Transcending Evolution

Chapter 74: Guild Wars

This is undoubtedly very risky, but Gu Yue knows that if he wants to pass the test, this risk must be taken by himself. Missing this opportunity, who knows when they can still meet the mutant mutant betrayal. If even this test can't pass, then his own plan to quickly improve his cultivation with the help of wild monsters will be completely bankrupt.

Using spiritual force to converge his life breath to the extreme, Gu Yue aimed at the position, rushed out of the diagonal thorn, and rushed towards the target wolves. In my mind, flashing information about wolves.

"Wolves, advanced mutant beasts, long fangs, sharp claws, can easily tear the body of the prey, very sharp. Copper-headed iron tail, extremely difficult to deal with, and very good at cooperative hunting, a small group of wolves siege, Even the official monster is difficult to retreat. "

It was close to a distance of 100 meters. The wild wolf suddenly froze abruptly. A low roar in his mouth turned around and ran straight to Gu Yue. Obviously, it discovered the trace of Gu Yue.

If you want to hide the eyes and ears of the mutant beast in the jungle, it was originally a very difficult thing. Gu Yue was able to hide the traces because he had been slowing down and converging the breath, but now the breath is exposed. .

"What a terrible beast!"

Gu Yue's heart is awe-inspiring, the wolves' attack is equivalent to shortening the distance between each other, which is naturally a good thing. However, with the low roar, the three wolves in the neighborhood seemed to receive the notice, and they turned at the same time, encircling towards Gu Yue.

"In the wilderness, humans hunt monsters and monsters, and monsters also hunt humans. I certainly regard the wolf as a prey, but in the eyes of the wolf, I am not a good prey. In the end, whoever is born and died, can be It's up to me to speak. "

A flash of enlightenment flashed in my heart, Gu Yue's speed did not decrease but increased, and he greeted him fiercely.

One person and one wolf gradually approached. At this time, Gu Yue could see clearly the shape of the wolves.

Its body hair is like a thorn with a root, and it is one and a half meters tall. Two thick fangs in the mouth reflect the cold light in the sun, reflecting a trace of dark red blood. The mouth is slightly open, with yellow saliva, and blood-red meat can be seen between the teeth.

The wolves looked at the human beings that were approaching in front of them, and uttered a low roar in their mouths. The slender and powerful four-claws violently trampled the ground, with a fierce figure of one meter and five feet in height, and rolled up a fishy wind, which was actually jumping high, As the same lightning flashed fiercely towards Gu Yue, two narrow fangs, like two sharp scimitars, came up first.

This crazy and fierce momentum is simply terrifying, and it has a pretentious momentum.

But this kind of power is nothing to Gu Yue who has beheaded several mutant beasts. Although the speed of the wolves is fast, it is like slow-motion playback in his eyes. The angle, orientation, and every detail can be grasped clearly. When he rushed to the front, he dodged quickly and flashed to the hawk The side of the wolf.

The wolf that was thrown into the sky was too late to stop, and the cold light flashed in Gu Yue's eyes, and the blood shadow war knife that had already been sheathed swayed like lightning, slashing toward the wolf's head.


As the sound of defeating the leather came, the wolf howled, the neck was red, and a scar was clearly visible. It kept running under its feet, and its dashing body accelerated forward, and it came out more than ten meters before stopping and turning around. His eyes staring at Gu Yue were bloodied.

"A stiff neck."

Gu Yue's heart was awe-inspiring, and the Blood Shadow War Sword was very valuable. He also had high hopes, but with all his strength, the wolf was actually wounded and not dead. The strength of his bones was really shocking.

Shock was only a moment, and the situation was urgent. If the wolves could not be slashed in the shortest time, waiting for other wolves to block up, it was his turn to flee desperately. So there was no pause at his feet. He took a deep breath and started abruptly. The sharp sword brought a bleak knife light and rolled towards the wounded wolves.


Wolf looked up to the sky and howl. After being injured, its fierce momentum increased without decrease, but its four hooves were lighter, but its huge body was as light as a ghost, and it rushed in front of Gu Yue's sword light.

"Dangdang Dangdang!"

The sound of the symphony of gold and iron is endless, the sparks are splashing, and the fangs of the wolves are as hard as the blood shadow swords in the palm of ancient Yue. One person and one wolf are like fighting, and the battle is reached in an instant. The degree of incandescence.


Finally, the knife flashed, Gu Yue's figure was half kneeling on the ground, a narrow scratch was clearly visible on his shoulder, and the blood immediately stained half of his body. In his palm, a trace of blood was visible on the blood shadow war knife.

The figure of the wolves hit the tree trunk and fell down heavily. Below him, the blood stains of Yin Hong quickly infiltrated, and it struggled weakly on the ground, and the breath of life declined rapidly.


Gu Yue was short of breath. Although the confrontation with the wolf wolf was only a short moment, it was a real life-and-death battle. The tension of life and death hanging on the front line made every cell in his body tremble. Life seems to be at this moment. Climb to the top.

