Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 284 Princess Sylvia

Needless to say, Spain, the head of state who controls Spain is an agent of the Intelligence Service.

As for Romania, Romania and Hungary were Germany's die-hard allies in the original time and space, and were much more reliable than Italy, Italy, and Japan.

During World War II, the participating countries were divided into two camps: the Axis Powers and the Allies. We all know that the ** Group is mainly centered on the three countries of Germany, Italy and Japan, but compared with Germany and Japan, Italy's strength is often talked about and made fun of, always holding Germany back. At that time, Germany had a more solid fan in Europe, and these fans were Hungary and Romania.

Although Romania saw that Germany was going to be doomed at the end of the war, it immediately rebelled and joined the Soviet Red Army to fight against Germany. But Romania was undoubtedly the second largest Axis army on the Eastern Front before. The 3rd and 4th Group Armies had 27 divisions with a total strength of 20,000. Hungary also increased from the Carpathian Group in 1941 (approximately equivalent to an army, 440,000 people) to an army group (the 2nd Army), with 90,000 people.

As the Soviet Union advanced towards the German army, the Hungarian army once broke out with astonishing combat effectiveness in Budapest, cooperating with the German army on many occasions and causing huge losses to the Allied forces. Compared with the defection of Romania, another slave country, Hungary can be said to be Germany's most loyal younger brother. In the later stages of the war, as the German army was retreating steadily, the slave countries began to break away from Germany, but Hungary was the only one to choose a path to darkness.

Germany resolutely attacked Poland, and in less than 20 days, it completely destroyed Poland, the strongest country in Eastern Europe, followed by Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries, swallowing up all of these countries in one go. mouth. This made Mussolini, who was originally going to watch a German joke, stop laughing.

Then even France, known as the most powerful country in Europe, was beaten to the point of retreat, unable to fight back.

This series of lightning-quick victories stunned Mussolini, who was still hesitating about which side to take. Although he had Xiao Jiujiu in his heart before, Britain and France were the victors of the First World War after all. This inevitably made Mussolini feel frightened and he did not dare to declare war with Britain and France easily. And now that Germany has become the number one in Europe, he does not dare to offend Germany.

Now that France's collapse is right in front of us, it seems that it's time to take action and take a few pieces of meat from French territory!

Mussolini, who was dazzled by his dream, dispatched more than a dozen divisions and assembled on the French border without even notifying the German side.

This frightened France. Although Italy had not officially declared war, anyone who was not a fool could see what Italy meant by gathering troops on the border. Seeing that France was in the crisis of being destroyed, the peace faction headed by Marshal Pétain formed a new cabinet. Marshal Pétain's first decision after taking power was to make peace with the Germans. He ordered the French army to cease resistance across the board, and then sent a special envoy to Berlin to negotiate with the Germans.

The French envoy knew that such a show of weakness would put him at an extremely disadvantageous position when negotiating the armistice and terms with Germany, but what could he do?

The envoy, whose eyes were swollen from crying on the way, rushed to Berlin and came to the Berlin Palace accompanied by German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop.

"Miss Anne, please report that the French envoy has arrived."

"His Highness is in area B of the garden now. If His Highness asked you to come before, you can go directly to him."

Ribbentrop took the French envoy to Area B of the garden and saw Yannick sitting in front of the lily bed from a distance. There was a girl sitting on his lap, painting on the canvas in front of him. "Mr. Envoy, do you know that girl?"

Seeing the French envoy shaking his head in confusion, Ribbentrop smiled. "Her identity is extraordinary. She is the granddaughter of Vittorio Emanuele III; Her Royal Highness Princess Silvia."

"Princess of Italy?" The French envoy's face changed wildly. Apparently he was thinking of the Italian army gathering at the border. At this time, the Italian Princess was nestling in the arms of His Royal Highness the German Crown Prince, and her intention seemed to need no further explanation.

Ribbentrop sneered. "Beating a drowned dog is something that everyone likes to do. Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I should say it's 'adding insult to injury' or 'taking advantage of others' to be more polite."

"..." As the special envoy of the defeated country, the French envoy was in no mood and did not dare to have any opinions on Ribbentrop's "strange aura".

The French envoy self-righteously speculated that the Italian princess's visit was to discuss their plan to divide France, but if he heard Yannick talking to the Italian princess, his jaw might drop.

"Brother Yannick, will you really help me with what I asked you to do last time?"

Yannick kissed her gently on the cheek. "Don't worry, I've already sent someone to make arrangements." Not long ago, he learned the reason why Sylvia refused to go back, which had a big impact on his outlook on life.

Interested friends can find many Western film and television works depicting the Western Middle Ages. The lives of nobles and royal families in them are so chaotic that it can make people stunned.

In the French drama "Versailles", the beautiful and beautiful king brother is a stud, and the king brother is a gay.

The Russian drama "Catherine II" is about Russian royal incest.

Some scenes in the British drama "The Tudors" are even more indescribable.

Anyway, in these literary, film and television dramas, there are not too many people who marry their sisters-in-law after their brothers die, marry their younger brothers and sisters after their brothers die, marry their stepmothers after their fathers die, and marry their daughters-in-law after their sons die. It is so chaotic.

Later, there was a ranking of the ten most promiscuous countries, among which Italy ranked third.

I don’t know whether this is a sequelae of the bourgeois revolution or whether it has been smeared to this day due to the inertia of history?

However, after knowing what happened to Sylvia, Yannick felt that these film and television works or rankings were not slander at all.

Although Sylvia is Umberto's illegitimate daughter, she was born to the same father after all. How could she be sexually interested in her half-sister? What a bunch of beasts! There is no psychological burden in killing these scumbag Yannick.

"Thank you, Brother Yannick." Sylvia twisted around, and their lips touched each other gently. Sylvia narrowed her beautiful big eyes slightly and suddenly exclaimed in a low voice. "Brother Yannick...someone..."

Yannick was stunned and turned to look in the direction she pointed. He saw Ribbentrop leading a stranger and pointing at a rockery nearby. Their serious expressions seemed to be hidden in the rockery. There is great knowledge in general.

"Good boy, please go back first. I have something to talk about." He patted Sylvia's thin waist lightly. "I'll continue teaching you when I'm free tonight."

"Well, goodbye brother Yannick." Silviana blushed, kissed Yannick lightly on the face, and left in a hurry.

Yannick shouted after her figure disappeared. "Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, would you like to come over and talk about something?"

Ribbentrop quickly trotted over with the French envoy. "Your Highness, this is the French envoy."

The French envoy once again took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His trip was truly frightening. Not only did he see the Italian little princess, but he also almost witnessed her live broadcast with Mr. Yannick. The former is related to the fate of his motherland, and the latter is probably related to his life.

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