Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

One after another, people sent over the answers to what Yannick asked that day about how to defend against the enemy's large-scale deep operations. With all kinds of wild answers, Yannick never expected that the Germans, who are known for their seriousness, could also come up with so many wild ideas.

After filtering out many nonsensical and non-executable answers, only three were left. As Yannick expected, it turned out to be Model, Kruger, and Manstein.

Although there are differences in details between the three people's answers, they can be said to be roughly the same. To put it simply, to defend against the enemy's deep operations, we need elastic defense + mobile counterattack.

As for who should be sent, Manstein needed to keep an eye on his "Manstein Plan", and Model had other options, and that was Kluge.

Yannick immediately called Kluge and listened to his report in detail. "Your Highness, which country is the imaginary enemy?"

Yannick doesn’t hide it either. "The Red Empire opposite us. The ratio of the number of people is about 1:5; the combat power is about 10:7."

"Understood." After thinking for a while, Klug walked to the small blackboard prepared by Yannick and began his report.

Deep warfare is a force-strength tactic, and the opponent will do this if it has a greater advantage in troops and weapons. However, a large-scale and deep operation like the Soviet army has a very fatal flaw-sustainability!

If the size of the army is too large, the logistics pressure will be very serious. Even the most powerful national power will be difficult to support such a large-scale army to conduct a large-scale and deep assault for a long time and over a long distance.

Therefore, in order to restrain large depth, you must first have depth. Otherwise, if you do not have depth to launch a fierce assault due to the opponent's absolute advantage in strength and weapons, you will not need to think about any defense, and you will just push it away in one wave.

If there is a certain strategic depth, then elastic defense and mobile counterattack must be adopted. In fact, this is not a secret. The so-called "retreat decisive battle" is a manifestation of large-depth defense. Assault arrows with a large depth are very powerful, and the Soviet army's large depth is likely to maintain multiple assault echelons, rushing towards the opponent one after another like waves.

Therefore, it is necessary to use methods such as destroying roads in depth, laying minefields, and mobile blocking to continuously delay and consume the enemy's assault force; at the same time, as the enemy's penetration distance increases and the troops are depleted, the pressure on their service and continuous operations will increase. If your capabilities are declining rapidly, you must take advantage of your own internal operations to assemble strategic reserves in a timely manner, launch a violent counterattack when the opponent's attack reaches its limit, prioritize attacking its fragile supply lines, and use the pincer formula to cut off the offensive echelon. The main purpose of the retreat route is to annihilate the effective forces, which can effectively contain large-scale deep assaults.

After listening to Kluge's report, Yannick thought for a while before speaking. "Then if we firmly control the air, will the defense be more effective with half the effort?"

Kluge replied without hesitation. "Yes, Your Highness. As long as we control the air, we can continuously bomb the enemy's frontline airports and deep regular airports, and use air strikes to destroy their pre-set positions, supply points, artillery positions, assembly areas, etc."

Yannick nodded, that's easy to handle. "You go and garrison the Eastern Front. There are hundreds of thousands of Polish prisoners there. Lead them to build a defense line."


"Go ahead, if the Soviets dare to invade, teach them a lesson!"

Kluge saluted, turned and left.

Yannick picked up the phone and called the Ministry of Defense. "Your Excellency, Marshal, are the troops ready?"

"Yes, Your Highness, our army is ready to go. We are just waiting for the final news from the scouts sent to the Ardennes Forest Mountains." The last sentence seemed a little unconfident. Apparently Rundstedt was not optimistic about the armored forces moving through the Ardennes Forest.

Of course, if Yannick hadn't known that someone in the original time and space had already tried running a tank in that forest, twice, he wouldn't have made this decision easily. "Don't worry, Marshal. They will definitely be able to find a way. Who could have thought that Napoleon could cross the Alps?" When the British and Austrians heard the news that Napoleon wanted to cross the Alps, they both expressed contempt. He responded with a silent sneer. "That is a place that has never been run over by any wheel, and no wheel has ever been able to run over it. What's more, he also led an army of 70,000 people, pulling heavy cannons and carrying tons of shells. and equipment, as well as a large amount of war supplies and ammunition." However, just as the besieged General Massena was starving and starving in Genoa, Napoleon's army appeared like heavenly troops. The Austrians, who had always thought that victory was in sight, could not help but be stunned, and their morale was in chaos. They could hardly believe that the little man in front of them had conquered the great and unattainable mountain. "We'll give those British a fright again."

