Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 203 The Netherlands Surrenders

After much hesitation, King Harald finally accepted the agreement.

"His Majesty the King has made a wise decision, and the people of Norway will be grateful for your decision." The German envoy flattered and took back the agreement signed by King Harald. "Now please move your Majesty. Our Highness has prepared a small performance feast for Your Majesty."

"..." Although he didn't know what medicine the German envoy was selling in his gourd, King Harald still followed his request and led a group of high-level officials to the top of a mountain outside Oslo. On the other side of the mountain was a desolate no-man's land.

At this time, the huge fleet of aircraft had been divided into several flight formations and flew to the designated landing site. There are still more than a hundred aircraft circling in the sky in the distance.

The German envoy looked at the Norwegian senior officials with different expressions around him and gave instructions to his subordinates. "Tell them the audience is seated and the show can begin."

"Yes." The man returned to the car and started tinkering with the radio.

After a while, I saw a four-engine aircraft break away from the formation, fly towards this direction, and drop a bomb more than ten kilometers away from them. Everyone saw that after the bomb was dropped, the plane suddenly jumped upwards visible to the naked eye. It seemed that the weight of the bomb was not light.

Sure enough, the size of the bomb that fell was a bit scary. The length of the bomb seemed to be at least seven or eight meters, and the diameter of the bomb was unheard of. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the bomb that fell hit the ground hard and disappeared.

It was indeed "smashed" in. This bomb was a replica of the British "Grand Slam" super bomb. The projectile weighs 10 tons, has a height of 08 meters and a diameter of 17 meters.

In 1942, British engineer Barnes Wallis accepted the request of the Royal Air Force and successfully developed the 6-ton "Tallboy Bomb". The bomb was extremely powerful in actual combat, especially playing a decisive role in sinking the battleship Tirpitz. On this basis, Wallis began the development of a 10-ton bomb, and the new bomb was named the "grand slam bomb" (also known as the Big Bang).

Its interior was filled with 4,144 kilograms of aluminum powder mixed-D1 high explosive. The Grand Slam bomb has an armor-piercing core in its head, with a penetration depth of 40 meters into soil and up to 6 meters into concrete. It is the largest explosive ever produced by mankind before the emergence of nuclear weapons, and it is also the largest explosive ever used in actual combat.

It’s just that the Grand Slam’s excessive size is not convenient for assembly line production. In order to meet the high precision of casting and machining, most parts are hand-carved by experienced workers. For example, in order to improve penetration, the Grand Slam warhead casing is made of high-strength steel that has been specially hardened. The warhead requires a high degree of symmetry during the machining stage to ensure optimal aerodynamics.

"..." Just when everyone was looking at each other, there was a muffled sound of "Boom--" and the entire earth began to tremble violently. As if an earthquake was coming, some loose stones on the mountain tumbled down. Several people couldn't stand still and fell to the ground.

I saw a big lump suddenly bulging out from the ground where the giant bomb had just penetrated, and countless flames shot out from the cracks everywhere. A few seconds later, the bulging ground suddenly collapsed, and a huge pit appeared. It was too far away to see how deep it was, but it was shockingly large.

The German envoy looked at the pale-faced people and smiled slightly. "Then I'll take my leave, everyone. I wish you all a pleasant afternoon." After saying that, he bowed, got into the car and drove away.

"Oh God!" After a long time, King Harald sighed feebly and asked the attendant who was supporting him. "Do you think the palace's air-raid shelter can stop such a bomb?"

The attendant turned pale and said tremblingly. "Your Majesty, I'm afraid I can't."

When everyone heard His Majesty the King's words, their originally ugly faces became even more ugly. The higher-ups like them all have special air-raid shelters, but no one's air-raid shelter can protect against such a terrifying bomb.

At this moment, there was only one thought in everyone's mind. They must not offend the Germans. Otherwise, if they were attacked by such a super bomb, not even the scum would be left.

As for why Yannick came out to do this, it is entirely because of the nature of Norwegians.

Norway is close to the ocean and is densely covered with islands. It is known as the country of ten thousand islands. The territory is dotted with mountains, glaciers, and lakes, and the scenery is beautiful. However, its winters are long and the climate is cold; this climate has created the strong perseverance of Norwegians.

The people of Norway who were occupied in the original time and space did not give up their resistance. In the country, guerrilla groups of various sizes were formed. Abroad, namely in Britain, a government-in-exile was formed to call on the people to resist. At the same time, an air force was formed and participated in the Battle of Britain. A large fleet was mobilized to provide support to the Allied forces. Winter was the savior of the Soviet Union against the German army. The Soviet Union used winter to block and counterattack Germany. At the same time, the Norwegian people also used the white snow to carry out constant resistance against the German army. Back then, a young Norwegian man endured for several days alone in the ice and snow, crossing the Scandinavian mountains to deliver intelligence to the Allies.

