Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 291 Paris Military Parade (1)

If you search for "Paris attractions" on the Internet, you can see nearly 200 famous attractions. The four most famous buildings among such a large number of attractions are the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris, Louvre Museum, and Paris The Arc de Triomphe (Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe are not unique to Paris, there are Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame not only across Europe, but also in China).

Among them, the Arc de Triomphe is a "great sculpture" that Napoleon ordered to be built in 1806 to commemorate his victory over the Russian and Austrian allied forces in 1805 to welcome the triumphant French soldiers in the future. On August 15 of the same year, construction began according to the design of the famous architect Jean Chagren. However, after Napoleon was overthrown, the Arc de Triomphe project was stopped midway. After the overthrow of the Bourbons in 1830, construction continued. After 30 years of intermission, the Arc de Triomphe was finally inaugurated on July 29, 1836.

There are more than a hundred triumphal arches in Europe, but the Paris Arc de Triomphe is the largest one. It is located in the center of Paris. With the Arc de Triomphe as the center, 12 streets radiate to the surroundings. It is majestic and looks like stars, so it is called "star-shaped". square".

The Arc de Triomphe is 54 meters high, 82 meters wide and 21 meters thick. The central arch is 6 meters high and 6 meters wide. On the walls of the two piers of the Arc de Triomphe, there are four groups of large reliefs with war themes: "Conquest", "Victory", "Peace" and "Resistance". There are doors around the Arc de Triomphe. Inside the doors are engraved the names of 386 generals who followed Napoleon on his expedition and 96 victories. On the doors are engraved the history of French wars from 1792 to 1815.

It can be seen from the design of the Arc de Triomphe that this place represents the glory of France. It is even more meaningful and even ironic that the German Wehrmacht chose this place as the rostrum for the military parade.

Yannick has already vetoed the request to sign the armistice agreement in the Compiègne forest train carriage in Paris. If he vetoes even this military parade, then those military leaders may really have to find a corner to squat down and draw circles.

He also decided to satisfy the small vanity of those high-ranking military officials.

At this time, German soldiers preparing to be reviewed were gathering in a square one kilometer away. French people watching the excitement had already gathered on both sides of the street and on the balconies of the buildings. But what these people brought to the German soldiers was not pressure, but pride. And as Yannick witnessed with his own eyes, there were only a handful of people who were hostile to the German soldiers. The guards who were preparing to set out had countless envious looks from young men and women. What the young man noticed was the handsome uniforms worn by the guards, but of course the little girl's attention did not stop at the uniforms.

The first three phalanxes are the Guards phalanxes, the next five phalanxes are the Wehrmacht defense phalanxes, and there are armored vehicles, tanks and the like behind them.

The tanks one after another have been cleaned and arranged neatly, which is quite dazzling in the sun.

Reinhard, the deputy commander of the Guards, whipped out the sword he carried and pointed it into the air. "Our father, uncle, uncle, and even brother were only one step away from victory twenty years ago! Unfortunately, they failed in the end. But today, under the wise leadership of His Highness, we have finally completed what our ancestors had not completed back then. A long-cherished wish. At this moment, we want to use this military parade to pay homage to the fallen heroes, comfort their souls in heaven, and let them see that the Germany they sacrificed for has risen again!! Victory will always belong to us!"

"Long live the great Germany!!"

Tremendous cheers resounded over Paris.

The older French people gathered around looked at this group of German soldiers with high morale with complicated expressions. In twenty years, Parisians have almost forgotten Germany's steel-like army, but the army that reappeared in front of the Paris people today reminded countless French veterans who participated in World War I of the terrible opponents they faced back then.

This kind of morale coupled with advanced weapons and equipment means they are invincible. Who can defeat them? With Britain and France jointly unable to defeat Germany, the Vichy government's counterattack seemed hopeless, let alone that de Gaulle who went to Britain. It seems that ordinary people like them can only be Germans from now on?

Many people have already made up their mind to go to the bookstore to buy a German dictionary after the military parade. After all, they have to live under other people's rule, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to learn more of their language.

"The military parade begins! Guards, advance!!"

Reinhard made a show of swordsmanship, pointed the sword forward, and gave a loud order.

Reinhard was a handsome guy, and with his handsome uniform and such handsome moves, he instantly caused a commotion among the young men and women who were watching. But he stood in the car without looking away, leading the team towards the Champs Elysées. In the distance, the Arc de Triomphe could be seen.

The Champs Elysées is the most famous avenue in Paris. It runs through the east-west main road of the capital Paris. It is 1,800 meters long and about 120 meters wide at its widest point. It is a two-way eight-lane road, starting from the Place de la Concorde in the east and ending at the Place de l'Etoile in the west.

When traveling to Paris in future generations, this is a must-visit place. The world's first-class brands, clothing stores, and perfume shops are all concentrated here. The fireworks, grace and splendor are the most beautiful streets in the world.

Now, this street is trembling under the iron heel of Germany!

At this time, on the rostrum of the military parade, Yannick was chatting with Marshal Pétain who was sitting next to him. "Marshal, I don't know if you have read the newspapers in Paris today. There are many articles sympathetic to you. Two or three of them are newspapers that we have not had time to reorganize. It seems that my words yesterday had a lot of effect?"

"But I also said yesterday that the people who know you best are often not your friends, but your opponents. Those words are just words for outsiders. You may really love your motherland, but in your eyes it is being The Gonghe faction has eroded and moved towards the left-leaning motherland; betraying such a motherland does not have much psychological scruples for him. Isn't it?"

In other words, Pétain's betrayal of the country, in his eyes, was to repair the damage caused by the left to the country and to save the country that was "decadent and decadent due to hopeless individualism." At that time, Pétain, who was the ambassador to Spain, and Franco made it very clear, "They wanted me to go back and clean up the mess" - this was not necessarily for personal power, but rather it could be said that the officer corps vented their anger on Gong Heguo.

Petain was stunned for a long time, and finally said with a helpless smile. "I heard before that His Highness is so wise and powerful, and thought it was just the flattery of those people. Tsk, if the rulers of France were half as wise as Your Highness, or even one-third as wise, they would not be reduced to this."

Yannick smiled slightly. "Your Excellency, Marshal, will you choose to leave your name in history or remain infamy forever?"

At this time, uniform footsteps came from the distance, as if even the earth was shaking.

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