Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 181: Battle of Poland (End)

"I have three ambitions. All major affairs of the country are my responsibility. The first is to command troops from far away places, and hold their rulers accountable for their crimes. The second is to win the most beautiful wives in the world, regardless of whether they are close or distant."

It means: I have the final say on all major affairs in the world, which is the first; I will also lead troops to attack hostile countries, capture their monarchs, and question them before me, which is the second; I will gather all the beauties from all over the world to accept them. Wives and concubines, this is the third.

This sentence came from the mouth of Hailing King Wan Yanliang, and it can be said to be his life ambition. Regardless of Wan Yanliang's character, his ambition is quite ambitious. To be powerful, powerful and lustful, the highest ideal of a king or even an ancient man could not be greater than this.

Yannick found that he had achieved the second one. If he wanted to say the third thing, it should be easy to do it with his current identity, status, and reputation. It's just that he loves the country more than the beauty and can restrain himself.

"Extra! Extra! The President and Marshal of Poland have been escorted to Berlin and will be tried soon!"

"Come and see! Warsaw has been captured! A great victory!"

Major German newspapers reported the news that the Polish president and marshal were being escorted back to Berlin for trial, and the whole country fell into unprecedented joy.

The people are most proud of the strength of their motherland, but no one expected that the empire would become so powerful after twenty years of suffering. In just half a month, the main force of "the largest military power in Eastern Europe" was defeated, and not only captured the enemy's capital, but also captured its president and marshal.

The British were dumbfounded by Germany's magical operation. After regaining consciousness, they almost jumped up and severely reprimanded Germany and Romania, angrily denounced their behavior as violating international morality. Germany was ordered to immediately release the arrested persons and hand over the 800 tons of gold seized.

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs still used the "extradition treaty" as an excuse, but the German foreign affairs department did not bother to pay attention to them. Goebbels only published an article despising the villainous behavior of Britain and France.

Britain and France had tough words, but they still did not dare to take the initiative to attack Germany, because they still pinned their hopes on Germany to continue to advance eastward after defeating Poland and fight against the Soviet Union.

But why is the Soviet Union so unsatisfactory? Until now, it has not even broken through the border defense line. It seems that Germany is advancing by leaps and bounds. If the Polish government successfully fled to the UK, the British would even ask the exiled government to give orders to the Polish Eastern Front troops to retreat and let the Soviets in.

It is a pity that the entire Polish government agencies have been blocked by Germany. Even if the British want to help the Soviet Union, they cannot help and can only do so from a distance.

Speaking of the Soviet Union, Yanik was quite speechless. The German army had now broken through Wischow in the east of Warsaw. He even specifically issued an order to stop advancing and rest in place to replenish supplies, just to wait for the Soviet Union to break through the defense line and advance westward.

Not to mention the distance, at least we have to push through Katyn Forest. Otherwise, where would the Katyn tragedy come from for him to use as an excuse?

But I don’t know whether the soldiers on the Eastern Front (Poland) are too brave or the Soviets are too useless. It’s been half a month and the Soviet army has not even been able to break through the border defense line. I thought that after exposing the lies of Voroshilov and Yezhov, Stalin would send a more powerful person to continue the attack. Unexpectedly, Stalin launched a new round of purges. The offensive on the Western Front was stranded and ignored. Let Yannick deeply understand what it means to be self-defeating. But you can't blame him, after all, there was no such big purge in the original time and space.

The current situation is that the Poles have no spare power to launch a counterattack, and the Soviets have not received orders to continue the attack; both sides just stare blankly.

And here, the "letters of war" from the high-spirited frontline soldiers floated in like snowflakes. For a time, the mail management office of the headquarters was filled with letters of invitation from various troops. Even Rundstedt approached Yannick several times, trying to find out why Yannick stopped the frontline troops.

In desperation, Yannick gave the order to continue the attack.

After holding back their strength and receiving sufficient supplies, the German army advanced for more than 100 kilometers in one breath, leaving only more than 100 kilometers away from the Soviet-Polish border.

The commanders of the Polish cluster on the eastern front of Poland were not having an easy time. Although they blocked the Soviets on the opposite side, the Germans behind them were pressing forward step by step. Maybe in two days the enemy's guns would be pressed against their backs. . It is simply a situation where there is a jackal in front and a hungry tiger behind. In addition, they have completely lost their backup, and it will only be a matter of time before they run out of ammunition and food.

So they started to think carefully. Poland's demise was a definite trend, and they had nowhere to escape. After all, those countries neighboring Poland were the Soviet Union, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Germany; they had heard on the radio the fate of those government agencies who fled Romania. Although they were somewhat indignant at Romania's despicable approach, they also silently sent a "Deserve it!" to the arrested president and marshal.

After all, they, the soldiers, risked their lives to defend the enemy on the front line and fought tooth and nail. How lucky were these guys, how could they sneak out without even saying hello? So do they deserve to stay here and wait to die?

Rather than fighting a trapped beast and dying sooner or later, it is better to surrender as soon as possible and maybe get some favorable terms of surrender.

The tentative proposal of Slavik Krakovsky, commander of the Rivne Army Group, was unanimously agreed by several other commanders.

The remaining question now is which side to surrender to.

Soviet Union?

Several commanders sneered at this. After all, these Soviets couldn't even break through their defenses, and it would be a shame to surrender to them.

That leaves only Germany.

After unifying their opinions, these commanders sent messengers to the German army more than 100 kilometers away to discuss surrender. Because they still had more than 400,000 soldiers under their command, they felt that they had sufficient bargaining chips. The conditions they proposed were a sum of money, an official position, and the retention of their own guards.

The Germans drove back the messengers and captured Bochki. At this point, it is not so much a victory as a surrender.

Several commanders discussed it and sent messengers again. This time they reduced their appetite and only wanted a large sum of money and a not-so-important official position.

But these messengers were driven back again, and the German army advanced another 30 kilometers.

On the same day, Julius Rommel, the former commander of the Lodz Army in Poland, announced the formation of a provisional government in German-occupied Poland in Warsaw, with him as the leader of the provisional government. Because President Moschiecki and Marshal Himigwe took away all their relatives and friends when they escaped, no one raised any objections. Of course, no one dared to raise an opinion. After all, the German prisoner-of-war camps would not be too crowded.

Julius Rommel's first order after taking office was the unconditional surrender of Poland.

The army commanders finally understood that they had very few bargaining chips left, and this time they only asked for their personal safety.

At this time, the German army was close at hand, and they accepted the conditions of these group army commanders, ordered all their soldiers to lay down their weapons, and then assisted the German army in setting up prisoner of war camps and imprisoned themselves in them.

Then a steady stream of German troops came to take over the Polish defense lines.

The eighteen-day Polish campaign came to an end. The German army occupied "most" of the Polish land, but the Soviet army only advanced five kilometers from the launch of the offensive to the end of the battle.

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