"I hope so, and God bless Germany."

Yannick couldn't help but curl his lips after hanging up the phone. Everyone hopes for God's blessing, so who should God protect? It’s so difficult for God.

At this time, the red phone on his desk suddenly rang. This phone was a direct line to the Intelligence Bureau. He didn't need to answer Yannick to know that it was Reinhard. "Your Highness, our 'bait plan' was successful."

A proud smile appeared on Yannick's lips. "That's great."

The original plan to attack France in the original time and space was not the "Manstein Plan", but another "Yellow Plan"; although Manstein believed that the "Yellow Plan" was suspected of imitating the "Schlieffen Plan" and it was difficult to win by surprise; but as the saying goes Although he spoke lightly, the Ministry of National Defense and Mustache did not listen to his opinions and prepared to continue implementing the "Yellow Plan".

But a few days later, a German light aircraft flying along the Belgian border made an emergency landing in Belgium due to engine failure. The plane's wings had been torn off by large branches. Several Belgian soldiers rushed to the scene of the accident from a nearby border post to rescue them.

Two people on the plane survived. They were wearing civilian clothes, but they were actually German officers, one the driver and the other 32-year-old Major Helms Reinberg. Neither was injured. They were later taken to the nearby Belgian army headquarters. There, they asked to speak on the phone with the German military attaché in Belgium.

There was a small stove burning brightly in the outpost room. Major Reinberg soon seemed to have dozed off, and the two Belgian soldiers in the room also began to relax. Suddenly, Major Ryan Bogg jumped up, ran quickly to the fire, opened the red stove lid with his hand, and threw in a stack of papers hidden in his coat pocket.

At this moment, Belgian Captain Luo Zhi walked into the room and planned to question the two Germans. Seeing this, he quickly ran to the stove, reached out and took out the burning paper, and his hand was severely burned.

Although the paper was scorched by the fire, Belgian intelligence was able to put the pieces together. The beginning of the paper read "German Operation Order" and below it was "The German Army on the Western Front will launch an offensive between the North Sea and the Moselle River." ..." There are also some words, such as Dutch Fortress, Seventh Flying Group Army, Tank Regiment, etc. The Belgian generals could not believe their eyes: Germany's "yellow plan" to attack France and the Low Countries (referring to the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg) was presented before their eyes.

Could it be that Brother Ryan's piece of paper was a conspiracy that left the Allies scratching their heads? Belgian intelligence agencies decided to get to the bottom of things. When the German military attaché in Brussels, Major General Wenhwelingo, was finally allowed to speak alone with Reinberg, the Belgians were eavesdropping next door. Through the electronic bug installed in the hall, the Belgians heard Brother Ryanberg reporting to Willingo that he had successfully burned the "Yellow Plan", which made Major General Willingo breathe a sigh of relief. All this convinced the Belgians that the plan was real and not a trap.

The German General Staff speculated that the "Yellow Plan" had been disclosed to the senior commanders of the Allied Powers. It was no longer possible to achieve a "blitzkrieg" effect by implementing this plan, and the intention of the initial campaign on the Western Front must be changed.

At this time, Mustache remembered Manstein, who had been proposing changes to his battle plan.

The original "Yellow Plan" passed through central Belgium on the right wing of the front, then turned southwest, pointing directly towards Paris for the main assault. Manstein changed it to go from the Ardennes region through Luxembourg to Sedan, then northwest, and then turned to the Calais region. Implement a deep division assault to separate the northern group of the British and French coalition forces and force them to the seaside.

Everyone knows what happened later. The "Manstein Plan" achieved unprecedented success, and hundreds of thousands of coalition troops were trapped in Dunkirk.

Yannick didn't know whether the leak of the "Yellow Project" was an intelligence trap deliberately set by the Germans, but he still followed the example and asked Reinhard to set a trap for Britain and France.

Now Britain and France have really fallen into the trap.

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