Transcending Evolution

Chapter 72: Bloodfang Town

Ripples like water waves rippling in the air, the invisible formations bound, quietly opening. It seems that through a time and space, what you see in front of you is the lush green that can't see the head, the towering big trees embraced by several people, the lush green grass that is more than one person tall, layer upon layer, like entering a virgin forest.

Reinforced concrete roads like giant dragons, like blood vessels of giant forest giants, extend from all directions to the distance. Turning around, the huge city is looming in the ripples, misty in illusion.

The air is full of vitality and vitality, and it feels completely new. It has a wonderful feeling of being in another world.

"This is the wilderness!"

The original car drove fast on the avenue. Gu Yue and others looked at the outside world novelly through the car window. Similar primitive cars are not uncommon on each channel, and the light curtain, completely condensed by energy, is constantly rippling and appears very busy.

Three days have passed since the battle with Liuhe. Gu Yue can be regarded as famous in one battle.

Liuhe's strength is not outstanding in the class, but the three words of genius class are already amazing. Being able to win the challenge means that as long as Gu Yue is willing, he can apply to change classes and become a class student.

However, after signing the contract of life and death, whether to enter the genius class is no longer meaningful to him. Next, he will enter the frontline town for at least half of the time, fighting while studying.

Defeated Liuhe. In his eyes, it was an unimaginable thing, but now, this is just a situation. After all, in his heart, he no longer regarded Liu Liuzhi as an opponent.

But in the school, it caused a great sensation, especially the same winners, there are forest trees and the East. The three genius students were defeated at the same time, which is something that has never been done in school.

Even, because of the challenge of three people, it also attracted deep doubts about the strength of the students in the genius class, so more and more students began to challenge the genius class.

But it turns out that the genius class is the genius class. In addition to the few people who deliberately retained their strength during the class assessment, other people want to beat them in a positive challenge, it is simply impossible.

Won the challenge, not all bring respect, there are more questions and challenges.

Three days in a row, Gu Yue's busy is very happy, like the students he challenges endlessly. In this class, there are three classes in the elite class two, and more are the challenges of the genius class. Of course, the students in the ordinary class hope to be able to blockbuster.

He who comes will not refuse.

Among them, there were also talented students who had been provoked by Zhang He, Liu He and others, hoping to use the challenge to maliciously reinvent him, but they did not succeed in the end. Although there are many masters in the genius class, who can be as strong as Zhen Han and Jiang Li, there are not half of them.

Travel all the way, the original car speed is very fast, if you let go, the speed of 500 kilometers per hour is not the limit. Sitting in the car, I can't even feel the bumps.

Anti-gravity technology is not too esoteric in the formation. Every original car that goes directly to the wilderness is a must. When necessary, the original car can completely get rid of the terrain restrictions and serve as a flying car.

Also used the original car to enter the front line battlefield, there are talented students, in addition, elite class two and class three also selected several outstanding ones. However, because different teachers lead, so the final army entered is also different.

It was also at this time that Gu Yue really understood why Zhen Han was so deliberate about them, and even gave up the treatment of the genius class to enter the elite class four. As the military special commander, Scarface teacher entered the front-line town, which is the mission area of ​​the blood tooth special commando team, and as his student, if he behaves well, he has the opportunity to become a reserve player of the special commando team.

In the new era, not everyone can join the army. Only students with good talents and outstanding performance during school will have a chance to enter the army. Put it in the school, it is almost the level of a genius class.

But this is only to enter the ordinary army, special forces like blood teeth, the requirements are more demanding. With the family background of Zhen Han and others, joining the army is not difficult, but if you want to enter the special team, the opportunities are equally slim. But if there is scar face recognition, then there may be a silver lining.

Of course, wanting to be recognized is definitely not an easy task. But after all, this is also an opportunity.

"After the Doomsday Cataclysm, the environment has changed drastically, and the rich original conditions can greatly increase the growth rate of any creature in the wilderness. The sky-like big tree like this, which is embraced by several people, takes decades in the AD, but it can be several years now It can grow up, and the growth rate of shrubs and vines is even more amazing, so this forest environment is the most common among wilderness. "

Scarface teacher was also in the original car, and after seeing that the students were very interested in the wild environment, they explained a few sentences casually.

