Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 317 Petroleum (repair)

How could this desert city far away from the mainland have such powerful air defense towers that even the capital Berlin did not have, and there were four of them built at one time.

There must be some secret in this P city.

Colonel Edman said with an innocent face. "Your Majesty General, you are now the top person in charge of P City. How dare I hide anything?" After thinking about it, he pointed to a row of buildings not far away. "If we want to talk about secrets here, then there are only those secret warehouses."

Secret warehouse? "Go over and have a look."

The car came to a huge warehouse that was at least three or four stories high. This was not the only one. There were more than a dozen warehouses of the same size neatly arranged.

There were several Guardsmen standing guard in front of each warehouse. When they saw Rommel approaching, they stood up and saluted.

Rommel returned the gesture and pointed to the warehouse. "What's in here?"

the soldier shouted back. "I don't know, General!"

have no idea? Rommel glanced at Colonel Edelman next to him in confusion. Colonel Edelman spread his hands. "Your Majesty General, don't say that I don't know what's inside. Even my predecessor and the previous one didn't know what's stored in these warehouses."

Is there such a thing? Rommel couldn't help but wonder. "Then you haven't opened it and looked at it?"

"No." Colonel Edman shook his head simply. "These warehouses require His Highness's warrant to be opened. General, why don't you ask His Highness for instructions? Your Highness is busy with everything, what if you forget that these things are here?"

"..." Rommel wondered whether the secret weapons stored here might help him sweep across North Africa, and whether he really should ask His Highness for instructions when Colonel Edman's aide-de-camp hurried over. "General, the engineering team sent by superiors has arrived."

I saw one truck after another driving into P City, and each truck compartment was full of people. Their muscular, slightly dark skin is obviously the result of long-term exposure to wind and sun.

A tall middle-aged man jumped out of the passenger seat of the first car and walked straight to Rommel. Rommel saw the logo of the resource exploration department of the German "Zeus" company on the chest of his overalls. "Hello, General, Mr. Colonel. I am Felix, the person in charge of this project." He took out a book of identification and handed it over.

Rommel took a look at the certificate and asked. "I am Rommel, the top person in charge here, and this is Colonel Edman. Mr. Felix, what project are you in charge of?" You must know that most of the people stationed in P City are engineering troops. Even if there are Why send this engineering team when they can handle any project themselves?

Felix stamped his feet vigorously and showed a mysterious smile. "General Rommel, we are here to find the lifeblood of the empire. Colonel Edman, have all the factories in the design been built?"

Colonel Edelman nodded. "It's been built."

"That's great, let's start right away. This is His Highness's order, please open those warehouses." As he spoke, Felix took out a piece of paper from the folder he carried with him and handed it over.

Rommel and Colonel Edman couldn't help but look at each other. Rommel took the piece of paper, and it was indeed stamped with His Highness's personal seal and signature.

Everyone came to the warehouse, and Rommel handed the warrant to the captain of the Guards guarding the warehouse.

The captain read the order and saluted Rommel. "Your Majesty General, our mission has been completed, let's leave now."

Rommel nodded. "Thanks for your hard work."

The huge warehouse door slowly opened, and the warehouse was filled with boxes of various sizes, each with an eye-catching number printed on it. Felix spoke. "Your Excellency General, we need to ask the soldiers to help us move these boxes to various places according to their numbers."

"No problem." Rommel asked Colonel Edman to gather the troops and start moving these things.

Watching the soldiers and workers move the boxes in an orderly manner, Colonel Edman asked again. "Mr. Felix, what exactly is the lifeblood of the empire you are talking about?"

"Since the warehouse has been opened, there is no need to keep it secret." Felix no longer concealed it. "The lifeblood of the empire is, of course, oil."

Even until later generations, oil will still be the lifeblood of the global economy. More than one-third of the world's energy production comes from oil, far more than any other energy source. Because industrial production and people's daily lives are inseparable from oil, oil can be said to be the lifeblood of industrial production. This means that if a country lacks oil, its development will be hindered for a long time.

Rommel and Colonel Erdmann looked shocked. "You mean there's oil under this desert?!"

They are pure soldiers and have little interest in economics, but they are well aware of the important role of oil in war.

World War I was a war between humans and machines, all of which were powered by oil. The war's dependence on oil was so great that it changed every aspect of war. With its strong oil production capacity, the United States provided 80% of the oil needs of the Allied Powers during the war, solving the oil supply problem of the Allied Powers in the later stages of the war. Germany, on the other hand, could only rely on Romanian oil, which had a small output. In the late war, after failing to seize Baku's oil, it fell into a severe situation with no oil available. In the end, Germany, which had an advantage in steel and coal, lost to the Allies, which had an advantage in oil. Oil became the "blood of victory" that determined the outcome of the war.

During World War II, oil became a key factor in the war situation. Germany's oil problem persisted throughout, and even affected Germany's strategic decision-making for a time. For example, at the beginning of the Soviet-German War, the German army's original goal was to occupy Moscow in the middle, Leningrad in the north, and the Caucasus in the south.

Just as the German army was approaching Moscow, it encountered energy supply problems and could only gradually change its goals. The main goal was to seize the industrial and coal-producing areas of Crimea and the Donets Basin, and cut off Russia's oil from the Caucasus. Supply (80% of the Soviet Union’s oil at that time came from the Caucasus oil fields). Seizing these places requires first cutting off the Soviets' supply line-Stalingrad.

As a result, the Battle of Stalingrad became Germany's Battle of Waterloo.

The German army fought successively in North Africa and was about to invade the Red Sea. Behind El Alamein was the Suez Canal, the British channel to the oil fields in the Middle East. However, the German army suffered a defeat in the Battle of El Alamein, and the troops later withdrew their previous defense lines. The reason There's only one thing: not enough oil!

The most critical thing in operations far away from home in North Africa is the fuel supply of armored forces.

Now when he heard that oil could be mined in this place, Rommel was so surprised and happy that he almost jumped up.

Felix said seriously. "I didn't say it, it was His Highness who said it."

Rommel asked anxiously. "Mr. Felix, how much oil can be produced here?! How long will it take to process it into gasoline?!"

Felix flipped through the folder. "Although the exact number is not yet known, judging from the amount of equipment prepared by His Highness, it is no problem that the oil production can reach 100,000 barrels a day in the early stage."

Rommel quickly calculated that one barrel of crude oil is about 137 kilograms, and 1 ton of crude oil can refine 29 tons of gasoline, which means that 4,000 tons of gasoline can be refined from the crude oil extracted in one day. "How long does it take to process it into gasoline?!"

"All the equipment here is complete. It will take about a week to install it. With the drilling of wells, finished gasoline can start to be produced in about two months."

Rommel couldn't help laughing excitedly. "Long live your highness, I will sweep across North Africa in two months!" (Friends who like it can add the group 126683280)

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