Transformers In Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 995: I just passed by

Countless gods have witnessed the birth of a quasi-ninth-level new god.

And what was born is so weird and special!

Those gods who came to see the excitement were originally a little dumbfounded by a series of incidents. Many of them have witnessed the battle between the Apocalypse and the New Creation Star more than once with their own eyes. They thought that this time it was the same as the past. The two sides had a **** battle, consuming too much population and biological weapons to make room. Exercising elite soldiers.

But who thought it would be so exciting? !

I thought that Daxede's vitality was badly injured, even if he did not die, he would not escape the fiasco, but who would have thought the result would be so incredible?

First, Orion, the third son of Darkside, became a weapon in the hands of the Father. He planned to use his backhand to attack Darkside's body. Then Scott escaped from the bottomless abyss and joined the battle against Darkside. Of encirclement and suppression.

As a result, a dark superman who was ignored by all existence was killed!

What makes them even more crazy is that the Dark Superman actually swallowed the core energy of the two ancient planets in full view, and was promoted to the super universe level! ! !

"This thief...Why isn't it me?!!! Does Darkside still lack a son? Heavenly Father will do too!!!"

A pair of jealous and almost frantic eyes, fiercely staring at the tall figure from the dust cloud, facing the horror rays and radiation, wishing to kill the **** and immediately replace him.

Super Universe Grade, that's the Super Great Grade second only to the Almighty Universe Grade! Looking at the realm of the gods, hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, there is no idea how many eighth-level gods are still suffering, spending countless years unable to improve their own strength.

Not long ago, Downey was able to reach the super-universe level and he could endure it. Anyway, he absorbed Barbatos's heritage world melting pot, and he still had the kind of artifact like the fire source as blessing.

This has driven them crazy.

Now here is another one!

What's more, it is the cheapest and least valuable multi-life!

Success is so easy and simple!

Niang Xipi, I can do it too! ! !

Even Downey and Emperor Weishan had slight changes in their moods after witnessing the whole battle.

Emperor Wei Shan said: "I really didn't expect that this war had thought that at most Daxede would die, but I didn't want Daxede to die, and forced out a super god."

He and Downey were the only super-cosmic beings present, and they could see pictures that no other gods could see.

Even the terrifying energy cloud and dust mass after the explosion of the new creation star could not block their sight.

To be honest, Downey was also a little surprised.

"I didn't expect this kind of result..." Downey groaned.

Emperor Weishan snorted.

Downey didn't respond, he was still observing the crazy evolving Dark Superman, thoughtfully.

In the comics, although the Dark Superman has accomplished the feat of destroying the new creation star, he has never swallowed the core energy of the new creation star...

Interesting things happened, but this is reasonable. Dark Superman has gone through so much. First, he lost to Downey, then was captured by Silver Superman, and threw it to Golden Superman for many years, and then simply followed Jin Chao. Attacked the Apocalypse and slapped Darkside.

After so much, if the Dark Superman can still be full of allegiance to Darkside, that would be really stupid, how much he has to consider for himself.

With a limited opportunity to gain power to surpass the shackles, this is what Downey has been doing all the time, and the Dark Superman has followed suit, and he has come again.

The most important thing is success. He seized the cores of the two ancient planets and became the first **** in history to gather the original power of the two planets.

One step up to the sky, one leap to the gods.

Standing at a height that even Darkside has not reached on the bright side.

"The Dark Superman, who thought he could control the core of the Apocalypse Star, was enough to make Darkside a headache. Unexpectedly, he took a step closer and even captured the New Creation Star..."

Downey looked weird. Although it was a quasi-ninth level urged by external forces, no matter how weak he was, it was still a quasi-ninth level.

How long has it taken for Downey to get to this day? Nearly two thousand years.

In the middle of this, I don't know how many times there are still alive.

Only by dying and struggling time and time again can we grow up in this cruel world step by step. Even Downey has moved the idea of ​​taking the route of eating people. This is the most intimate growth route in the American comics world. , But ultimately failed to implement, because he is not alone, there are many people who follow him.