"The highway can be so calm now, because a large number of warriors and abilities clean up the monsters every day. If the monsters are allowed to multiply, their number will grow very fast and terrible, and the beast tide will threaten the town soon."

In just over ten minutes, the original car has been hundreds of kilometers away from the city. On the way, I saw a few monster beasts, passing by the roadside. It's just that the original car is too fast. Most of them just roared twice and didn't catch up. Obviously, they have not weak intelligence. They know that the original car with excellent defense is not a suitable target.

Finally, a city wall with a height of tens of meters appeared in front of everyone, and the front-line town arrived.

This is a shocking building. The tall city walls, like a giant dragon, guard the buildings in the town. The whole city wall is black, and it is not a cement color, but a dark red. The positions close to the ground are all dark red blood color, which is very conspicuous.

There are also countless shooting holes on the wall, and there are countless barrels and barrels in it, densely packed, this is an automated weapon. In cities, guns are taboo. Even city hunters have no way to obtain them. But here, it is clear that firearms are also an important means of defending against monster attacks.

The tall walls are full of scars, and deep scratches are clearly visible. Many traces are very new, and you can see that they were recently formed. When the original car arrives, you can still hear the roar of guns, obviously fighting is the norm here.

The original energy car passed through the large town gate and stopped at a square in the center of the town.

"Okay, let's get off!" On the square, several soldiers in camouflage uniforms were waiting in line, and a scary smile appeared on the face of the scarred teacher, saying: "The town of blood teeth has arrived."

"So fast!" Several people in Gu Yue got out of the car and had some unexplained intentions. From the school to the wilderness town, the whole process took more than half an hour. Of course, this is also because the anti-gravity energy car is too fast. If the distance alone is counted, it is already close to 300 kilometers, which is not too close.

"Quick?" Scarface finally came down and said, "When a real crisis comes, it may be just a few seconds that determines your destiny. In the past two decades, the blood-tooth town has fallen three times, an average of seven years. To be destroyed once. When the tide comes, you will know how long this journey is. "

"Haha, Scarface instructor, don't scare these rookies anymore." An officer about twenty-six or sixty years walked hurriedly. He stood up and jumped high, facing the Scarface teacher fiercely. A bump.

"Small knife, I'm going to trouble you this time." Scarface said with a sincere smile.

"Relax! It's already arranged."

"Very good." Scarface nodded slightly and turned to the five students seriously: "This is the instructor of the knife. Next, he will be responsible for your residence and daily tasks."

"Hello Instructor!" Five people quickly said hello ~ ~ This blood-toothed town seems to have a strong **** atmosphere, which is frightening. Obviously it is just an empty square, but it naturally has a killing momentum, even Zhen Han, the most cynical, did not dare to be arrogant.

"Newborns, Xueyazhen welcomes you." The young officer was smiling, he was tall and sullen, even when smiling, he also had a kind of anger and majesty. "Here is the paradise of the strong and the **** of the weak! I have prepared a comfortable residence for you, but whether you can stay or not depends on yourself!"

"Is there still a test?" Zhen Han's eyes lit up. The five were all confident. They didn't even care about the test or the challenge.

"It's very simple. When you go out of town, you can stay as long as you can bring back the body of a mutant beast. Otherwise, go back and forth wherever you go!" Xiaodao Instructor smiled.

"Ask the instructor, is this a single mission, or a team mission?" Jiang Limian asked if he was frosted.

"Come here, you are a whole. But this task, I test the viability of each of you, so this is a single task."

"Since it's a single mission, then we can only act separately." Zhen Han shrugged his shoulders, a gesture of helplessness, and said: "You must be careful!"

"Relax, we are not out for sightseeing, if even a mutant beast cannot be packed, then it is not eligible to stay here." Lin Mu said fiercely. "It's better, let's bet and see who can complete the task as quickly as possible."

"Okay, I'm happy to accompany you." Dongfang was full of excitement and applauded.

Gu Yue frowned. He noticed that the knife was talking about survivability, not combat ability. This hunt mission was not so easy to complete.

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