"On the evening of July 11, I was ordered by His Majesty to organize a new government. According to the wishes of Congress and the people, the new government should obviously consider establishing it on the broadest possible basis and should be compatible with all parties. I have completed The main part of this task. The War Cabinet has been composed of five people, including the Labor Party, the Opposition Party and the Liberal Party, which reflects the unity of the country..."

"I have made it clear to the House, as I have made it clear to the ministers who have entered the Cabinet, that all I have to offer is blood, toil, tears and sweat. What we face will be an extremely severe test and will be protracted. Struggle and suffering.”

"If you ask us what is our policy? My answer is: fight on land, sea, and air. Fight with all our strength, with all the power God has given us, to fight against this dark and miserable evil tyranny unprecedented in the history of mankind. Fight. That's our policy."

"If you ask us what is our goal? I can answer with one word, that is victory. To win at all costs - to win without fear of all terrors - no matter how long and difficult the road ahead is, to win Seize victory. For without victory there is no survival.”

“We must realize that without victory there will be no British Empire, without victory there will be no more everything the British Empire has symbolized, and without victory there will no longer be the strong demands and impulses that have existed for centuries: mankind should move towards its goals. ."

"I take up my task with high spirits and confidence. I am convinced that if we unite, our cause will not be frustrated."

"At this critical moment, I feel I have the right to ask for support from all sides. I say: 'Come on, let's work together and move forward together!'"

In the conference room of the Berlin Palace, Yannick and a group of senior German military officials listened happily to Churchill's impassioned speech on the radio.

Yannick smiled. "Isn't what he said about 'an unprecedented brutal tyranny in the history of mankind's dark and miserable sins' a bit too exaggerated?" Paralysis, I am not a mustache from the original time and space, and I have not done anything against humanity. Why are you still using this? What kind of words are you using to slander me? Damn it. Don't let me catch you in the future, or you will suffer a lot! !

"The Reich's mouthpiece," Goebbels' Propaganda Minister immediately agreed with righteous words. "It's not just an exaggeration, it's just a bloody rant."

"He must have turned into a mad dog now, a bastard who speaks out loud." Just as the German top brass were vehemently criticizing Churchill, Churchill's voice continued to be heard from the radio.

This made Yannick a little surprised. Churchill's speech in the original time and space ended with "Move forward side by side!" What else is he going to say now?

"Now the British Empire is in crisis. Our expeditionary force children are being surrounded by the evil German army in Dunkirk at this moment. They are in danger. The British Empire's navy will do its best to rescue them and return home, but the number of people who need to be evacuated reaches 100,000. Hundreds of thousands, the navy alone cannot complete this task. In order to save the British Empire and to bring back our children, I order, and at the same time, request all citizens of the British Empire with patriotism and a sense of justice to participate in this rescue Action. Anyone who owns a boat, be it a barge, tugboat, cargo ship, passenger ship, fishing boat, motor launch or even a private yacht, please come to Sheerness, Magath, Dover, Newhaven, Folkestone and Rams Gather at the six ports of Goeth and head to Dunkirk to take our children home. The loyal navy of the British Empire will protect your safety to the death."

Oh, it seems that Churchill was really anxious and said all these words. "Tsk, this fat guy really won't shed tears until he sees the coffin?! Since he wants to fight on land, sea, and air, then we will completely defeat them on land, sea, and air!"

Army Aviation Commander-in-Chief Wolfram von Richthofen immediately jumped up. "Your Highness, our bomber fleet has completely destroyed all the docks in Calais and Dunkirk. Even if the British have ships, they have no docks to dock."

Yannick shook his head. "Without the dock, large ships cannot dock, but what about small boats? You just heard that they even sent fishing boats and barges to pick up the coalition forces. Reinhard, has the British radar been developed?" Original Time and Space The reason why China and Britain were able to win the Battle of Britain was that in addition to star fighters such as the Spitfire and Hurricane, there was also a hero behind the scenes - the air radar.

After continuous improvement, the effective detection range of radar becomes farther and farther. In 1938, the United Kingdom established an air radar warning network on the east coast, known as the "Coast Warning Radar". The antennas of each radar are up to 100 meters high. Through them, operators can capture the German aircraft groups gathering over French airports from a basement in southern England, and master their number, heading, speed and estimated time of arrival in British airspace. Immediate warning was issued to RAF Fighter Command.

From this, the British Air Force Command could determine the target of the enemy aircraft and send aircraft to intercept it. The application of radar eliminated the need for British aircraft to patrol the air, but could instead send aircraft to intercept German air raids in a targeted manner, improving the efficiency of aircraft use.

Reinhard shook his head. "Your Highness, according to reliable information, the British radar is still in the research and development stage, and it will not enter the practical stage until early next year at the earliest."

Yannick nodded. His sabotage actions did work. The British radar development progress in this time and space was several years later than in the original time and space, and it has not been able to develop a practical radar until now. Most of the UK's domestic air defense methods follow the tactics and equipment from World War I, relying on listeners and naked eyes to monitor the sky.

In contrast, in Germany at this time, major cities were already under the protection of radar. In time, not only the entire German airspace, but also the occupied areas would be deployed with radar. It can be said that German radar at this time was the most advanced in the world.

"Didn't Churchill just say that they should report to the six ports of Sheerness, Magath, Dover, Newhaven, Folkestone and Ramsgaard? General Richthofen, can we Can't we raid these six ports after those ships gather? I think so many ships will be parked very densely, right? If special bombs are used, the effect should be good." When mosquito bombers are dispatched, there is no need to send fighter escorts. Let the Mosquito bombers set off in the early morning and arrive at these ports at dawn. As long as the Mosquitoes throw away their heavy bombs, not to mention hurricanes, not even Spitfires can catch up with these high-speed bombers.

"Your Highness, we will immediately formulate a raid plan."

Just as the Germans were thinking about how to raid British ports, Britain was in chaos.

What did the Prime Minister say on the radio just now? Is the expeditionary force trapped in Dunkirk and in danger? Thinking about his missing son, Father Hamilton couldn't sit still. He picked up a coat and put it on himself, and ran out. It's just that he didn't run smoothly. Years of life at sea had made him suffer from severe arthritis. It happened that the old habit had recurred in the past few days, and the excruciating pain had been bothering him. But he still rushed to the dock without hesitation, where a fishing boat was moored, an old fishing boat that had been with him for decades.

Not long after I walked out, I heard the roar of a motorcycle engine behind me. "Papa Hamilton, Papa Hamilton!"

Father Hamilton looked back and saw that it was Henry who was working on his fishing boat. "Boy Henry, why are you here?"

"I just heard the broadcast and guessed that you would definitely go to sea, so I came to pick you up. I will go with you."

"Well done, Henry." Father Hamilton got on the motorcycle without saying a word and headed to the dock.

The entire dock was busy, but not chaotic. Those who arrived first would sail away first. Anyway, everyone's destination was Dunkirk. Father Hamilton boarded his fishing boat. After checking the condition of the fishing boat, the two immediately started the engine and followed the endless fleet of boats in sight.

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