And Downey did this only to stand today, and the Dark Superman easily achieved it.

Yes, compared with Downey's growth process, it's really simple.

In the terrifying energy layer.

The Dark Superman grabbed Orion's neck with one hand and sneered again and again. As the power in his hand continued to tighten, he was strangling Orion's life with his own hands.

The terrifying power that bursts out of the body, mixed with the source power of the two ancient planets, completed the blockade of Orion's body, soul, and godhead almost in an instant, and it was rushing in frantically all the time, blocking Orion. All possibilities of resistance.

Orion, who had risen like a new star not long ago, was almost strangled to death by the Dark Superman.

"Your son is about to be killed by me, what can you do?"

The Dark Superman sneered and looked at Heavenly Father who was staying in the distance, his voice cold.

Every time he breathed, there was a horrible debris absorbed by him, every pore was opened, greedily swallowing everything around.

With every breath, it becomes crazily stronger.

It directly put tremendous pressure on Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father looked at the dark Superman with a cold expression, his eyes flashing with killing intent, and the hand holding the scepter was tightly grasped but kept loosening.

The dark superman looked down at the scepter in Heavenly Father's hand, but just looked at it casually, then looked away, no longer caring.

It's just an ordinary artifact.

"Let go of him, this thing ends here!" Heavenly Father took a deep breath and said coldly.

"No, father, kill him!! Leave me alone! He destroyed our home, we must kill him!!!"

Orion's eyes were red, and even if everything about him was completely sealed off, he tried his best to resist.

"You have so many scenes."

The Dark Superman grinned and slapped Orion's face with a slap.

The power gushing out of that slap directly locked Orion's divine power and destroyed Orion's self-healing ability from the genetic level. This slap directly smashed half of Orion's head.

Heavenly Father looked cold, and roared: "You have destroyed the new creation star and obtained the earth's nuclear energy source. If you dare to kill Orion, I will kill you at all costs! Believe me, you will dead!!!"

The two confronted each other with cold eyes in their eyes.

A figure quietly entered the terrifying radiation cloud, and shuttled unscrupulously.

No one paid any attention to him, neither did the Dark Superman and Heavenly Father care. They only saw each other in their eyes.

The dark superman looked at Heavenly Father silently for a long while, as if confirming something.

"Darkside said that you have been hiding something important, it seems to be true." Dark Superman said, "But I don't care about it, it has nothing to do with me." Dark Superman sneered.

The figure began to sweep the wreckage of New Creation Star with a powerful force, seeming to be searching for something.

The dark superman twitched his mouth, tried to turn his head away, endured the desire to kill this guy, and threw the half-dead Orion toward the Father.

"Take this rubbish, go away, this is my rare pity for you."

The dark superman looked mad.

Heavenly Father glanced at Dark Superman indifferently, bent over, and carried the half-dead Orion.

He is enduring, and has been enduring hard, even if he longed for the power of the warrant to call the Wall of Origin and kill all the enemies in one go, but he was still enduring.

Until he saw a sneaky figure, he picked up a black cube box from the dust and blew it up completely.

"what are you doing!!"

Heavenly Father roared with red eyes.

Downey raised his head in confusion, calmly took the core father box that had lost his energy source into his arms, and asked, "You continue, don't worry about me, I just passed by."



Dark Superman raised his head, his eyes flushed, and a super hot sight mixed with the nuclear energy of the two planets, mixed with three colors of black, white and red, exuding terrifying impact and radiation, fiercely shone towards Downey.

Downey placed the parent box, frowned slightly, and stretched out his palm to take the attack. The terrible burning sensation hit instantly, and the terrible power contained in it made Downey have to treat it with caution.

The powerful impact force simply blasted Downey out, and was forced to move more than 100 million li to the outside world. His figure forcibly carried the wreckage of the new creation star, drawing a clear and obvious trajectory.

