Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 241: The End of France (11)

"You can go to drama school for further studies during this period. To be honest, your acting skills are not very good. If you weren't so beautiful, you would definitely be a box office poison."

"Your Highness, what you said is too much." Heidi showed an aggrieved look. Most of the men were afraid that their souls would be taken away when they saw her, and they wished they could go up and love her!

"If it were anyone else, I wouldn't even bother to say it." Yannick snorted. "How long can a woman's beauty last? How will you survive until you are old or the audience is tired of you?"

She officially bid farewell to the film industry at the age of 44, and her life after her retirement was deserted and lonely. In her later years, she was imprisoned for theft. According to the analysis of psychologists, she probably did this kind of thing because of her inner desire to be noticed.

"Thank you for your advice, Your Highness." Heidi nodded slightly in thanks and asked impatiently. "Then your highness, can you tell me what role I want to play?"

Yannick put the finished wine glass back on the waiter's tray. "Cleopatra VII."

Heidi was a good student. She got A's in every subject at school. She was no stranger to Cleopatra VII. "The female Pharaoh of Egypt?"

Cleopatra VII is the famous Queen Cleopatra.

Cleopatra was one of the monarchs canonized by the Ptolemaic dynasty after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt. Her father, Ptolemy XII Olet, designated his eldest son Ptolemy XIII to co-reign with her (for the purity of the bloodline, the ancient Egyptian dynasty usually married between relatives, and according to the law Cleopatra had to marry herself His half-brother, Ptolemy XIII, ruled Egypt.

Cleopatra's husband and brother Ptolemy XIII could not tolerate her and wanted to expel his queen and sister, and Cleopatra was preparing to fight back with force.

At this time, Caesar pursued Pompey and invaded Egypt. Ptolemy XIII ordered Pompey to be killed and his head was presented to Caesar to please him and use Caesar to get rid of him. Cleopatra.

But this move did not win favor with Caesar.

Cleopatra also wanted to take this opportunity to use Caesar to help her win the throne, so she ordered her subordinates to dress up as a businessman and wrap herself in a big blanket. When the businessman went to Caesar's residence to ask for an audience with Caesar, , she came out from under the blanket and met Caesar.

After meeting Caesar for the first time, Cleopatra asked Caesar for help in seizing the throne. (After meeting her for the first time, she asked Caesar to send troops. It is not difficult to see how confident Cleopatra was in her beauty!)

At that time, Cleopatra was in her prime and stunningly beautiful. Caesar was completely fascinated and ordered Ptolemy XIII to carry out his father's will and let them rule together as husband and wife/siblings.

Subsequently, Bohinius launched a rebellion and was killed after the rebellion failed. Ptolemy XIII also died while fleeing.

Caesar conquered Egypt, but did not add Egypt to Roman territory.

Because Caesar fell in love with Cleopatra, he and Cleopatra stayed in Egypt and lived a life without shame! He even gave birth to a son, nicknamed Caesarion.

Cleopatra VII was invited to Rome with her other brother Ptolemy XIV, and was honored to live in Caesar's private residence across the Tiber tree. Just when she was about to become the first lady of the Roman world, Julius Caesar was assassinated.

Cleopatra had no choice but to return to Egypt in despair.

But soon she fell under the spell of Antony, the man who came to dominate Rome after Caesar's death.

How to charm a big shot like Anthony?

Cleopatra was dressed as the goddess Venus and lay in a thin veil strung with gold threads. Beautiful boys stood on both sides like Cupids, each holding an incense fan and shaking it gently. The maid dressed as a sea fairy holds a silver oar and paddles rhythmically to the sound of drums.

Antony was invited to the ship for a banquet. When he saw Cleopatra's charming appearance and elegant conversation, he was fascinated and at a loss.

Antony followed Cleopatra to Egypt and spent ten wonderful years there.

Soon Octavian made his debut.

In the naval battle of Actium with Octavian, Antony was defeated and committed suicide, and Cleopatra was captured by Octavian. She still used her beauty to seduce Octavian, but Octavian remained unmoved.

There are different opinions on the reasons.

One is that Octavian already has someone he loves deeply.

This is still an interesting story.

Octavian's true love is not a noble girl, she is just a woman who has been married and had children, and is pregnant with someone else's child. This woman's name was Livia, who was once the wife of the noble Claudius Nero, and she had two sons.

For Livia, Octavian risked the disapproval of the world to divorce his first wife and quickly married Livia, who was pregnant.

Their wedding was funded by Livia's ex-husband Claudius Nero. For Nero, this was a great thing. His wife married her two sons and unborn child into Rome. ruler!

Think better, in the future, the entire Rome will belong to your descendants.

Nero's beautiful ideal finally came true, and the empire that Octavian had worked so hard to build was finally inherited by Nero's son.

Later, Octavian's own descendants fell into misery because of Nero's son. Speaking of which, what Livia's son did in Rome was really a bit like trying to occupy a magpie's nest.

Second, Cleopatra is no longer young.

When Cleopatra emerged from the blanket to meet Caesar, she was in her youth. Not only was she extremely beautiful, but she also had the agility of a girl. It was the combination of these factors that attracted Caesar to her.

When Antony met Cleopatra, the queen was only in her early thirties, the most feminine age. Her every frown and smile were charming, and it was completely understandable that Antony was fascinated.

However, when Octavian captured Cleopatra, she had been with Antony for twelve years and was over forty years old. She had long lost her former beauty and was at best a half-aged nympho whose charm still remained. Obviously, this was not what Octavian liked.

Third, Cleopatra was Caesar's wife, and Octavian was Caesar's adopted son. Although this relationship seemed very exciting, Cleopatra and Caesar had a son, Caesarion, who was Caesar's biological son. It stands to reason that he has more inheritance rights than Octavian, his adopted son. So Caesarion is his potential enemy, and Cleopatra is Caesarion's mother, so she must be helping Caesarion. It is simply impossible for Octavian to be seduced by her.

Seeing that Octavian was not interested in beauty, Cleopatra knew that she was not far from death.

According to legend, despite being under strict supervision, she managed to obtain a basket of figs from a farmer that contained a small venomous snake called an asp, which she bit on the arm and caused her to fall into coma. Octavian complied with her dying request and buried her and Antony together. Caesarion and her eldest son Alexander, born to Antony, were executed on the order of Octavian.

With the death of Cleopatra VII, the 300-year-old Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt also came to an end, and Egypt was annexed to Rome.

"Isn't this a good role? You two have a lot of similarities." Both of them are as beautiful as heavenly beings. They also have many great people who worship under their pomegranate skirts. Although they are not as exaggerated as Caesar and Antony, they are There are also famous people, such as Chaplin, Orson Welles, and Billy Wilder, who are all on Heidi's famous list. Heidi indulged in plastic surgery in her later years, but due to the immature technology at the time, she not only failed to regain her youth, but also damaged her original beauty. After that, Heidi began to degenerate and even became addicted to drugs; she eventually died alone at home.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Although she didn't understand Yannick's last sentence, Heidi was still very happy.

Yannick nodded, indicating that the conversation was over, but he saw a flash of hesitation on Heidi's face. "It doesn't hurt to say what you have to say."

Heidi said coyly. "I have a friend who wants me to introduce him to you."

"..." Yannick raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he was a little disdainful, he also wanted to see who he was. What if it's a talent? "Okay, he's here too?"

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