"Enemy attack!" In the panic, someone didn't know who it was, and let out a shrill scream.

Enemy attack? !

Where did the enemy come from?

Heaven? maritime?

But why is there no siren? !

Before anyone could react, the steel behemoth let out a series of heart-wrenching groans of pain.

"Run!!" Although we have never personally experienced the sinking of a battleship, we are not stupid. This is obviously not a good sign.

Everyone rushed towards the door, but before they could take a few steps, the huge ship shuddered suddenly, causing the sailors who had not taken a few steps to fall to the ground. Everything that could move in the restaurant came crashing down on them.

All kinds of curses, screams, and groans came one after another. No one noticed another dull explosion outside. They just wanted to leave here quickly, otherwise this steel behemoth would turn into a steel coffin. Trapping them to death.

But before they could stand up again, the ship's hull tilted at an incredible speed; soon, the floor of the restaurant had turned upside down and turned into a ceiling.

The sailors who were thrown down looked in horror as the turbulent water poured in from all the hatches, and screamed in despair.

"Oh, God!"


While these poor sailors were flopping helplessly in the icy water, Hebrew Jones, commander of the Scapa Flow Naval Base, had already fainted from the heat.

When the first explosion sounded, the Hebrew commander was enjoying breakfast leisurely in his headquarters.

The sudden explosion made him frown. The direction of the explosion seemed to be the port? Just when he was about to ask the adjutant to call the port and ask what happened, the adjutant with a panicked face hurried in and shouted loudly. "Your Excellency, Commander, something happened. The Royal Oak exploded!"

The poor battleship Royal Oak failed to escape its fate after all, and was the first to explode.

""what happened? ! "The Hebrew commander was shocked and stood up suddenly. "Is it an enemy attack? ! "Why didn't the alarm sound if there was an enemy attack?"

The adjutant shook his head hurriedly. "Probably not. The guard post did not detect any enemy activity."

"Damn it!" The Hebrew commander was relieved when he heard that it was not an enemy attack, but an accident on the battleship. "Prepare the car and go to the port." Why did such an accident happen at this time? I hope the Royal Oak is okay.

The Hebrew Commander's car had just reached halfway when another huge explosion came from the port.

"!!" A bad premonition rose in vain. "What's going on?!"

The adjutant shook his head blankly. After all, he was called a mobile phone at this time. He didn't even have an old-fashioned mobile phone, so he couldn't call the port immediately to ask. I can only keep urging the driver. "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The driver stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the port.

Soon the car rushed to the door of the port control tower. The Hebrew commander couldn't wait for the adjutant to open the door for him. He hurriedly got out of the car and ran into the control tower. He came to the window and looked down at the entire port.

"Oh God!" It didn't matter. The Hebrew commander almost fainted. Where the Royal Oak was originally moored, only the upside-down propeller remained, and the entire hull was submerged in the water. The battleship Iron Duke anchored next to it has also tilted.

"What the hell is going on?!" Two accidents in a row? ! Isn't this too strange?

"Boom! Boom!" At this moment, two huge explosions sounded in succession, and the battleship Nelson and the aircraft carrier Hundred-Eyed Giant were lifted up from the water by the force of the explosion, which could even be seen with the naked eye. The deck of the Hundred-Eyed Giant aircraft carrier was broken in the middle. The battleship Nelson, which fell heavily, was not much better.

Seeing this, the Hebrew commander's legs weakened and he almost fell to the ground. "Enemy, enemy attack! Raise the alarm quickly! Destroyers search for underwater submarines! Sink it!!" He is not a commander for nothing. He is also experienced. He immediately thought that the attack came from underwater, and he could The only ones that attack underwater are submarines. Immediately ordered the patrol destroyer to find the underwater submarine.

"Damn it, how did this bastard sneak in?" The Hebrew commander muttered through gritted teeth as he listened to the shrill sirens resounding over the base. He was confident that Scapa Flow was heavily guarded. How did this guy sneak in?

In any case, his military career has come to an end. After this incident, even if he does not go to a military court, he will have to resign. Now I just hope to prevent more losses as much as possible.

Unfortunately, in his panic, he didn't notice that because of the explosion of the Royal Oak, mobile destroyers had already rushed over for rescue. If there was a submarine nearby, it was impossible for them to miss it.

The destroyers that received the order began to search for underwater submarines.


Just two minutes later a fifth explosion sounded.

"Oh my God! It's the Ark Royal aircraft carrier!"

The Hebrew commander was going crazy. "What are they dawdling about? Hurry up and sink the submarine!!"

The destroyer captains were extremely depressed. Why didn't they want to find this damn bastard as soon as possible? !

But no matter how they urged their sonar soldiers, there was no movement. Faced with the hysterical urging and reprimands of the Hebrew commander, they could only order their soldiers to start throwing depth charges. As for what they could explode, they didn't know, even if it was to scare away the enemy submarines.

Depth charges are traditional and effective conventional anti-submarine weapons. Before the end of World War II, depth bomb anti-submarine warfare had always been the most important anti-submarine means. In the war, its anti-submarine performance ranked first among mines, aerial bombs and naval guns.

A 200-pound depth charge usually contains about 150 pounds of high explosives. Although this is only equivalent to a medium-caliber artillery shell, when it explodes in seawater it can cause a very powerful impact; within a range of 30 meters It can cause damage to the shell of a submarine. If the explosion point is less than 10 meters away from the submarine, it is very likely to cause devastating damage to the submarine.

boom! boom! boom!

The British sailors dropped depth charges into the icy water one after another, and then watched as white water columns rose up on the sea amidst huge muffled sounds one after another. This attack lasted for about a quarter of an hour. The rolling waves on the sea looked like a pot of boiling water. Black sand was constantly rising out of the water, but there was no black oil stain when the submarine was damaged.

"Escaped?" The Hebrew commander muttered softly as if to comfort himself, clutching his aching chest, but still ordered uneasily. "The first destroyer formation continues to search, and the remaining formations hurry to rescue people!"


There was another explosion, this time the battleship Renown was hit.

The Hebrew commander felt his heart cramping, his vision went dark, and he fell straight down.

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