When Downey stabilized himself and looked down at his palm, he was surprised to find that his palm had become riddled with holes, almost penetrated by this hot gaze, revealing the bones inside.

"It's very strong, almost no less than me. If you consider that he carries the core of the Apocalypse Star and the New Creation Star at the same time, the endurance ability is only afraid..."

Downey's frowning brows slowly loosened, and with a movement in his heart, his palms had returned to their original state, raised his head, and looked at Dark Superman plainly.

The three figures confronted each other in this dangerous zone where there were so many crises and almost impossible to survive.

"As I said, I am not interested in the boring conflict between you at all. It doesn't matter which of you wins or who died, it has nothing to do with me. I just want this."

Downey grabbed the parent box and shook it in front of the two of them.

The parent box did not react at all, the new creation star's core energy was deprived of the dark superman, and now it can only rely on its own stored energy to maintain the most basic functions.

But this has no effect. Downey will associate this thing with the core of Cybertron, the source of fire, and give the parent box more powerful power.

The dark superman looked at Downey madly: "What are you doing here, I don't care at all, anyway, no matter what you do, you will die in my hands-of course, I will give you the opportunity of mercy and humility, and I will forgive you not to die. , Just like you did to me back then... don't thank me, hahaha!!!"

Back then, when Downey was breaking the barriers of diversity and becoming the only **** at the seventh level, the Dark Superman killed him from the Apocalypse all the way, and also specially brought the fourth mother box, sending Downey a powerful mother box. Armed.

Dark Superman wanted to kill Downey, take away the opportunity and make himself the only god, but unfortunately he was beaten to the ground with a backhand by Downey, and then rescued by Silver Superman.

This kind of humiliation, the dark superman who suddenly gained power, is eager to return intact and revenge.

Downey sneered, glanced casually at Heavenly Father, and pointed to the dark superman: "I'll help you kill this fool who has lost himself. Can you give me your scepter?"

Heavenly Father’s heart jumped, and the surface remained cold. He considered his vocabulary and quickly calculated the possibility and tentativeness of Downey’s words, and said in a deep voice: "This scepter belongs to my dead wife. It’s the only memorial that I keep. I can’t give it to you, but I can give it to you the parent box.”

"The trivial father box, want to change the life of a super-large god?"

Downey just smiled, and didn't worry about the scepter too much, as if he just asked a random question.

Heavenly Father's heart relaxed slightly and then tightened again.

What is this, he knows, or does not know? Or just guessing?

Heavenly Father looked ugly.

"Leave, the new creation star has been destroyed, and this place no longer belongs to you. The war between the two ancient planets will end from now on. As for the future... who knows?"

While talking, Downey looked at Heavenly Father seemingly casually.

In fact, I was observing the scepter in the hand of Heavenly Father. The legendary thing that can directly communicate with the Wall of Origin can be seen as an item version of Yuka Khan.

This is the most hidden and powerful weapon, even in the comics, it is just a stroke, and there are not enough chances to appear on the stage.

Even when Heavenly Father was captured back to the Wall of Origins, and his original power was taken away, the Scepter of Origin did not show enough power.

"One day, I will become the existence standing on the highest point, so that everything in the world inside the wall will look up to me, and the accumulation of the entire three generations will have to bow in front of me!"

Heavenly Father carried Orion, took a deep look at Downey and Dark Superman, and left without saying a word.

If he doesn't leave, he can only reveal the secret of the Scepter of Origin. That is a disaster, which means he has cut off the possibility of going further.

Be patient, and continue to be patient.

"Father, we failed..." Orion broke away from the dark superman's control, and his divine power began to recover. He was lying on Heavenly Father's back with his eyes absent, with a deep confusion on his face.

The loss was terrible.

He was abused so badly by a guy he had never looked down upon.

This guy also destroyed his homeland in one go, but he didn't even have the ability to take revenge.

Heavenly Father's face became calm, he turned to look at his son, and comforted: "Believe me, Orion, this will never end..."

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