That's why Yannick gave Norway such generous conditions, and he didn't hesitate to use precious super bombs to scare them. It was considered a coercion and inducement; he hoped to ease the hostility of the Norwegians, let them stay well, and cause less trouble for the German army.

More than a hundred planes in the sky began to return, but they did not return directly to Germany, but took a detour through the Netherlands.

William II's father was Frederick III, and his mother, Princess Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise, was the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of England.

Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands is the sister of Princess Emma, ​​the daughter of William III and Princess Emma, ​​and a daughter-in-law of Queen Victoria of England. Queen Victoria's daughter-in-law was also a princess of the Pyrmont family of Waldeck.

To put it simply, the sister of Wilhelm II’s mother’s brother’s wife was Wilhelmina’s mother. In other words, Wilhelmina was the niece of William II's uncle. According to Chinese kinship terms, Wilhelmina is William II's cousin.

After the defeat in the First World War, William fled to the Netherlands. Article 227 of the Treaty of Versailles explicitly designated Wilhelm II as a war criminal, saying that the crimes he committed violated international morality and the sanctity of the treaty (such as Germany's invasion of permanently neutral Belgium). But Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands refused to extradite him for trial, ignoring appeals from the Allies. Because of his kinship with the Queen, William II got a small castle in Doorn, Huis Doorn, where he spent the rest of his life.

Therefore, when the German envoy told Wilhelmina that the purpose of the trip was to "persuade surrender", the queen was stunned for a while, and then she recovered after a while, with a look of warmth and anger on her face. "We in the Netherlands have always maintained neutrality. I don't understand why Crown Prince Yannick would do such a thing as declaring war on a neutral country regardless of international morality? It's hard for him to know that launching an attack on a neutral country is an extremely bad act. Declaring war on a neutral country is a very bad act. Is it equivalent to declaring war on the entire world? His Majesty William II would not agree to this!"

Listening to the Queen's series of questions, the German envoy couldn't help but curl his lips.


Thank you for speaking out so boldly. The Netherlands, Britain and Germany are all relatives, and they did not do business in the last war; British brothers! Do you want me to help you build a ship and kill the Germans? German brothers! Do you want me to help you build a ship and kill the British?

However, he still responded politely to the queen. "Your Majesty the Queen, you don't know that the red empire in the east is getting stronger and stronger, and it is eyeing Europe. It will be a matter of time before it invades Europe. And we European countries are still fighting for their own huge interests all day long, and do not know how to unite and cooperate. For this reason, His Highness decided to integrate the power of the entire Europe to counter future crises and save the European people from the ravages of the Red Empire. For this reason, His Highness even did not hesitate to bear the infamy of attacking a neutral country. This is such a great profound sense of justice and noble integrity. .Looking at the world today, who can compare with it?”

This special envoy was obviously a brainwashed fan. He preached the greatness of Yannick and was so moved that he almost shed tears.

He took a deep breath, tried hard to calm down his excitement, ignored Wilhelmina who was dumbfounded by this "shameless gangster theory", and continued. "As for our Majesty Wilhelm II, he entrusted the entire Germany to His Majesty Yannick a few years ago. Even if you call His Majesty William now, it will not change our Majesty's decision at all. Moreover," the special envoy took out his pocket watch and looked at it. Take a look. "In another 20 minutes, major cities in the Netherlands will be in flames."

"What do you mean by this? Are you threatening me?" Wilhelmina felt that something bad was about to happen, and a deep uneasiness filled her heart.

The German envoy smiled. "This is not a threat! I am just stating a fact that is about to happen. In 20 minutes, thousands of bombers will visit major cities in the Netherlands."

"What?! The city is full of civilians!" Wilhelmina said angrily. "You just kept saying that Crown Prince Yannik was trying to save the European people from being ravaged, but you want to massacre our people?"

The German envoy responded coldly. "Your Majesty the Queen! All great achievements throughout the ages require sacrifices. The sacrifices of a few people today are for the happiness of many people in the future. And as long as you say a word, even these few people do not need to lose their lives."

While talking, a secretary ran into the living room in panic. "Your Majesty, a large fleet of aircraft is approaching the border."

"Oh God! Are you really crazy?!" Wilhelmina screamed. "I agree! Agree to surrender! Terminate your actions immediately! I agree to any conditions!"

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