"It's cool!" This feeling was too irritating, which made him deeply intoxicated. The blood warfare sword technique seemed to have a slight improvement, becoming more rounded and free, and more free-wheeling. Finally, by means of replacing injuries with injuries, he directly The wolves broke their stomachs.

According to the plan, what he should do now is to grab the corpse of the wolf and return to the town square with the fastest speed to complete the test of the instructor of the knife. There should be no hesitation and pause. Because, the three wolf wolves overtaken, the nearest one is less than thirty meters away from him.

However, he suddenly had a figure, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

The huge suction in the spiritual space arrived as expected. The beast soul of the wolf has just emerged, and it has been swallowed into the spiritual space, and then quickly analyzed.

It's all about spiritual energy, but I feel that the second rune star in the spiritual space is brighter and has not changed much. However, the pure primal energy that was excluded from the spiritual space was pushing his cultivation practice to improve rapidly, approaching the six-level perfect cultivation practice of the body, and began a crazy breakthrough.

The bottleneck of the seventh level of physical training was broken through rigidly. A kind of tremor originating from the bloodline made Gu Yue's figure stagnate.

Every drop of blood in seems to be cheering, and they have been hungry for a long time, madly swallowing the pure energy flowing in. In spiritual perception, with the analysis of the energy of the beast soul, the color of the blood becomes more vivid, the heart beat becomes more calm and powerful, and a strong feeling emerges spontaneously.

"Finally, finally advanced to the blood refining realm."

Gu Yue sighed comfortably, refining the body to level 7, this kind of practice is still only the ordinary level in the elite class, it is really not worth mentioning. However, Gu Yue knew that his strength had doubled, and listening to the blood flow in the blood vessels, it felt so thick and long, and seemed to contain infinite vitality.

Now, he can easily defeat his previous self, regardless of strength or speed, even nerve reaction ability, etc., are too powerful. Moreover, looking at the scar on his shoulder, he thought about it, and the blood flow suddenly slowed down. He seemed to have the ability to control the blood flow.


A moment of delay, but Gu Yue lost the opportunity to get away before several wolves were surrounded, accompanied by a wailing howl, the nearest wolves flew one by one, two blood-stained fangs , Pierced fiercely.

If it was before, Gu Yue had to evade all the way. After all, there was still a big gap between him and the wolf in strength. But at this moment, driven by an inexplicable impulse, his blood shadow war knife suddenly ran across, actually intending to directly block the crazy impact of the wolf wolf.

An uncomfortable sharp voice sounded, Gu Yue's feet sank, and he plunged into the ground. The whole person was pushed by the wolf, and two deep traces were plowed out on the ground, straight out three or four meters away. However, the crazy shock of the wolves was eventually blocked by him.


Gu Yue tiger's mouth is numb, and every muscle in his body is tightly tightened. Obviously, such a hard resistance to the impact of the wolf is not a wise choice, and he also paid a large price. However, he blocked it after all.

After advancing to the 7th level of body refining, Gu Yue's power is advancing by leaps and bounds, which is comparable to the ordinary 9th-level martial arts. Although it is said that the wolf is a high-level mutant beast, and its physical quality is even higher than that of the human warrior of the ninth level of physical refining, but it is not a type of strength. ~ can no longer suppress him in strength.

Stood firm, Gu Yue left the mountain swiftly, stunned, grabbed the fangs of the wolves, and threw it to the side of the tree. Where did the wolves want him to have this trick, fangs are certainly the most powerful weapon in his body, but they really want to be caught, it is also unable to move, and was suddenly thrown dizzy and turned.

Gu Yue waved his sword, and he wanted to chase it up, taking advantage of the situation to seriously injure him or even kill him directly, but the wind sounded again, and another wolves rushed up. This time, his blood was not calmed down, and he dared not block it anymore. He could only take a physique, jumped quickly to the side, and let him go sideways.

After a long jump, I tried to chase after I lost my chance. Gu Yue swept the sword and regrouped, but his expression was condensed. After a moment of delay, he was trapped by the wolves. The three wolves were divided into three directions. Surround him.

"bring it on!"

Taking a long breath, the plan is not as fast as the change. If it was before, the siege of the three wolves is desperate, and may even directly ruin his actual combat journey, but now, he really wants to see and see. The wolves of the monsters are all in fear.

The war started in an instant, and the wolf did not understand what is polite, **** breath, enough to stimulate their ferocity. In the wailing cry. The two wolves left and right, sharp fangs like a machete, fiercely picked up towards the ancient.

Gu Yue brandished the Blood Sword and greeted him without giving in. One person and three wolves instantly fight together.

This action, Gu Yue immediately found the wolves of the wolves, single wolves, he is not difficult to deal with, it is much easier to beheaded. But with just two more ends, he immediately found that his pressure was even greater than before when he was fighting with the wolf's life.

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