help, everyone finally stood up in the small cabin, and Fred opened the door next to him with force.


A biting cold wind suddenly poured into the cabin, and everyone shivered subconsciously.

Fred struggled to stabilize himself in the airflow and shouted loudly. "Hang up the umbrella lock! After checking, report the number!"

"Ready!" The first soldier hung the parachute lock on the cabin roof rope, pulled it hard, and reported loudly. Then the second and the third, and soon after the last paratrooper reported readiness, the red light above the hatch turned green.

"Start dancing! Don't forget the essentials!"

The first soldier jumped out of the cabin at his urging, then the second, and the third...

After making sure that everyone in the cabin jumped off, Fred also jumped forward and stepped out of the cabin door. There was only the whistling of the wind in his ears, and within a few tenths of a second, he felt his body being pulled by a huge force. This is the parachute hook hanging on the plane. It feels like the parachute is opened under the force of the plane's flight and the force of the body's falling.

The white flowers in the sky bloomed one after another, and then joined together, one after another, densely packed.

As he got closer to the ground, he could clearly see the British soldiers gathered on the ground, who were pointing at the paratroopers in the sky.

"It's unbelievable!" Now I can only pray that what the above said is true, otherwise they will become prisoners specially made and become each other's Christmas gifts.

Soon, his feet hit the ground heavily. Before he could unbuckle his parachute, a strong wind blew and dragged him four or five meters away. Fortunately, a British soldier next to him quickly grabbed the umbrella cover that was running around on the ground. Fred then calmly stabilized himself and unbuckled the umbrella.

"Thank you." Fred nodded awkwardly to the British soldier who helped him hold the umbrella. There was a striking scar on his face.

"You're welcome." The scarred man was Andrew. "I am Andrew, the temporary battalion commander. Thank you for your timely support."

As the temporary battalion commander, is he the one who led the rebellion?

Fred held the handle of the Scorpion submachine gun in one hand and looked around vigilantly. After making sure that the British soldiers around him were not hostile, he relaxed a little and said. "Commander Andrew, is there an airstrip here?"

Andrew shook his head. "No."

"Then we have to build it now. We need a flat piece of land, about 500 meters long and 30 meters wide. The flatter it is, the better; then it is compacted, the harder it is, the better."

"No problem." Andrew nodded and ordered the soldier next to him. "Adair, take a few people to look for such a flat land, and report back when you find it."

Watching the British soldiers leave, Fred asked again. "How is the defense here? Maybe a large number of British troops will come to attack here soon." This is a bit strange to say, after all, these people are also British troops.

"We took control of the radio station in time and cut off the phone lines; the news probably hasn't spread yet. But your parachute must have been discovered." Andrew pointed to the surrounding mountains. "It will be very difficult for the British army to cross these mountains. If you want to launch a large-scale attack, you can only launch it from the front. We have dug an anti-tank trench at the entrance of the town and dug two more trenches. Unfortunately, we don't have much here. Anti-tank weapons.”

Fred replied. "We brought some anti-tank weapons. As long as the runway is built, these will not be a problem. How are the civilians in the town?"

Andrew shrugged. "Most of the civilians in the town are the families of these soldiers. Now what can they do? Can they still kill their relatives out of justice?"

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