Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 289 Entering Paris

The Eiffel Tower, the iconic building in Paris, has been hung with a black, red and gold tricolor flag fifty meters wide and eighty meters long. Not only that, it has also been hung on all major buildings in Paris, such as the Paris Opera House, buses The square, city hall, etc. were all hung with tricolor flags without exception. It is no exaggeration to say that the tricolor flag has been flying in every corner of Paris.

Perhaps the victors of the last war would never have thought that just twenty years later, the same opponents would trample them severely this time. The German Wehrmacht also seems to want to use such a move to show that the current Paris is completely German Paris.

Although he disapproved of this approach, Yanik didn't want to spoil the fun of these people and silently looked at the scenery outside the car window.

Although they are both art capitals (Berlin at this time had not experienced the bombing of the original time and space, and many cultural buildings were intact), compared with Berlin, Paris has a different kind of beauty. It’s just that when Yannick visited Paris in the original time and space, he discovered that Paris had too many immigrants. Since it was a tourist city, there were naturally many tourists and many small traders. Standing under the Eiffel Tower and watching the Paris police drive away the vendors, my impression of Paris was greatly reduced.

Berlin gave him a much calmer and more orderly feeling.

A row of Mercedes-Benz limousines appeared on the street, which inevitably aroused some people's comments. For Paris, which had been occupied by the German Wehrmacht two days ago, the appearance of German troops on the street was not surprising. But before, all kinds of military vehicles were driving on the streets of Paris. This was the first time for a luxury business fleet to be seen like this. Some people have begun to use their imaginations to guess which big shot has arrived in Paris. It’s just that the windows of these vehicles are covered with the latest one-way perspective glass film developed in Germany. Even if the sunshades are not closed inside the car, people outside cannot see who is sitting in the car.

Rommel and Guderian looked nervously at the French people on the street outside. Even if these people did not use weapons, even throwing a few stones could be said to be disrespectful. They had previously proposed to bring at least a regiment and a few tanks to serve as escorts, but they were all rejected by Yannick.

This is not Serbia, and he is not Archduke Ferdinand. When France's defeat was already determined, it would be the ordinary French people who would be retaliated against by assassinating high-ranking German officials. And the more metropolitan you are, the more you care about this kind of face.

Moreover, the French are not suitable for this kind of assassination work. If they were in London, let alone a regiment, they would have to send a division to surround everyone, and beware of 007 who would appear out of nowhere and explode with one shot. off his head.

After entering the city center, Yannick asked the driver to drive slower and looked at Goebbels opposite. "Dr. Goebbels, look at these French people. What do you see in their eyes?"

"Hate." Goebbels replied respectfully after observing for a while. "Your Highness, I have seen hatred. But it is only a very small number. Most of them are silent, indifferent and indifferent."

Yannick smiled. "Hate is deserved. After all, we are the aggressors. No country lacks patriots, it's just more or less different." This is not the future Ukraine or Belarus, lining up to welcome the German army. "But do you think they will rise up and resist?" The citizens of Paris in the original time and space were also very panicked at first, thinking that the German army would kill, burn, and loot civilians, but none of this happened. Their lives were almost unaffected and they continued to repeat their old lives.

Because for political purposes, high-level German troops required all German troops stationed in France to conquer France like knights, and were strictly prohibited from burning, killing and looting France like bandits. Therefore, the French in the occupied areas can still enjoy a life of singing and dancing, drinking wine and dancing.

The German army did not set up many defensive measures in the occupied Paris. They simply felt very reassured about the Paris citizens.

Goebbels was a little confused. "You mean they will accept our rule obediently?"

Yannick nodded. "It's not that good, but it's better than the Poles or the British. In the war, the people are just spoils. Support whoever has good policies and brings good life. What's more, it was originally very bad and was abandoned by the government. In this mentality Who would be dissatisfied with us? We only occupied the political power and did not massacre the people. We will also give the people a better life. In addition, we have the same roots. Historically speaking, they are all descendants of the Frankish Kingdom. This is why I didn’t The reason why we agreed to set the surrender ceremony in the carriage where the Treaty of Versailles was signed." Yannick dismissed what Mustache did back then. Perhaps this was revenge for the French that imposed on the Germans in 1918. The humiliation on his body was equivalent to a slap in the face of the French.

The French are definitely the most arrogant and arrogant people in Europe, and they will not hide this pride, otherwise "Gaul Chicken" would not become synonymous with arrogance. Britain and France have looked down on each other for a long time. The French believe that Lao Tzu's food language and art are the best in the world. Of course, he cannot be inferior in other aspects.

France has maintained the most complete self-sufficient industrial chain in Europe until later generations. For this reason, it spends a large amount of government subsidies every year to support some industries that should have been eliminated long ago. This is completely impossible in the eyes of modern market economists. understand. For another example, although France has declined into a regional power, it has always been difficult to let go of its posture as a global power and actively took the lead in various international affairs, including military operations in Libya and Syria. They even let the seemingly useless Charles de Gaulle go out for a cruise on a regular basis to declare their presence on a global scale.

But the reality is that France has never been the leader of Europe since Napoleon. Previously, it followed the British to check and balance Germany on the European continent, and carve up interests in the Middle East, Crimea, and China. Later, it was quickly surpassed by its rising neighbor Germany. After World War II, France once again saw the opportunity to dominate Europe. The United States and Britain did not want to see France dominate the European continent and opposed excessive sanctions on Germany. France, out of the shame of being destroyed, became the country that imposed the most severe sanctions on Germany. But after a few decades, France actually became Germany's little brother in the EU.

In addition, it also made a large number of anti-war movies behind enemy lines (in some European low-cost World War II movies, the Germans were like the Japanese troops in Hengdian) to promote its important position in World War II. The annual Victory Day large-scale military parade has been held for decades, although the surrender took place within a few weeks o (╯□╰) o

In this case, Yannick generously saved the Frenchman's last face. After all, he wanted a lot more than Mustache this time, so he didn't care about small things like face. Moreover, the Chinese doctrine of moderation is imprinted deep in his soul, and he does not want to do anything too extreme for a target like France that can be won over. This will also help appease the people in the occupied areas.

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