Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 200 Air Combat (1)

The success of the four commandos of "Granite", "Concrete", "Steel" and "Iron" also announced that Army Group B has officially entered a state of war, and the attack on Belgium has begun in an all-round way.

In the sky, swarms of Stuka dive bombers, Mosquito bombers and Il-2 attack aircraft crossed the border under the cover of dense BF-109s, attacking Belgian airports, railway hubs, heavy troop concentration areas and cities. Carry out heavy bombing.

"Attention! We have found Airport A4!"

"They're getting ready to take off!"

The air commander quickly assigned tasks. "The first Stuka formation is responsible for the air defense positions on the east side of the airport, the second formation is responsible for the southern air defense positions, the third formation is responsible for the west, and the fourth formation is responsible for the north; the BF-109 formation is covering at high altitude." The sky is cloudless today. When enemies attack, they can be spotted from a long distance.



After receiving the order, the Stuka bombers began to swoop down one after another. As the speed increased, the sound of the buzzer gradually turned from low to high, and finally turned into a heart-rending hell roar.

It was the first time for most of the Belgians below to encounter a dive bomber like the Stuka. The terrifying buzzing sound shocked their livers and gallbladders, and they looked up in horror at the planes that were diving straight towards them!

"God! The plane is coming! Run!!"

The airport was instantly in chaos, and even the commander's loud reprimands fell on deaf ears. The anti-aircraft gun positions around the airport sparsely began to fight back in confusion, but this kind of firepower was nothing more than a drizzle to the Stuka pilots. One bomb after another was dropped calmly, hitting accurately. Anti-aircraft gun emplacements around the airport. For a moment, there was thick smoke from the explosion, and there was a chaos of cries and orders.

Because the primary target was the air defense position, several Belgian fighter planes on the runway were lucky enough not to be attacked; the ground crew quickly started the engines and signaled the pilots to take off quickly, and the tower's frantic urging came from the headphones.

In fact, everyone saw the German fighter jets hovering in the sky, and knew that even if they were forced to take off, it would not be much different from a desperate struggle. But you can't just stay on the ground and wait to be bombed. You must at least take off and fight.

As for the outcome, it seems to have been determined long ago.

These fighters began to slide forward slowly. Before they were halfway, the tower's exclamations came from the earphones. "Watch your back!"

Several Stukas that had dropped their bombs did not climb, but attacked directly towards several fighters on the runway. Although the bombs have been dropped, they still have two 20 mm cannons. Against an old-fashioned biplane fighter like Belgium, it is a big mistake.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!" The 20 mm cannon roared dullly, and two of the shells directly shattered the upper wing of a Belgian fighter plane into pieces. The fighter plane suddenly lost control, ran off the runway, and turned over.

The remaining Belgian fighter planes wanted to take off by force, but even the most maneuverable biplanes could not take off at such a short distance. They could only watch the terrifying tracer bullets getting closer and closer, and finally crashed into their own aircraft.

The fighter plane's exploding body parts and burning gasoline were scattered on the runway, making it impossible for any other fighter planes to take off.

The Stuka formation repeatedly climbed and dived, until even the 20mm cannons were fired, completely paralyzing the airport. Only then did the BF-109 in the sky notice the belated reinforcements in the distance.

Garland, who was leading the team, whistled excitedly. "Guys! Someone is here to present the results!!"

Yannick made a rule that all pilots who shot down ten enemy planes would serve as instructors at the rear flight school and hand over their combat experience to the students for half a month. Therefore, after the tenth fighter was shot down in Poland last time, Garland was sent to the rear. He just finished his teaching a few days ago and returned to the battlefield.

Now that he could finally go up to the sky and beat his enemies hard, every pore in his body was trembling with excitement.

The BF-109 formation began to accelerate. When the distance was close enough, Garland realized that it was a French 406 fighter jet and snorted disdainfully. "Rubbish!"

During the "Strange War" (called the "Silent War" by the Germans), the 406 only participated in a few contact battles, mainly against German reconnaissance aircraft and Messerschmitt Bf109D fighters.

Actual combat has proven that the 406, an early monoplane fighter, is inferior in performance to the faster Bf109D. Sometimes even the Dornier reconnaissance plane is difficult to defeat. The 406's weapons are too weak and ineffective. The aircraft's one 20mm machine gun has a rate of fire that is too slow, and the two 5mm machine guns are too weak. Despite this, French pilots still tenaciously flew this fighter against the German Bf109D.

The current BF-109 has been upgraded to 109F, which can completely crush the "chicken feet" of these Gallic chickens.

"Wingman, follow me closely. This is your first actual combat. There is no need to rush to fight the enemy. Just remember my every move." Garland warned through the intercom.

German fighter jets use a two-plane formation as the smallest combat unit, consisting only of the lead aircraft and a wingman. In combat cruise, the distance between the two aircraft is relatively large. In this way, both sides can easily see the situation behind each other and effectively cover each other. In flight, the lead aircraft is in front and the wingman is behind, so that the lead aircraft can concentrate on searching without worrying about the visual blind spot behind itself. In combat, the wingman is responsible for covering behind the lead aircraft when it attacks. The lead aircraft generally has experienced As a pilot, the technical advantages of skilled pilots can be better utilized to create combat results, and each two-aircraft formation can form a four-aircraft formation that provides mutual cover and mutual support to further enhance safety in air combat.

The British and French used a triangular formation of three fighter jets. This formation still came from the inertia of the First World War, because fighter pilots in the sky were disturbed by the noise of aircraft engines and aircraft engines, and without radios It is basically impossible to communicate in this situation. They have to fly closer and maintain a distance where they can see gestures for communication. Sometimes they even have to communicate with a writing pad. In order to see the words clearly, it is necessary to fly closer, and the triangle array is Very suitable for this kind of communication.

In addition, because the French and British air forces have long been prepared for combat and are unwilling to fight and shed blood, their usual training subjects are not how to shoot down opponents in air combat, nor do they consider what kind of formation is more conducive to air superiority operations, but how to complete the flight beautifully. Performances and air shows even today emphasize flying in large clusters and formations. In this way, allied pilots who have been accustomed to flying in large clusters for a long time will not think of formation patterns like the German army.

The shortcomings of this three-plane formation are also obvious. The pilots in the three-plane formation must carefully control the aircraft, because the three planes determine that each pilot must pay attention to the position of friendly forces in two directions to avoid collision or contact between fighters. , so the pilots have no extra energy to pay attention to the battlefield environment, so it is difficult for allied fighter jets to use their maneuverability, because the pilots either injure their teammates or are shot down by sudden enemy planes. In addition, the formation density is too high and the entire cluster is very difficult to control. It is easy to kill two birds with one stone by ground anti-aircraft artillery.

Therefore, at the beginning, the German air force was able to overwhelm the British and French air forces in one fell swoop. The German pilots continued to set new records, and the British and French air forces suffered heavy losses. Later, due to insufficient number of fighter planes, the British had to form a formation of one commander and one commander for air combat.

"Copy that, wingman." The wingman replied slightly nervously.

The fighters of both sides began to climb, both trying to gain the height advantage first, but the French fighter's climbing speed was obviously not as good as the German fighter's. The two sides, which were originally about the same height, soon turned into a situation where the German plane was superior.

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