Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 323: Cession of India

In the conference room of the Prime Minister's Office in London, Eden, who had returned from the Soviet Union, was reporting the Soviet Union's requirements to Churchill and everyone present.

"These greedy furry bears!!" Imperial Chief of Staff William Edmund Ironside said angrily. "We should have strangled them in the cradle." He seemed to have forgotten that when the Soviet Union was first established, capitalist countries like them joined forces to besiege the Soviet Union in an attempt to strangle the spark in the cradle.

Long before the "October Revolution", Lenin pointed out that the First World War was a war between imperialists, and put forward the peace proposal of "no territory ceded, no compensation", hoping to withdraw from this unjust war .

Britain and France, which are both Allied powers, are absolutely unwilling to see such a situation arise. The Russian bourgeois provisional government that was in power before the Soviets came to power advocated continuing to participate in the war as a member of the Allied Powers, which further deepened the hostility of the Allied Powers towards the new Soviet regime.

Less than three months after the Soviet regime was established, Francis, the U.S. ambassador to Russia, suggested armed intervention in his country, and British Foreign Secretary Curzon also called for action against Russia in Congress. This kind of hatred resonates with the opposition forces in Russia on the surface.

After the end of World War I, the Allied Powers had their hands free and decided to mobilize their forces to jointly attack the newly established Soviet regime; the United States even suggested establishing a military dictatorship first. As a former Allied Power, Soviet Russia signed a peace treaty with Allied Power Germany, which provided the Allied Powers with a reason to intervene. The Allied Powers used the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk as evidence of Soviet-German collusion to blatantly interfere in Russia.

At the beginning of the combination of the military strength of the Allied Powers and the domestic opposition forces, their military strength was far superior to Bushilvik, but what the Allies did not expect was Bushilvik's strong organizational ability and fighting will. Due to the intrigues within the Allied Powers and the separate administration of the White armies, the Soviet Red Army eventually defeated the White armies one by one and drove the foreign intervention troops out of Russia.

Now that these bastards have hardened their wings, they are asking for an Indian colony? ! This is really unreasonable! !

Churchill was smoking cigars one after another, and the air in the conference room had already been polluted to death, but the generals and marshals didn't pay attention and just waited quietly.

If only Germany was to be dealt with, Churchill could grit his teeth and hold on, scorning the Soviet Union's demands. But now that Germany, Italy, and Vichy France had formed an alliance, Churchill had to treat it carefully. What's even more terrible is that Italy and Vichy France now hate Britain so much that they want to eat its flesh and sleep on its skin. Especially in Italy, the fighting will of the whole army is unprecedentedly high; the young man who took office two days ago Queen Yatou officially declared war on the British Empire and issued a war mobilization order. Italy is stepping up its military expansion.

Churchill thought it was absurd when he thought of this incident. Is the whole country of Italy full of pigs? Can't you see such an obvious frame-up? !

But it's useless to say anything now. Churchill put out the cigar in his hand and said extremely seriously. "We need time now. At this time, only the Soviet Union can give us time. We must let the Soviet Union join in!"

Italy, which originally wanted to win over, has become a sworn enemy with no room for negotiation. There is no clear news from the United States. The only thing Britain can count on now is the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union can join in and provoke a war in the east, then the Germans will definitely have to do their best to deal with the threat in the east and give Britain a buffer opportunity.

As mentioned earlier, India is very important to Britain.

India has a vast territory, rich resources, a large population, and fertile land in the Ganges River Basin. It can be said that India is an important source of cheap raw materials for the United Kingdom and an important dumping ground for British products. At the same time, India's strategic location is very important geographically. It guards the transportation route from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and is the frontline for British aggression in Southeast Asia.

But now we have reached the most critical moment. For the sake of future victory, all colonies can be abandoned; in order to preserve the British mainland, all kinds of interests can be abandoned!

"If the British mainland is taken over by Germany, what is the use of those isolated overseas colonies? The British Empire is gone!" Churchill's words were already obvious. He was prepared to give up India in exchange for the Soviet Union sending troops.

But simply relying on a verbal commitment to send troops would hand over the Indian colonies to the Soviet Union. Such an approach would not be approved by Parliament at all! Fortunately, this is war time. According to the British Empire Emergency Act, Churchill can bypass Parliament when necessary, but at least he must have the support of senior members of the War Cabinet.

Of course, everyone present also knew about this procedure, but they looked at each other, and no one was the first to stand up and express their approval.

For the sake of the glory of the empire, it is difficult to accept the loss of Indian colonies, and if this kind of decision is spread, people will definitely point their spines and call them traitors. Even if they win in the future, they may still be liquidated.

Just when the atmosphere was so heavy that it was almost suffocating, a hoarse voice sounded from the corner of the conference room. "I support the Prime Minister's view." This person was Montgomery who luckily escaped the German torpedo attack and returned to the country safely. Although he was a defeated general, he at least had experience fighting the German army, and this experience was quite valuable, so he was promoted one level.

Montgomery also knew that what Britain needed most at present was time, so he supported Churchill's decision. "However, we must take preventive measures. After all, the Soviet Union and we are not in the same trench. We must prevent the Soviet Union from taking our India but not going to war with the Germans, or just using small border harassment to fool us. "

Montgomery thought carefully. Britain could not trust the Soviet Union. Even if Britain agreed to this deal, it would have to wait until the Soviet Union really launched a large-scale attack on Germany!

Otherwise, if the Soviets took this opportunity to swallow up India, and then turned their backs and refused to admit it, Britain would be in trouble.

Churchill nodded: "Yes, we must consider these issues."

Trading India for the Soviet Union to fight Germany is worth it for the current Britain. However, if India is given to the Soviet Union and the Soviets do not send troops, then the Churchill government will become a laughing stock all over the world, even the British Empire. sinner!

"Okay, now, I sign the Prime Minister's Order and fully promote this agreement!" Churchill ignored the objections of his men. Now, he must be responsible for the empire!

If the Soviets have any brains, they should know that once Germany completes the process of annexing France, it will become a behemoth. By then, it will definitely be a threat to the Soviet Union!

Taking advantage of the emptiness in eastern Germany, launching an attack on Germany and destroying Germany is the best choice for the Soviet Union!

I hope Stalin will make a wise move!

With the order signed by Churchill himself, Eden hurried to the Soviet Union again.

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