Another unit of Army Group B, the Eighteenth Army commanded by Georg von Küchler, entered the Netherlands. Because Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands had reached an agreement with Germany, the 18th Army rushed all the way to Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, as if it were in no man's land.

Of course, there is still unavoidable resistance from spontaneous organizations in the middle, but people who know a little bit about sports know how big the gap is between amateurs and professionals. The same is true in war. These militants who were ordinary people a few days ago were easily wiped out by the German army; after all, no matter how passionate they were, they still couldn't stop the bullets.

By nightfall, the vanguard of the Eighteenth Army had entered the urban area of ​​the capital, occupied various key points, and completely controlled the entire Amsterdam.

Kuchler flew to Amsterdam and went straight to the Royal Palace of Amsterdam. "Salute to you, Your Majesty the Queen."

In the original time and space, after the Netherlands was invaded in World War II, Queen Wilhelmina issued a declaration titled "Fiery Protest" to the whole country, hoping that her subjects could maintain conscientious vigilance and calmness to the greatest extent.

A few days later, she led the royal family and cabinet to move to England and established a government-in-exile. Throughout the Second World War, Wilhelmina insisted on radio broadcasts in London, calling on the people of the country to take up arms and maintain strong fighting spirit until the country was liberated. After the German troops withdrew from the Netherlands in 1945, she returned to her motherland and was warmly welcomed and known as the "Mother of Resistance".

But this time, Yannick sent paratroopers early and occupied the palace, so the Queen didn't go anywhere.

Queen Wilhelmina said coldly with a cold face. "Humph, I, the queen, have long been dead in name only. How could Crown Prince Yannick do such an unethical thing!!" Last night she contacted William II who was far away in Ming Dynasty; she told him with snot and tears. Complaining, hoping that he can come forward to persuade his grandson. But William II just reluctantly expressed his apology in the end.

As the winner, Kuchler decided to show a little magnanimity and not care about the queen's face. "Your Majesty the Queen, it is not so much that Your Highness has violated moral principles as it is a historical necessity. I don't know if Her Majesty the Queen has read the Ming Dynasty's 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms'; the first sentence of that book is 'Talk about the general trend of the world and cooperate with it. What has been divided for so long must come together'. We have been divided in Europe for so long, it's time for someone to unite it."

The person who almost unified Europe in history was none other than Napoleon. It is a pity that Napoleon was too eager for success, which ultimately led to failure; this was also the root cause of the failure of many great emperors, such as Emperor Sui Yang.

In the thousands of years of history of the Roman Empire, there was actually hope of unifying Europe, but it was just a combination of circumstances that no one could do.

When the Roman Empire was at its peak, the country was governed according to a provincial system. At that time, if it strengthened its dominance and cultural centripetal force, it was still possible to unify Europe. However, history did not work out. Rome at its peak was later divided into two parts, becoming the Eastern and Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. It weakened under the attack of Attila, the whip of God, and gradually lost its local real power. It could only maintain the status quo and continue to maintain its rule through feudalism. Even more tragically, the Western Roman Empire died at the hands of the Germans due to the joint expulsion.

Wilhelmina showed a look of contempt. "Unify Europe? Crown Prince Yannick has such great ambitions. He may be able to conquer small countries like us, but..."

Kuchler was the first to speak. "Are you talking about Britain and France? His Highness said that France will surrender in less than eight weeks. You may think that His Highness is joking; but so far, all of His Highness's jokes have come true! You will see soon The so-called 'Europe's most powerful country' will obediently surrender at our feet. As for the British Empire..." At this point, Kuechler sneered. "You must have heard about the great victory of our submarines in Scapa Flow. Those British guys still think they are the maritime overlords and can influence the will of the European continent? After we defeat the Gallic chickens, the next one will be those John Bulls !”

Wilhelmina was stunned when she heard this. "Chicken Gallic? John Bull?"

Kuchler explained. "It's a new cartoon by our Highness, called 'That Tiger That Year'; in the cartoon, animals are used to represent the images of various countries. We in Germany are tigers, the United States is bald eagles, the Soviet Union is polar bears, France is roosters, and Australia is kangaroos. Wait; because my grandson likes to read it very much and tells me stories every day, so I can almost memorize it."

Wilhelmina asked subconsciously. “Then what are we in the Netherlands?”

Kuechler thought for a moment. "I remember it was a cow."

The corners of Wilhelmina's mouth twitched slightly and she snorted coldly. "Crown Prince Yannick is really in a leisurely mood. He is still in the mood to engage in such things at this time."

Kuchiler smiled. "His Highness painted your country as a cow, and he did not mean to look down upon your country. Your Highness likes your country's cows very much, and our soldiers also like them very much. Your Highness is also planning to purchase additional cows from your country."

The Dutch Holstein is the unique and best dairy breed in the world. Due to its strong ability to adapt to local climate, most countries in the world can raise Holstein cattle and develop Holsteins with their own local characteristics.

During World War II, Holstein cattle appeared in many armies. The US Army, the British Army, the French Army, and the Australian Army have them. Of course, these cows are not used for eating meat. These cows are used to produce milk. The characteristic of Holstein cows is that as long as there is grass, they can continue to produce milk. They are simply grass milk converters. Moreover, these cows bring a different atmosphere and hope to the army. Many soldiers like to take photos with them and learn how to take care of cows.

Of course, Yannick would not miss such details. Before the war, more than 10,000 Holstein cattle had been imported from the Netherlands and sent to the front line. Each of these cows can produce thirty to forty kilograms of milk a day; two cows are enough to supply a company, and they are very popular among German soldiers.

"..." Wilhelmina's expression was a little gloomy, as if she was unwilling to use the cows produced in her country to help others conquer the surrounding areas.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn, and Kuchler stood up to leave. "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince invites Her Majesty the Queen and her family to visit Berlin. The sooner the better."

Wilhelmina sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, my Beatrix is ​​seriously ill and can't travel far. I'm afraid it will have to be delayed for a while."

Kuchler nodded. "Our Highness also heard about your granddaughter's condition. Your Highness specifically asked me to tell you that Germany has developed a drug to treat septicemia."

"What?!" Wilhelmina stood up suddenly, with a look of disbelief on her face. "Are you telling the truth?!!" The excited voice was trembling slightly.

Kuchler nodded affirmatively. "Of course." It's just that the Queen seemed too excited and didn't notice that Yannick's original words were about treatment, not cure. Even decades later in the 21st century, the cure rate for leukemia is still quite low. The current penicillin can only have a suppressive effect.

"Then we'll go to Berlin tomorrow."

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