Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 239: The End of France (9)

"Is this good?" Anne looked at the U-47 sailors holding the beautiful dance partners prepared for them, spinning crazily to the music, and laughing heartily. "Are they being too indulgent?"

Yannick smiled. "That's what they deserve. They are the best soldiers in the world!" He said and looked around. In addition to military and political officials, there were also many celebrities present. He pointed at a beautiful woman with impeccable figure and appearance in the distance. "Go and fetch Miss Heidi."

Some people say that a woman's IQ is inversely proportional to her beauty.

Beautiful women generally attach great importance to their appearance and waste a lot of time studying their faces and clothes every day. In addition, if you encounter any small difficulties, there will always be a man to help. Over time, when encountering problems or difficulties, you will basically not delve into them or think about them. This is why most of the talented female stars who sing and act are mediocre in appearance, while the vases are often very beautiful!

But this Miss Heidi is the perfect combination of beauty and talent.

"Those who are smarter than me are not as beautiful as me, and those who are more beautiful than me are not as smart as me." Although this sentence did not come from Miss Heidi, it is a portrayal of her life. Almost everyone who likes European and American celebrities knows Hedy Lamarr. She has an almost perfect appearance. She is the dream lover of all men and the envy of all women. Even Vivien Leigh is proud of her resemblance to her. .

Hedy Lamarr, formerly known as Hedy Eva Maria Kessler, was born in Vienna, Austria in 1914. She is a standard "rich second generation".

His father is a Jewish banker and his mother is an elegant and beautiful pianist.

Heidi was undoubtedly started on the road of life according to the "daughter-raised" model: she went to a Swedish girls' school, had excellent grades in all subjects (learned three languages), was also very talented in music and painting, and could dance ballet and dance at the age of 7. play piano……

When Heidi grew up, she turned out to be beautiful. When she walked into the room, everyone fell silent, stunned by her beauty, and one even called her a "terrible child."

Beauty also influenced Heidi's choice. When she was 16 years old, she became interested in acting. For this reason, she decided to give up the communications major she was studying and went to Berlin to study acting with the famous theater director Max Reinhardt. When she was 18 years old, a Czechoslovak film company invited her to star in the heroine of "Bewitched" and promised to promote the film to the international market. The only condition was that she must appear in all scenes.

At that time, if it were Monroe, who was later famous for her sexiness, she would have to think more about it, let alone other actresses?

But Heidi was the bold and avant-garde person, and she agreed without hesitation.

So, Hedy Lamarr starred in the world's first all-fruit film, which is too large and not suitable for adults.

Although she has a beautiful face and enchanting figure, she has many negative effects on ethics, social influence and the formation of social atmosphere. She even alarmed the Pope. Pope Pius XII publicly condemned the film. He accused her of creating "the biggest scandal in European history". Therefore, this movie was banned as soon as it came out, and Hedy Lamarr became famous for it.

She is famous not because she is good at filming, nor because the audience praises her acting skills; but because of the labels people put on her, such as "being easygoing, doing everything she can, and being a coquettish person."

However, Hedy Lamarr herself was very calm. She said: If you use your imagination, you can see the naked body of any actress.

The implication is that if you are thinking about dirty things, then even if an actress is wearing clothes, you still have the ability to see through.

She has acted in many movies in her life, but there are almost no classics. First, because her acting skills are indeed not very good, similar to some popular stars in later generations, but most people go to see her movies not for her acting skills. Go, everyone tacitly went to see her face.

Another reason may be that she is too beautiful, and the film company only wants to position her as a flower vase. As for her acting skills, others have to polish and study them, and it is not her anyway. Therefore, the scripts that came to her to act in were not all very good. Just like when Monroe wanted to transform and not just play sexy and brainless roles, she was rejected by the film company. The film company considered the box office and economic benefits rather than the actor's self-growth.

Because of this, she lost a good opportunity to improve her acting skills. On the other hand, her beauty is a blessing for her performance. Once she dominates the show, it will lower the ceiling for her acting career.

