"Violet Salamander, fly around the Electric Shock Beast!" Because of its ability to fly, Bai Ye ordered the Storm Salamander to use its specialties to fly fast in the air to disrupt the Electric Shock Beast.

Aaron was silent for a while looking at the tyrannical salamander flying in the air: "There are only two floating boards in the water field, and it is really difficult to deploy the means against the tyrannical salamander that has air dominance."

"Electric Beast, come back!" Aaron withdrew the Electric Beast, and then threw a Poke Ball, "Chief Swan, it's your place."

White light flashed, and a white swan appeared in the air to confront the newt.

"The violent salamander, the big characters burst!"

"Chief Swan, Liquid Circle!"

"The flames of the salamander quickly engulfed the chief swan, the chief swan crisis!" The commentator reported in time, "What, the chief swan rushed out of the flames unscathed!"

"Chief Swan, hail all over the field!"

The chief swan flapped his wings, and the audience was instantly flooded with endless snowflakes and ice crystals.

"Storm salamander, flying sky, flying upwards out of the hailstorm range!"

"Chief Swan, catch up and use the freezing beam!"

The chief swan flapped its wings and flew upwards. At this time, the center of the field was still shrouded in ice and snow, and the temperature of the entire stadium was much lower.Immediately afterwards, a ball of light quickly gathered around the mouth of the chief swan. In the next second, a blue-white light was instantly released from the ball of light, approaching the axolotl in the air. Opened the attack of the chief swan.Seeing this, the chief swan fluttered his wings, slid a certain distance quickly, and continued to lift off, firing a series of freezing rays from his mouth to keep pressing the salamander.

"The violent salamander, the big characters burst!"

"Roar!" The violent salamander roared, turned its head and vomited, and a thick flame instantly covered the freezing light and attacked the chief swan.The chief swan did not expect that the salamander would dare to fight back in such a situation, and he did not have time to react for a while, and was submerged in flames again.

This was the second big-character explosion of the chief swan in this battle, and the liquid circle surrounding it was directly vaporized in this attack.The chief swan whimpered in pain and flew out of the flames.

"Chief Swan!" Aaron shouted worriedly, looking at the Chief Swan who was hit in the sky.

"Storm salamander, Dragon's Charge!"

Bai Ye was already winning at this moment.

"Boom--" With a loud noise, the dragon's charge of the salamander perfectly hit the chief swan.

You must know that the key to this trick of Dragon Charge is murder, but the powerful elf is in a perfect state of mind, and it is difficult to be controlled by murder.Therefore, it is necessary to create a flaw. As long as a momentary flaw can be created, it is almost a sure-fire way to use this trick for the violent salamander with the intimidating feature.At this moment, under the pain of the chief swan, there is a gap in his heart. To perfectly grasp this momentary fighter, even an ordinary king cannot do it. Only the superpower of the mind can grasp this moment so perfectly.Not only that, for the chief swan, this kind of spiritual flaw was originally only a small one and could be recovered quickly, but the attack of the salamander was like a knife, tearing the gap directly, and the chief swan suddenly entered into fear. state……

"Good chance, salamander, use the claw of the dragon to give it the final blow!"

The salamander slammed its wings hard, and instantly approached the chief swan that was knocked away, and then its right paw glowed blue light and grabbed the chief swan fiercely.

"Boom--" With a loud noise, the falling figure of the chief swan tore the ice and snow on the field and fell directly into the field.At this moment, the ice and snow on the field have dissipated.

The referee took a few steps forward, observed it carefully, and announced, "Chief Swan is incapacitated!"

"It's really amazing!! The salamander's raid made the chief swan who had the upper hand reveal a fatal flaw, thus defeating the chief swan in one fell swoop." The commentator said excitedly.

"Come back, Chief Swan, you have done a good job." After Aaron took back the Chief Swan, he took out another Poke Ball, "Big Crocodile, it's your turn!"

"Raging salamander, come back and rest!" Bai Ye also put away the violent salamander, "Chenglong! Come out!"

Commentator: "It seems that after two high-intensity battles in a row, the salamander is also tired. Bai Ye has now withdrawn the salamander and released his second elf in this game-Chenglong. The most surprising thing is that The color of this dragon is actually purple!"

"Chenglong, sing!"

"Woo-woo--" Chenglong raised his head and began to sing, and the powerful crocodile opposite suddenly fell asleep.

"Strong crocodile, hide in the water!" Aaron shouted.

After the crocodile got the order, he turned back and hid in the water. The pool water in the battle field was deep enough that only a vague shadow could be vaguely seen on the water surface moving quickly towards Chenglong underwater.

"Chenglong, freeze the light!"

Chenglong raised his head to the sky and vomited, and a blue electric current-like light shot straight into the sky, and then the light quickly spread out, and the scattered freezing light continued to rotate and spread rapidly around Chenglong.As the freezing light spreads, half of the field with Chenglong as the center is covered with a thick layer of ice.

"Dali Crocodile, come out!" Seeing that the entire water field was about to become an ice field, Aaron hurriedly ordered the Dali Crocodile to come out of the water.After all, the elf like the crocodile can't breathe in the water like the elf like the carp king. If the entire field is frozen, the crocodile can only break through forcibly, and it is too easy to be subdued.

"Chenglong, increase your strength, and freeze the field!" Bai Ye's waveguide sensed that the crocodile was quickly swimming towards the opposite side of Chenglong.

"Pfft~~" With a soft sound, the crocodile rushed out of the water, and at the same time, Chenglong's freezing light also froze the entire venue.

The narrator: "It's amazing. Chenglong's freezing light spreads to the entire venue like a goddess scattered flowers, and quickly freezes the venue. At this moment, the water venue has been transformed into an ice venue."

"Chenglong, continue to sing!" Bai Ye ordered the moment the venue was frozen.

"Strong Crocodile, Qi He Bomb!"

The strong crocodile clasped his hands in front of his chest, a blue light ball appeared in the palm, and then pushed forward, the Qi He bomb quickly attacked Chenglong.

"Chenglong, stop singing, and move to five meters from one o'clock, four meters from twelve o'clock, and three meters from the line of defense at eleven o'clock... Listen to my order and use all the freezing light!" Bai Ye calculated in his heart. Following the trajectory of the Qihe bomb, he ordered it with telepathy.

"What is Chenglong doing?" Xiaoxia in the audience was also anxious, and then shouted loudly, "Bai Ye, hurry up and let Chenglong dodge!"

"What's wrong with Bai Ye?" Xiaogang also wondered, "If the Qihe bomb hits Chenglong, the effect will be outstanding."

Bai Ye stared at the trajectory of the Qihe bomb and suddenly shouted, "It's now!"

Chenglong, who was motionless, suddenly and quickly spit out several lines of freezing light.Suddenly, several icicles in a row blocked the front of the Kihe bomb.

"Dang-dang-dang-..." Several consecutive voices sounded from the junction of the Kihebomb and the icicle. Under the influence of the icicle, the trajectory of the Kihebomb was slowly changing. After several changes Hit the crocodile directly to the next Kihe bomb.

"Chenglong, freeze the light, and seal its retreat!"

"What!?" Aaron looked at the rebounding Qihedan in horror, "No, Dali Crocodile, run away!"

Dali Crocodile was also panicked when he saw the rebounding Qihe bomb. Just when he raised his foot to escape, a blue light flashed, and his tail was immediately frozen on the ice.And the gas bomb has arrived.

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