After learning of Viscount Gott's surrender decision from Montgomery, who was favored by the goddess of luck, Churchill was immediately furious and ordered someone to send a telegram to Dunkirk in order to remove Viscount Gott from his post as commander-in-chief and arrest him.

Unfortunately, everyone is a thousand-year-old fox in the political arena. Viscount Gott had already anticipated that Churchill would make this move, and ordered all radio stations and code manuals of the expeditionary force to be destroyed in advance on the grounds of "preventing leaks of secrets." As a result, the correspondent in the London command almost pressed the button on the transmitter without getting any response.

Unable to make contact via radio, an angry Churchill simply sent a team of military police to Dunkirk to arrest Viscount Gott.

As a result, the ship hit a mine laid by a German submarine and sank into the water just as it was sailing.

The poor gendarmes flopped in the cold water for a long time, and finally they all sank to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

By the time Churchill was about to contact France, large and small white flags and the German army's deafening cheers had already been hoisted at Dunkirk.

Everywhere there were scenes of groups of British and French soldiers being escorted away by German soldiers with their hands raised.

Guderian personally came to the headquarters of Viscount Gott to "meet" the supreme commander of the British Expeditionary Force. "I have long admired your name, His Excellency Viscount Gott. There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty that 'the wind and water turn around'; maybe you don't know that in the last war, my uncle became a prisoner of your army because of your heroic fighting."

Viscount Gott served in the 1st Infantry Guards Regiment during the last war. On September 27, 1918, when commanding a battalion of the Guards in France, as a lieutenant colonel, he guided a tank to attack the German positions, destroying two German artillery positions and capturing 200 people while being wounded. For this, he was awarded the Victoria Cross. Known as Tiger Gott.

Viscount Gott, who was now the general of the defeated army, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He quickly changed the subject and asked, pointing to the MP44 carried behind Guderian's guard. "I heard that this gun was designed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of your country?"

Guderian waved his hand and motioned to the guard to take off the gun and show it to Viscount Gott. "That's right. Not only this gun, but also the P40, MG3, P38 and almost all other weapons and equipment used by our army were designed by His Highness himself. His Highness said that war in the new era must fully develop the concept of firepower first." At this point Guderian lowered his head slightly and coughed lightly; Yannick had mentioned to them the concept of firepower supremacy before. At that time, Yannick joked that he suffered from "fear of insufficient firepower", so he desperately added automatic firepower to the army.

Viscount Gott also found an open space with great interest and shot out a magazine. "It's a really good weapon, but it seems to lack accuracy at long distances."

Guderian shook his head with regret. "Your Excellency Viscount Gott, your mind is still locked in the last war."

Before World War I, because there were no heavy firearms or because the power of artillery was limited, the typical method of war at that time was plane impact and linear combat. When both sides entered the rifle range, the two sides lined up and walked towards each other to the beat of drums. Shooting at each other at the same time.

By World War I, as the power of artillery fire gradually emerged, a large number of soldiers standing on the ground would be killed and injured, and the survival probability of soldiers hidden in trenches would be greatly increased. Therefore, the defending side often had to build fortifications, and the attacking side was very likely to They will pay a heavy price, which is called trench warfare. But at this time, the battlefield is still advancing on a plane, and there is a line of fire between the two sides that changes constantly with the balance of power between the two sides, so it is called line combat.

But this time, due to the emergence of a large number of tanks and the improvement of the performance of aircraft and artillery, humans have entered the stage of mechanized three-dimensional combat. There are aircraft assaults above, tanks below to assist, and artillery support behind them. The original line combat has been completely replaced. At this time, it is basically There are no more fronts. After the emergence of airborne and bombing tactics, the complete sense of the rear no longer exists, and all areas of the belligerent countries may become battlefields at any time.

During World War II, the infantry combat distance had been shortened from 1,000 meters during World War I to less than 400 meters. Therefore, the advantages of old-fashioned rifles in range and accuracy were gradually lost. However, close-combat weapons such as submachine guns developed rapidly. In the later stages of the war, the first assault rifle even appeared. MGT44; thus opening a new chapter in the rifle revolution.

After hearing Guderian's words, Viscount Gott sighed sincerely. "Your Highness is really..." He couldn't find the exact adjective to express what he wanted to say, so he could only say one sentence. "It's really amazing. It seems that France can't hold on for much longer. Will your army continue to attack the British mainland after France surrenders?"

Guderian didn't hide anything, and nodded with certainty. "Of course, this is the strategic direction of our army. With His Highness's foresight, how could we leave such a trouble to stab the enemy in the back? In the past few hundred years, Europe has been in constant conflict, and your country has contributed a lot."

Viscount Gott ignored the ridicule in Guderian's tone and asked tentatively. "What if Britain wants peace?"

"Peace talks?" A meaningful smile appeared on Guderian's lips. "We know very well what 'raising tigers creates danger'. However, it does not mean that peace talks are impossible. Our Highness has said that the first condition of the peace talks is that our army must station troops in the UK, with a number of no less than 100,000."

Most of the top German military leaders were not interested in negotiating with the British. What they wanted was to land on the British Isles, completely defeat the British and occupy them. After all, everyone knows how strong Britain's industrial foundation is. Once they are given a chance to breathe, it won't take long to rearm and threaten Germany. What's more, negotiations, no matter what harsh conditions the German side proposes, are not as cost-effective as defeating the British and slaughtering them at will.

The most important thing is that Yannick does not want the British mainland to become a springboard for counterattacks on the European continent again; so his bottom line is to station troops in the British mainland.

Viscount Gott sighed deeply. Of course he knew that Churchill would never agree to this request. He would lead the British military and civilians to fight to the end. "Oh, you really brought it upon yourself." If they hadn't pursued a continental balancing policy and condoned Germany's development for their own best interests, Germany might still be a weak country now.

It can be said that if the British were not always trying to trick the French, then Germany would not have developed in the cracks. It can be said that if France and the UK were not trying to trick the Soviets, Germany would not have the time or opportunity to rearm. . Maybe if that's the case, Germany is still just a weak follower of Britain and France, the German army is still weak, and the European War will not break out again - unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

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