1634: Pray. (1 more)

Thousands of miles in the sky, there are no clouds in the sky.


Above the vast land, the transport spacecraft moved forward at full speed, and the huge turbofan was spinning at an extremely high speed, providing the transport spacecraft with the power to move forward.

On the bow deck of the transport spaceship, Commander Black Bird and Commander Dog Head and others were looking into the distance.

Mia turned her head and asked, "Have you entered the territory of the Orc Kingdom?"

"Well, at the current flight speed, you can reach the Orc King City in the afternoon." Commander Xuanniao nodded.

It has been three days since they left Xuanwu City. According to the scheduled time, it is time to arrive at the Orc King City today.

"What is the Orc King City like?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"It's not the same as your human city. Most of the houses are made of stones, and there are also wooden houses, but there are relatively few. The black bird commander said softly.

Charlotte asked innocently, "How about Orc Kingdom compared to Xuanwu City?"

"The orcs fell silent.


"Cough, this can't be compared..." The dog-head commander coughed a few times, a little embarrassed.

"Why can't you compare?" Charlotte tilted her head.

"Xuanwu City is better." Commander Xuanniao said without changing his expression.

Charlotte blinked her beautiful eyes, but she didn't continue to ask questions, and she was ready to wait until the Orc Kingdom to go shopping.

Tai Keke leaned on the fence and looked down, looking at the sparse green land, and complained: "This is too desolate, there are not many green plants."5

"Well, it's the same as ours." Charlotte nodded in agreement.

The side she was referring to was naturally the Old Continent, which was even more desolate than this place. As long as the wind blows, the sky will be filled with yellow sand.

"Xuanwu City?" Commander Xuanniao asked in confusion.

"No, it's on the other side of the misty sea." Charlotte said crisply.

Commander Xuanniao and Commander Dogtou widened their eyes and said in astonishment, "On the other side of the misty sea?

"Ah, I missed my mouth." Charlotte raised her hand to cover her mouth and looked at Mia for help.

"It's not a secret, you don't need to keep it." Mia said indifferently.

Mu Liang has already opened the Misty Sea Passage to the outside world, and he can pass through just by paying money. Naturally, it will no longer be a secret.

Charlotte sighed in relief: "That's good.

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?" The dog head commander said dissatisfiedly.

Charlotte explained: "My hometown is on the other side of the misty sea, which is another continent. It's normal that you don't know."

"You mean...there is a new continent on the other side of the foggy sea?" The dog-headed commander looked at Charlotte in a stunned manner.

Charlotte said crisply: "Yes, it's just that the place is barren, there are not many green plants, the sky is covered by dark clouds all the year round, and the sun can't be seen.

"How come it's the same as in the movie?" The dog-headed commander couldn't turn his head.

He also watched movies in Xuanwu City, and even watched several of them, and finally left reluctantly.

"It's about the same." Charlotte nodded. The scenes in the movie were originally set with reference to the environment of the Old World.

Commander Xuanniao was full of shock and was silent for a long time before he said: "There is a new continent on the other side of the misty sea, you have crossed the misty sea?"

"Yeah." Charlotte nodded.

"Let me digest this news..." Commander Xuanniao raised his hand and pressed his temple.

The other orcs were also shocked, showing expressions of doubt about life.

Taike could see them like this, and whispered: "It's nothing."


The next moment, she received a bunch of resentful eyes.

Half an hour later, Commander Xuanniao came to Mia and asked about the old continent.

"Nothing to say, the general environment is the same as in the movie, the ghost, the blood moon, the barren land." Mia said indifferently.

The mysterious bird commander asked in surprise, "Is the ghost real?"

"Well, you have them here too, but I don't know why, they didn't appear when the blood moon came." Mia said calmly.

"Void Ghost Tide..." Commander Xuanniao frowned.

Mia said indifferently: "When the blood moon comes, the ghosts don't come out, and there is still a long time before the next blood moon, so there is no need to worry.

Commander Xuanniao moved his throat and said in a low voice, "I hope the ghost will not appear when the next blood moon comes."

"Pray." Mia lowered her eyes.

Xuanniao commander yearningly said: "I am very interested in the Misty Sea and another continent, how can I go and see it?

Charlotte said naively: "This is simple, Master Mu Liang built a passage in the misty sea, and you only need to give the magic beast spar, you can pass through the passage."

"I understand." Xuanniao's eyes flickered, and he kept this matter in his heart.

In the afternoon, the transport spaceship slowly approached the Orc King City.

Looking from a distance in the air, the surroundings of the orc king city are still desolate, the wind blows, and dust and sand are flying all over the sky.

When the transport spaceship descended to the flying height, Mia could clearly see the general appearance of the Orc King City.

The city walls stacked with boulders are 30 meters high and 10 meters thick. Although the city walls are uneven, there is no doubt about their hardness.

Inside the city walls are stone houses.

The appearance of the transport spaceship attracted the attention of the orcs in the city.

The orcs in the street stopped and watched the transport ship slowly descend.

66 "What is that, so big!" An orc exclaimed.

"Enemy attack!" Some timid orcs began to shout in horror.

On the transport spaceship, Charlotte looked down at the panicked orcs in the Orc King City, and whispered something.

The orc knight guarding the city gate shouted in astonishment: "I saw the commander of the black bird.

"Where?" Another orc knight looked forward.

Before he could see clearly, Commander Xuanniao had already jumped down from the transport spaceship, his wings spread out from behind.

"It's really the commander of the mysterious bird!" The orc knights breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone in the square is out of the way, it's not an enemy attack." Commander Xuanniao shouted coldly.

For the transport spaceship to land in the Orc King City, a wide area needs to be vacated, and the King City Square is the most suitable.

(Zhao's goodness) Many orcs know the commander of Xuanniao, and they are quiet a lot when they hear the words.

The mysterious bird commander landed on the square and ordered coldly: "All the orcs on the square, retreat outward."

Under her order, the orcs left the Wangcheng Square in cooperation, and stood watching from a distance.

The transport spaceship continued to descend, slowly falling towards the square.


The huge turbofan slowed down, and the transport spacecraft landed smoothly on the square.


The hatch opened, and the accompanying city defense troops came out of the cabin. They stood on both sides and guarded the hatch of the transport spacecraft.

"Finally back." The dog-headed commander came out of the cabin, took a deep breath subconsciously, and finally took a mouthful of flying sand.

"Ahem, I'm starting to miss Xuanwu City." He twitched the corners of his mouth, opened his mouth and spat out the yellow sand in his mouth.

. . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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