Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 355: Robbery at Sea (2)

At this time, the six destroyers responsible for the escort were also in chaos. They had to be careful to guard against German submarine attacks along the way, but now they encountered the opponent's aircraft. And it's not just one or two, but a total of 24 attack aircraft.

Those attack planes passed over the fleet, and the huge torpedoes and bombs they carried were clearly visible.

This place is so far away from mainland Europe, these aircraft must be German aircraft carrier-based aircraft, and aircraft carriers cannot be dispatched alone. They must at least be escorted by cruisers or battle cruisers. No matter which one they are, their old-fashioned destroyers cannot deal with them.

Just when Abt, who was in charge of the escort mission, was worried and at a loss, the telegraph operator reported loudly. "Sir, Germany, a clear telegram from the German Navy."

"Telegram? Read it!"

"My fleet has taken control of the waters around you. You have 5 minutes to surrender and raise the white flag as a sign. After 5 minutes, our naval aviation will begin to attack all ships that do not fly the white flag... I will send people to take over the surrendered ships, over. "After the telegraph operator finished reading, he looked at Abt with a worried look.

What does "send someone to take over?" mean? Are they trying to capture the entire fleet? !

After being stunned for a long time with his mouth wide open, Abt suddenly felt discouraged, his whole body became sluggish, and he waved his hands feebly. "Hang the white flag."

The transport fleet hoisted white flags one after another. Two of the destroyers turned around and fled, but were overtaken by two A-1 attack aircraft and easily sunk. With these two warships as demonstrations, the remaining ships did not dare to act rashly. , obediently waiting for the German navy to take over.

Not long after waiting, they saw several strange-looking aircraft flying in the distant sky.

"Oh my god, what are those?!" Most of these people had never seen such a new thing as a helicopter, and they watched in horror as the wingless planes whizzed past overhead, making loud noises. What is different from ordinary airplanes is that the huge propeller is above the entire airplane.

What's even more surprising is that these aircraft can actually hover in mid-air, with several ropes hanging from them. The fully armed German soldiers grabbed the ropes and quickly slid down to the deck, immediately taking control of the crew on the ship.

Abt was dumbfounded as he watched a total of 50 soldiers descended from this strange aircraft, with five soldiers on each ship, easily controlling ten transport ships.

This helicopter is the latest large transport helicopter produced by Germany. Yannick found that the appearance of this helicopter is very similar to the later Mi-6 heavy transport helicopter. I don’t know if it’s because there are two Soviet experts in the design bureau. Nowadays, German helicopters have a strong Soviet style.

Two Mi-6 heavy transport helicopters and several Mi-4 helicopters made two trips to control more than 50 transport ships. The German fleet was like a shepherd driving a flock of sheep, driving the transport fleet towards the nearest Sailing to the Strait of Gibraltar.

"Damn it!" Churchill gritted his teeth with hatred after learning what happened. The threat of German submarines is already great enough, and they even sent a fleet? !How shameless!

But there was nothing he could do about it. After all, they were warring countries. He couldn't protest that the other party couldn't use such despicable tactics, right? This is not an upright battle between ancient knights!

Cursing several times in his heart, he asked about another matter. "What happened to the Soviets?"

Aiden shook his head helplessly. "The news came from Lord Cripps (British Ambassador to the Soviet Union) that the Soviets had stopped their attack and were resting and preparing for the next attack."

A week after the war started, Finland's front lines were in crisis, and a total collapse seemed imminent. However, the four Soviet troops suddenly stopped to replenish themselves, giving the Finnish army a chance to breathe.

It stands to reason that according to the Soviet combat doctrine, it should be a rushing tactic of attack after attack, which will not give the enemy a chance to breathe; are they so complacent that they lie down and sleep like the tortoise and the hare in the race?

Of course not. In fact, the Soviet army also had its own difficulties. The first is the weather problem. This winter is the coldest in Europe in a century. In Finland, the nighttime temperature is often around minus 35 degrees Celsius. Soviet tanks must be started every two hours, and the water tanks of many trucks are full. If it freezes and cracks, the lubricating oil will often freeze causing the weapon to malfunction. In many places, the Finnish people spontaneously fortified walls and cleared fields, burning their houses to the ground before escaping. The Soviet army, which was ill-prepared to withstand the cold, often could not find a house even if it captured a village, and could only crowd into a few tents. inside.

In addition to weather, terrain is also a big problem. Except for the Seventh Army, the other three armies all found themselves trapped by the terrain. Their advancing routes were covered with dense forests and swamps, which the mechanical troops could not cross at all. They could only rely on a few narrow paths and a small number of Finnish troops. Just seal them up. Most of the Soviet infantry were soldiers from relatively warm areas such as Southern Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asia. They were simply unable to adapt to such cold snow battles. They also lacked snowshoes and snowboards, and even fewer of them knew how to ski. And little.

The ability of the one or two troops who had received cold training was also questionable. Their cold training manual actually had a chapter dedicated to teaching how to fight hand-to-hand with bayonets while wearing snow clogs - the Finns passed it around as a joke. Therefore, the movement of the Red Army troops is completely limited to the vicinity of roads, and cross-country movement is not possible. These peasant soldiers were also too curious and wanted to pick up the items left by the Finns and take them for themselves. Many of them died under the booby traps laid by the Finns. The Soviet vehicles had no camouflage and were all painted dark olive. The soldiers' combat uniforms were also khaki, which was particularly visible in the snow and became the best target for Finnish snipers. Therefore, all Soviet troops stopped to replenish themselves and prepare for the next wave of offensive.

Aiden sighed. "The Soviet army was blocked largely because of the various weapons and equipment supported by Spain."

"Damn it!" Churchill slammed the table hard. "Inform Samuel (the British ambassador to Spain) and see if we can get Spain out of the war."

In fact, Churchill also found that he had overestimated the Soviet Union's combat effectiveness. Could the Soviet Union, which could not even defeat a small country like Finland, defeat Germany? Not to mention attacking Germany, the German army might even push back.

However, even if Germany counterattacks, it doesn't care about Britain. As long as the two sides fight, it will be an endless fight; it can give Britain a buffer time without having to cede colonies, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

So the Soviet Union and Germany had to come into conflict.

As long as Spain no longer supports Finland, the Soviet Union should be able to win quickly.

Aiden coughed lightly and reminded. "You forgot that last time Samuel approached the Spanish deputy head of state Salazar. The Spaniards wanted to take revenge on the Soviets for the 560 tons of gold. Salazar also said that no matter who could give them 560 tons of gold, then They can immediately withdraw the volunteers they sent out."

Churchill frowned and thought for a long time, gritted his teeth and said. "As long as Samuel talks about less than three hundred tons, we will pay for this gold!"

Aiden looked at him in surprise. "Are you serious?"

Churchill nodded fiercely. "Of course! Don't worry, after the war is over, I will make them spit it out multiple times!" Although Spain declared neutrality, every move they made from the beginning of the war made Churchill hate him; he had secretly decided to wait until the war was won. Give them some good discipline and let them know what will happen if they anger the British Empire!

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