1570: Monthly revenue exceeded 100 million. (2 more)


The transport spaceship flies smoothly at high altitude.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Tecoco held a telescope and looked ahead, saw a corner of the sea, and also saw the rolling mountains.

"It's here, it should be Yili City in front. Taike put down the telescope and turned around and shouted.

ta ta tao~~~~

Bouvier and Nigisa quickly walked to the bow upon hearing the sound.

"Finally back." Nijisha took a deep breath, as if smelling the air of Xuanwu City.

Bouvier turned the telescope and said in a clear voice: "I saw Xuanwu City.

"Well, right at sea." Nigisa nodded.

"Start descending." Bouvier gave the order.

"Yes." The staff acted.

The transport spacecraft began to descend, traversing the Ziwen light steel mining area, and after entering the sky over Yili City, it continued to fly towards Xuanwu City.

This time, the transport spacecraft flew over the city of Yili smoothly, attracting the eyes of all the people in the city.

Soon after, the transport spacecraft approached Xuanwu City, entered the outer city area smoothly, and landed towards the airport.

After the transport spacecraft stopped, the hatch opened, and Taikeco, Bouvier and others got off the boat first, and the other city defense troops got off the boat.

"I'm back." Yue Qinlan, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried forward to greet her.

"Sister Qinlan, long time no see." Bouvier stretched out her hand and embraced Yue Qinlan.

Yue Qinlan said softly: "It's hard work."

She looked at Tecoco 673 and Nigisa, nodded lightly, and said hello.

"It's not hard." Bouvier slowly shook her head.

She released her hand and asked softly, "Where's Mr. Mu Liang? 35

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "He is dealing with work and can't leave because he is busy, so he is waiting for you to go back in the palace and let me pick you up. 99

"Then let's go." Bouvier nodded.

Yue Qinlan gestured to the small transport spaceship behind him: "Well, take the transport spaceship back."

Several people got into the small transport spaceship and flew to the inner city highlands.

Soon after, the small transport spaceship stopped on the eighth floor of the highland, and Yue Qinlan and others got off the ship and walked into the palace.

"Miss Bouvier, Miss Nigisa is back." The maids welcomed in unison.

With a smile on her charming face, Nigisa waved her hand: "Long time no see."

"We miss you very much." Wei Youlan said obediently.

"Well, everyone misses you." The other maids nodded quickly.

"Let's meet Mu Liang first, and we'll catch up later. Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Okay." Nijisha blinked her blue eyes and followed Yue Qinlan to the study.

In the study, Mu Liang was dealing with inner city affairs.

knock knock (bfda) knock~~~

"Mu Liang, I'm in." Yue Qinlan reminded, then pushed open the study door and walked in with Bouvier and Tai Keke.

"Sit down first, wait for me." Mu Liang raised his eyes and glanced, gestured to the row of tables and chairs in front of him, and continued to write.

"Sit down." Yue Qinlan lowered her voice.

Bouvier and others were also sensible, sat down lightly, and quietly waited for Mu Liang to finish the work at hand.

During the period, the little maid came in and brought tea.

Bouvier drank the tea slowly and looked at Mu Liang, and found that he was still very attractive after not seeing him for more than a month.

Before she knew it, she watched it for more than ten minutes, until Mu Liang put down the pencil in his hand and put the documents neatly in the drawer.

Mu Liang raised his eyes to look at Bouvier and the others, and said warmly, "Thank you for your hard work, welcome home.

"Fortunately, it's not hard." Bouvier said the scene familiarly.

Nijisha took out a thick stack of photos and handed them to Mu Liang: "These are photos of the newly built business district.

Mu Liang looked down one by one and learned about the appearance of the new business district.

"It's very good, it has the style of the Xuanwu City business district." Mu Liang praised.

Bouvier slowly breathed a sigh of relief. She designed the new business district. Now Mu Liang didn't say he was dissatisfied, it was the best result.

"Tell me about the situation in King Xihua City in detail." Mu Liang asked calmly.

"Okay." Nijisha nodded, took out the notepad, and began to report all the news and information she had heard in Xihua Wangcheng.

Bouvier was surprised that Nijisha had investigated Xihua Wangcheng.

When she was in Xihua Wangcheng, she only wanted to build a business district, and did not pay attention to other things in Xihua Wangcheng.

But Nijisha is different. She is the captain of the Ghost Special Forces, and it is her task to investigate intelligence.

Mu Liang tapped lightly on the table with his fingers and listened to the information reported by the blue-haired girl. He was surprised that Xihua Wangcheng was richer than he imagined.

"You can sell the TV to Xihua King City." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Well, wait for a while, there are still too few TV sets, and there are not enough sales in Yili City. 35 Mu Liang said warmly.

There are many nobles in Yili City. After they don't worry about food or clothing, they start to think about things for entertainment. For them, TV is a sharp tool to pass the time.

In addition to Yili City, there are many businessmen who have taken a fancy to the TV set and are ready to stock up and send it to other cities for sale, which has led to the pre-sale order for the TV set has been placed in a month.

Mu Liang also planned to sell the TV set to Salun City, where the aristocrats were also very wealthy, so they didn't worry about the TV set being difficult to sell.

"It's a pity that TV sets cannot be mass-produced." Yue Qinlan regretted.

The production of TV sets requires the use of space magic circles, which only Mu Liang can know, so mass production is impossible, at least not currently possible.

Mu Liang waved his hand and let Nijisha continue to speak.

"Xihua King City is very large and has a large population, but the place where they live is very small, only nobles can live in large courtyards... 35

Mu Liang listened quietly, and built up the image of King Xihua in his mind through what Nijisha said.

After Nigisa finished her report, Bouvier started her work report and made a detailed report on the business district.

"If the newly-built business district operates normally, it can bring in about 100 million yuan of Xuanwu coins per month.

Bouvier said confidently: "When the magic tools such as TV sets, refrigerators, and ovens are shipped, the income will be higher.

"Well, the workshop will prepare the goods, and when the goods are sufficient, they will be shipped." Mu Liang said calmly.

The magic tools such as refrigerators and air conditioners produced by the Spirit Tool Workshop have been sold out in the past few days. It can only be said that there are too many rich people in Yili City.

"Okay." Bouvier responded.

Mu Liang looked at Bouvier and said warmly, "I just came back, let's rest for two days, and then go to the business district of Yili City to help."

"Okay." Bouvier smiled and nodded.

"You too, you can take two days off." Mu Liang looked at Taike and Nijisha again.

Tai Keke coquettishly said: "Then I will go to my father to live for two days.

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang nodded in agreement.

"Two days off, just in time to watch a new movie." Nijisha's blue eyes shone brightly.

Just before going to the movies, you have to distribute the gifts you bought to everyone.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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