Chapter 851 What a waste.

(1 more)

The commercial area was crowded with people, and the streets were almost filled with deserted merchants and people from nearby cities.

The news that the Sacred Land Council is about to convene in Black Tortoise in advance has already spread throughout the surrounding cities and tribes.

The reason why the news spread so quickly is due to the propaganda of the fox fairy.

Another part of the reason is that underground intelligence merchants are selling news of Black Tortoise City.

Like the large and small tribes that Foxx has never visited this time, intelligence merchants sell the news to them.

In the Samsung Building, room 8 on the second floor.

Gikiev who was lying on the bed opened his eyes.

“It’s noisy.” He frowned and stood up, pushed open the window hard, and went out to look at the crowds on the street.

From the outside, Jiquifu is just an ordinary man.

He is thirty-two years old this year, but he has a forty-year-old appearance, brown hair and eyes, which will not make people look at him again when he is in the crowd.

“Annoying.” Gigquif curled his lips and closed the window vigorously.

He turned his head to look at a newspaper on the desk with more than fifty names written on it, and Qibang ranked first.

“Damn it, it’s hard to bury the long thread, now it’s all gone.” Gigquif raised his hand to make a fist and hammered the table hard.


After seeing this newspaper, he evacuated from Beihai City as soon as possible, and did not go to Qibang’s residence to check the situation, but came to Black Tortoise to live in the Samsung Building.

A member of a certain underground intelligence dealer organization in Jiquifu, Qibang is just a “chess piece” he cultivated, apparently for smuggling, but actually for stealing the secrets of Black Tortoise.

Fortunately, Ji Kuifu has no direct contact with Qibang, so he is not worried about being implicated.

The information of Black Tortoise is very valuable, and many big cities buy it at a high price.

Those people are very interested in secrets such as the sacred trees of Black Tortoise, the secrets of the survival of the green plants, and the endless water sources.

Knock knock~~~

“Guest, what happened, do you need help?” The room door was knocked, and the staff’s caring voice sounded.

Ji Kuifu’s heartbeat speeds up, he deliberately lowers his tone, and responds with composure: “It’s okay, don’t worry…

“Okay.” Outside the door, the staff whispered something.

She decided to wait for the guest in Room No. 8 to check the furniture as soon as possible. If there is any damage, she will be compensated.

The footsteps outside the door went away, and Jiquifu was relieved. His identity has not been revealed yet.


The melodious bell rang, rang eight times and then stopped.

“The time is up.” Jiquifu whispered to himself.

He sat down again, tore a three-finger-wide piece of paper from the newspaper, and wrote something on it with a pencil.

After writing a few lines in a hurry, Jiquifu folded the note and hid it in the wide cuffs, got up and opened the door to leave the room.

Walking out of the Samsung Building, the noise filled my ears.

Jiquifu’s hand in his sleeve squeezed the note tightly, distinguished the direction, and walked towards the treasure building.

There were people coming and going in the street, he stopped walking forward, his hand in his sleeve stretched out, and the note between his two fingers was taken away.

Jiquifu looked ahead and continued to sway nonchalantly.

In the crowd, the woman who had taken the note continued to move forward. After moving away from Jiquifu, she turned and walked into the alley between the shops.

Hexidi looked around, and only after seeing no one else did he took out the note and unfolded it to take a closer look.

Only three questions were written on the paper.

Is there any progress on your side?

Did you sneak into the military workshop?

Did you get any useful news?

“The guy Jiquif thought about being light and handy, how could it be so easy to sneak into the military workshop”. Hexidi curled his lips and murmured.

She crumbled the paper ball, stuffed it into her mouth, chewed a few times and swallowed it.

Hexidi took out a new note prepared in advance and wrote the reply with a pencil on the paper.

“Big sis, what are you doing here?” A soft voice sounded, startling Hexidi.

Reflexively, she hid the note and pencil behind her back, and looked sideways at the nine-year-old girl who suddenly appeared.

The little girl stood in the alley, looking at her with innocent eyes.

“Sister, Big sis is tired from work and is resting.” Hexidi’s heartbeat was fast, and her voice stammered.

The little girl tilted her head, Jiao Han asked, “Then why stay in the alley to rest?”

“Because it’s cool here.” Hexidi pulled a stiff smile on his face.

She cursed inwardly, only hoping that the little girl in front of her would leave soon.

“Big sis, your smile is so ugly.” The little girl pointed her finger at Hexidi’s face and smiled happily.

“… Hexidi’s eyes jumped, enduring the urge to slap the little girl to death.

“Xiaonan, who are you talking to?” came the doubting female voice.

Liu Yi came and stretched out his daughter’s hand.

“Mother, there is a weird Big sis here.” Xiaonan pointed at Hexidi in the alley.

Liu Yi raised his eyes and looked at Hexidi, apologizing: “Sorry, my daughter is a little restless. I’m bothering you.”

“No, it’s okay.” Hexidi shook his head stiffly.

“”々 Xiao 囡, hurry up, the drama is about to begin. Liu Yi took the little girl and turned and left, leaving Hexidi staying where she was uncertain.

Xiaotu asked, “Mother, when will the Sacred Land Council start?”

Liu Yirou said: “There are still fifteen days, so don’t worry.”

“But mother, your “virtual ghost infection” is about to break out. “Little because of depression.

“Good, it’s okay.”” Liu Yi raised his hand and rubbed his daughter’s head, sadness in her beautiful eyes.

In the alley, Hexidi calmed down, took out the pen and paper again, and wrote the remaining words as quickly as possible.

She folded the note and walked out of the alley pretending to be nonchalant, looking for Giquif.

Hexidi just wanted to send the note out quickly, and then return to work in the inner city, away from the noisy business district.

She walked in the crowd and soon found a familiar figure.

Ji Kuifu was preparing to line up in front of the bun shop.

Hexidi stepped forward, standing behind him casually, pretending to line up to buy buns (got it).

With his back, Ji Kuifu succeeded in getting a note from Hexidi.

The two continued to line up, each buying two meat buns before leaving one after another.

The cautious Ji Kuifu went to the Zhao Fruit Shop again and bought two apples before returning to the room in the Samsung Building.

Jikuifu breathed a sigh of relief, locked the door for the first time, took out the hidden note, and read the text on it after unfolding it.

“The military workshop is too difficult to sneak into. Every time you don’t get close, you will be driven away. I always feel that there is someone in the dark.

“I can’t get in the high ground. The defense is tighter there. There is no other useful information for the time being. I will contact you after five days.”

“Hexidi is really rubbish. After sneaking into the inner city for so long, I can’t find out any useful news!!”

With a dark face, Jiquifu tore up the note in his hand.

o o o o

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. ,

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