Just as the Soviet troops in front of the Mannoheim Line of Defense fell in droves, on the other side of the port of Hamburg, Germany, Dr. Albert and his wife Helene boarded the "New Jersey" passenger ship bound for the United States.

The two came to the VIP suite, and Helene handed the waiter a US dollar bill. "Don't disturb us, we will call you if anything happens."

After putting down the luggage and resting for a while, the New Jersey slowly left the dock with several whistles.

Dr. Albert stood in front of the window, looking at the dock that was getting away with some nostalgia, and sighed deeply.

Helene asked with a concerned look on her face. "What's the matter, dear? What's the sudden sigh?"

Dr. Albert hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth. "Dear Helene, I'm afraid we'll never come back from this trip."

"Why?" Helene's eyes widened in surprise. "Didn't you say you were just visiting a few friends?"

"Of course not." Dr. Albert showed a hint of uneasiness on his face. "His Royal Highness Yannick is secretly developing a super weapon. It is a terrifying weapon that can destroy a city with just one weapon."

Helene wondered. "Isn't that great? Germany will be invincible by then."

Dr. Albert shook his head. "Once successfully developed, it will be a 'Pandora's box' and will most likely bring disaster to the entire human race."

Helene's eyes flashed with a hint of evil, and her voice became a bit colder. "So you want to hand over the information about the super weapon to the United States?"

Dr. Albert, who was looking out the window in a trance, didn't notice anything strange about her and replied casually. "For the sake of peace for all mankind, one country cannot monopolize this technology. Only the United States' restraint can curb Germany's abuse of this super weapon."

Helene showed a cold smile on her lips, stopped talking, walked to the bed and lay down.

The two of them spent the day in an awkward atmosphere.

At noon the next day, Helene persuaded her again. "My dear, it's not too late to change your mind now, shall we go back?"

Dr. Albert said extremely firmly. "Dear Helene, I can promise you anything. There is no need to discuss this matter. Hmm!" Before he finished speaking, there was a sharp pain in his chest. He slowly lowered his head and watched in shock as it pierced his chest. dagger.

"Sure enough, you are so unfamiliar. You can't even kill with one knife?" The gentleness in Helene's eyes has long been replaced by coldness. There is no trace of emotion in the cold voice, which is chilling to the heart. "This is the first time I've seen someone talk about treason in such a righteous way. His Highness thinks so highly of you, and you actually want to defect to our enemies? Help the Americans research super weapons so they can massacre the German people? Damn traitor!"

He quickly tied up his fluffy hair, took out a passenger ship steward's uniform from the suitcase, and began to put it on. "Do you think I will really fall in love with an old man like you? This is all His Highness's arrangement. Ten years ago, His Highness had already expected that you would betray the motherland sooner or later, and personally sent me to lurk beside you." Xia Xi had already gained a lot of energy. Dr. Albert, who rarely vented his anger, Helene quietly slipped out of the guest room. She has one final mission, which is to disrupt the passenger ship's radio communications.

At this time, a few kilometers away, a German submarine was quietly lurking there motionless.

Suddenly, the sonar man reported loudly. "British submarine! At 2 o'clock, the distance is about 10,000 meters."

The captain, who was leaning against the bulkhead with his eyes closed to recuperate, suddenly got agitated. "We came just in time, where is our target?!"

"It's 5 kilometers away, heading this way."

The captain picked up the communicator next to him and ordered. "Attention all crew members on the boat, it has entered the first level of combat status and everyone on board has entered combat positions!"

The red light inside the submarine began to flash continuously, and some crew members who were resting in the living cabin quickly ran out and began to enter their respective posts.

"Report, the torpedo room is in place!"

"Report, the engine room is in place!"

"Report, the radar room is in place!"

On routine patrol in this area is the British Water Elf-class submarine Water Elf. Several sailors were bored on the deck looking at the "New Jersey" approaching from a distance.

Suddenly, a huge orange fireball rose up from the waterline under the bridge of the passenger ship, and then a thick column of water rose into the sky.

"Oh, Shet!!" Several British sailors were startled by the sudden explosion, and even the captain asked and climbed onto the deck. "What happened? Where did the explosion come from?"

Several sailors quickly pointed to the "New Jersey" in the distance. Looking at the passenger ship that had begun to tilt, the captain couldn't help but muttered. "Damn, what's going on? Could it be that it hit a mine? It's impossible. This is an international waterway. Even the Germans can't lay mines here."

Of course it wasn't a mine. The German intelligence agency secretly moved a full 300 kilograms of high explosives into the luggage compartment of the passenger ship. You must know that the warhead of the German 533mm torpedo is only loaded with 320 kilograms of explosives. Now that these 300 kilograms of high explosives have exploded inside the passenger ship, its power can be imagined.

The explosion instantly tore a 15-meter-long and 8-meter-wide hole in the hull near the waterline. The huge shock wave instantly blew away the seven watertight doors around the luggage room. The raging seawater filled the ship within thirty seconds. The three cabins connected to the luggage warehouse were full, and the huge passenger ship instantly tilted five degrees to the right.

Seawater poured into the cabin of this 10,000-ton ship like a flood from a collapsed embankment, pouring into the three huge boiler rooms on the bottom before the huge watertight gates were lowered. The unprepared sailors immediately swarmed to escape. The regular entrances and exits had turned into huge waterfalls. Countless sailors crowded into a mess around the four narrow escape ladders.

Less than three minutes after the explosion, seawater began to pour into the engine room, and the three steam turbines began to relieve pressure. With a deafening scream, billowing steam spewed out of the cruise ship's chimney like a volcanic eruption. The steam plume was as high as rice.

Only five minutes later, a boiler in the No. 3 boiler room that had not had time to close the furnace temperature observation port was filled with seawater. Although it did not cause a catastrophic boiler explosion, it produced a large amount of suffocating toxic steam.

This made the crew members, who were clinging to the escape ladder like ants, climb even more crazily, fighting for the last chance to escape.

The passenger ship completely lost power after the last bit of pressure leaked out of the steam pipe. At this time, the ship's roll had reached 12 degrees. The captain asked the damage control department about the damage to the ship and immediately issued an order to abandon ship.

Looking at the passenger ship that had tilted nearly 20 degrees, the British submarine captain issued an order to release life rafts to save people. After all, the United States was their friend and they could not ignore death.

While the British sailors on the deck were busy inflating the life rafts, a sailor on guard suddenly issued a hysterical warning sound. "Torpedo!!" Although he issued a warning in time, the distance between the two sides was too close. The two incoming torpedoes hit the British submarine, and the huge explosion directly blew away all the sailors on the deck.

Inside the German submarine, the captain clapped his hands with satisfaction. "It went smoother than expected! Ascending, I hope our hero didn't freeze. Correspondent, don't forget to send the message!"

Soon, radio waves from the German submarine spread rapidly in all directions.



"British submarines are attacking the USS New Jersey!"


"My ship is about to sink. The location is..."

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