Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 243: The End of France (13)

Looking at Germany's intelligence war throughout World War II, it was a failure in a nutshell. At nearly every strategic turning point in the war, German intelligence failed. Germany was also at a disadvantage in terms of intelligence offense and defense against all opponents including Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States.

There is a joke in later generations. During World War II, a spy staff member of a high-level German staff accidentally spilled a cup of coffee and soiled a document. The cleaner who came in to clean up was a former Polish sleeper agent, the one who took turns as a doorman was a former French sleeper agent, the person responsible for sorting the cleaned garbage was a sleeper agent from the British Military Intelligence Service, and the person who drafted this document was the Soviet intelligence system in the unit next door. sleeper agent, and finally, the person responsible for the coffee delivery was a sleeper agent from the U.S. intelligence service. When Germany surrendered, everyone turned out their own signs, and their expressions when they saw what was on the other side were very exciting.

Although it is somewhat difficult to verify, on April 12, 1943, the Russian translation of Combat Order No. 6 ""Fortress" Operation Plan" issued by the German Supreme Command was placed on Stalin's desk, and this was before Laoshi himself reviewed the document. The time was exactly 3 days early!

There are several reasons why Germany's intelligence work failed so badly.

The arrogant sense of Germanic national superiority made Germany's intelligence agencies rigid in thinking, divorced from reality, and sloppy in attitude. Extremely stubborn in overestimating oneself and underestimating opponents in unrealistic and wishful thinking. The view of the outside world is even more distorted than that of other countries that also pursue chauvinism. Misjudgments always occur, and the effect of "high in, low out" can always be achieved.

First, they underestimated Britain's tenacious fighting will. After the failure of the British air battle, they were at a loss. Later, he underestimated the strength of the Soviet Union too much. There was little serious intelligence preparation in the preparation of Plan Barbarossa. The strength of the Soviet Union was basically guessed, the Soviet weapons were basically guessed, the Soviet terrain was basically estimated, and the Soviet weather was basically imagined. There was no reason to wishfully believe that Germany could replicate the myth of the Blitzkrieg in the Soviet Union and easily defeat the Soviet Union.

The total strength of the Soviet army was underestimated by more than 100 divisions. It was incredible when encountering the Soviet T34 tanks and Katyusha rocket launchers.

The intelligence agency's assessment report on the huge industrial capabilities of the United States resulted in Mustache's fury. From then on, the intelligence agencies remained silent and could only try to figure out what was going on, screen and even create intelligence in a catered manner. Due to arrogance, Germany attaches great importance to offensive intelligence and ignores defensive intelligence.

The weakening of Germany by anti-Semitism cannot be underestimated. A large number of talented Jewish people were persecuted, and many academic and technical institutions were crippled by the anti-Semitic frenzy. The Göttingen Institute of Mathematics, originally the world center of mathematics, completely collapsed, leaving Germany far behind in code breaking throughout the war.

The Jewish mathematicians expelled from Germany accounted for 20% of the personnel of the British and American code-breaking agencies. For example, William Friedman, who helped the United States decipher the Japanese Purple Code, was a Jewish expelled by Germany. As for Germany’s persecution of Jewish physicists and slandering nuclear physics and quantum physics as Jewish pseudoscience, the consequence is that Germany cannot develop a nuclear egg.

In addition, the competition for power and decision-making process among intelligence agencies is the main reason for reducing efficiency and delaying the process. In order to monopolize power, Mustache deliberately dispersed intelligence work: In addition to Canaris's Abwehr, Germany also had four branches of the General Security Service of the SS system, and Ribbentrop also had a diplomatic intelligence system. The three agencies are overlapping their organizational structures, wasting resources for no reason, and have neither division of labor nor cooperation in business. Be wary of each other's blockade, or even undermine each other. Instead of concentrating on dealing with enemies, time and energy are spent on fighting among ourselves, slandering each other, and creating a barrier.

Moreover, the historical tradition of the German army has also caused a contempt for intelligence. As an island nation, Britain naturally values ​​defense, so it has always given intelligence a high priority. Germany is a landlocked country and is accustomed to attacking when the situation is tense. Therefore, the role of intelligence work cannot be correctly understood and treated. Most of the German officer corps were born in military families and had a feudal hereditary system and natural exclusive monopoly on military affairs. Viewed by intelligence officers as competitors for power. As a result, intelligence personnel were generally disparaged, with the operational staff having the final say and the intelligence staff being suppressed. In terms of personnel selection, low-level and second- and third-rate officers are engaged in intelligence work.

Yannick also knows the poor appearance of Germany's intelligence system. Fortunately, he stands at the highest pinnacle of German power and can correct these shortcomings as much as possible.

What's more important is that many secret documents have been released in later generations, and even the life stories of unknown heroes who made outstanding contributions in the war are clearly introduced. Including how they sneaked into the enemy country, what pseudonyms and identities they used to lurk, when and what methods they used to steal important information, etc. The details cannot be more detailed.

Relying on this terrible golden finger, the imperial intelligence department has found most of the spies of other countries lurking in the country, but Yannick has never given an order to move them.

However, Olga's situation just now made him a little unhappy. These guys who didn't care about life or death actually had their thoughts on him. It was really intolerable and unbearable.

So Yannick decided to eliminate these guys in one fell swoop.

"Find me all the remaining shrimps and fishes!" Those who can leave their names in history are all people who have made great achievements, and it is impossible for small fishes and shrimps with little contribution to be recorded in the annals of history. So Yannick doesn't know how many unknown lurkers there are. Although these guys wouldn't be able to make big waves if they were left alone, they were like toads clinging to their feet, not biting but intimidating; he still hoped to kill them all.

"Yes!" Reinhard saluted. "Promise to complete the mission!"

At this time, the people jumping enthusiastically on the dance floor stopped as the music came to an end, and Yannick walked to the center of the dance floor. "Everyone, today is truly a day worth celebrating. I would like to improvise a song for our brave submariners."

There was a round of warm applause immediately, and several waiters moved the piano to the center of the dance floor.

Yannick sat down in front of the piano and put his fingers on the keys. The room immediately became quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

As his hands quickly passed over the keys, a beautiful and melodious melody sounded, soothing and calm, making people feel like they were in a lonely boat on the sea. As the waves swayed up and down, the cool sea breeze blew in, intoxicating the mind. .

The sound of the piano suddenly changed, and the originally gentle and gentle tune suddenly became passionate, as shocking as a sudden strong wind and huge waves crashing onto the deck. The hoarse roar was as primitive and wild as the wilderness, without the slightest trace of tenderness. It suddenly reminded me of Gauguin's khaki aboriginals, who were equally undisguised and wild, with a nameless impulse, and all the organs in the body immediately became tense. , feeling the hair stand on end and the blood churning. When I closed my eyes, I could only see the huge whirlpool in the endless ocean, swallowing up everything, time, space, and huge waves splashing everywhere - wow, I felt like my whole body was soaked and dripping with pleasure.

After the song ended, the surrounding crowd burst into enthusiastic cheers and thunderous applause.

"Your Highness is indeed a master of music!"

"Your Highness, this is another world-class song!"

Yannick smiled in his heart, this is a classic work by Hans Zimmer, the master of later film soundtracks. Isn't it a famous song?

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