The Austrian arms tycoon Mandel fell in love with Heidi at first sight because of "Bewitched" and launched a crazy pursuit. Captivated by his wealth and sweet words, 19-year-old Heidi chose to get married. Heidi's parents were very supportive of the marriage because they were originally afraid that their daughter would become a woman that no one dared to want because of her starring role in that movie. Anyway, Heidi and Mandel got married 3 months after they met.

Mandel is a very possessive man. In order to prevent his wife from being watched by others, he spent a lot of money to collect copies of "Charmed". Heidi was also prohibited from getting involved in the film industry and was not allowed to go out casually, which made Heidi very painful.

If these can be tolerated, there is one thing Heidi cannot tolerate towards her husband - befriending Naz.

Although Mandel, like Heidi, was an Austrian Jew, he supported Naz and had a good relationship with Mussolini; while Heidi firmly opposed Naz, and the conflict was irreconcilable.

Mandel, however, prefers to take Heidi to attend gatherings with senior Naz officials, not only because Heidi can satisfy Mandel's vanity, but also because her beauty can bring more arms orders to Mandel. Mandel has been discussing radio signal controlled torpedoes and wireless communication jamming technology with Naz. Although wireless communication technology at the time was a military secret, Heidi was allowed to stay next to Mandel and Naz weapons experts when they discussed related technologies, and was even allowed to record.

From this, she is as smart as she has mastered a lot of military technology and knowledge of radio signal control weapons.

In 1937, after four years of marriage, Heidi couldn't bear it anymore. When she accompanied her husband to a banquet, she fainted the maid who was accompanying her in the bathroom, jumped out of the window, and caught a train to Paris overnight.

In the original time and space, Heidi moved from Paris to London, and then went to Hollywood in the United States for development, but this time she came to Berlin, Germany. After all, there is no Nazi in Germany in this time and space, and because of Yannick, the German film industry has stabilized the newly emerging American Hollywood.

Heidi, who still harbors artistic dreams, naturally came to Berlin.

Under the introduction of a friend, he met a big boss of a film company, and this big boss happened to be Yannick's best friend Louis. When Louis saw Hedy Lamarr's peerless beauty, he couldn't help being shocked and came to Yannick all the time.

Yannick was also surprised at first, but when he found out Hedy Lamarr's name and life experience, he discovered that this was not the one who invented "spread spectrum communication technology". He immediately agreed to let her stay and chatted with her about frequency hopping technology.

During World War II, radios were widely used by warring countries and entered military fields such as communications, navigation, guidance, radar, etc.

However, radios are easily interfered with.

In 1941, German U-boats were virtually unsinkable because they could easily dodge "obsolete British torpedoes." The torpedo is guided by a radio signal of a specific frequency, so enemy ships can intercept the signal to intercept the torpedo. Heidi went against the grain and solved the problem by using a series of rapidly varying frequency signals. The enemy ship that is monitoring can only intercept a random radio signal frequency, but can do nothing about the entire signal series. This simple but creative "hacking" technique formed the basis of Heidi's "frequency hopping" secret communication system. She developed the design with her friend George Ansel. They figured out a way to synchronize frequency changes between the ship's transmitter and the torpedo's receiver.

Their solution was to use motor-driven autoplay rolls mounted on the ship and the torpedo, so that a dizzying 88 different frequencies could be switched simultaneously on both ends. An electrical engineer also provided some help, and the pair submitted their system in 1941 and received a patent (No. 2292 387) a year later.

They then provided this system to the U.S. Navy. Unfortunately, the Navy believed that the method of punching piano rolls was not reliable enough and did not adopt this design. And, because of the technology's possible military applications, the patent was marked "Top Secret" and shelved for the rest of the war.

Yannick promised her that as long as she completed research on frequency hopping technology, he would write a script himself and make a movie for her. He only cared about her figure and appearance, so it would be a waste not to take a picture of Cleopatra.

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