1498: Just escaped the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den. (3 more)

In the dark, in the corner of the mine, Allman and his sister hugged shiveringly.


"Who is it? Help..."

It was dark all around, and the two of them could only hear screams and screams.

"Ah~~" Allman screamed in horror.

"Shut up, don't shout." Olna reached out and covered her sister's mouth.

She is also afraid, but screaming now will only reveal her position, and her death will only be faster.


Allman whimpered, and tears fell from his cheeks, wetting his sister's hands.


Suddenly the screams stopped abruptly, and a touch of warm liquid spilled on the faces of the two sisters.

Olna's body trembled, and her slightly opened mouth tasted a hint of liquid, and the rust-like taste spread in her mouth.

She widened her eyes in horror, knowing that it was not the water that splashed on her face, but someone's blood.

Olna felt her sister's body stiffen, so she didn't dare to let go, for fear that she would scream again.

At this time, the screams sounded again, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The sisters heard more screams, all from slaves who were mining together.

"Shut up. 99's indifferent voice echoed in the mine.

ta ta ∼

Footsteps sounded, getting closer and closer to the depths of the mine.

Allman held his breath subconsciously, this was a desire to survive, for fear of being discovered.


The darkness receded like a tide, the light reappeared in the mine, and those illuminating stones returned to normal.

Olna's pupils shrank, and she saw seven men in black robes, with the bodies of the overseers lying at their feet.

Several overseers widened their eyes, their necks were cut open, and blood flowed all over the floor.

The bald overseer fell in front of Sister Orna, and the blood on their faces came from him.

Allman looked at the bald foreman's dead eyes, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Uncle Zhang said respectfully, "Your Highness, there are eighteen slaves here.

"Take them all." Su Linyi glanced at the slaves.

As she spoke, she took a black flower from her waist and tucked it into the overseer's split neck.

Hei Lihua, that is a black flower that looks like a lily, only blooms in mass graves and places where there is a strong sense of death.

In folklore, the black flower represents death.

But what others don't know is that the black flower was the favorite flower of the previous king of the Lanlupo kingdom.

"It's Heilihua!" Someone screamed.

Su Linyi glanced at her without denying it.

"Lord Heilihua, don't kill us." Someone begged.

Su Linyi said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you.

"Really?" Allman's beautiful eyes widened.

Su Linyi nodded and said with a serious face: "Leave first, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

"Get up." Uncle Zhang urged.

Allman and his sister looked at each other, stood up suspiciously, and walked out with each other's arms.

The other slaves also stood up in fear, and even dropped the pickaxe.

"Take all the iron picks away." Su Linyi said.

The iron pickaxe is made of purple-patterned light steel, and can also be used as a weapon, so it cannot be thrown here.

Hearing this, the slaves picked up the pickaxe and left the mine in surprise.

Su Linyisi walked out and instructed: "Uncle Zhang, arrange for someone to transport the ore back.

"It's already arranged." Uncle Zhang nodded respectfully.

He looked at the woman in the black robe in front of him, and his heart was full of emotion. In just three years, she had grown from an innocent princess to a decisive leader, which was amazing and embarrassing.

Uncle Zhang recalled the past. Three years ago, the king of the Lanlupo Kingdom was not the one he is now. It should be said that those people in the palace were not from three years ago.

Three years ago, the palace of Ily City underwent a major change. The nobles in the Ramlupo Kingdom joined forces to rebel and force the palace, killing the then king in the main palace.

Not only that, they also killed all the knights and nobles who supported the king, and only a small part escaped.

Among those who escaped, there was an eighteen-year-old princess, and she was Su Linyisi.

Uncle Zhang was the knight commander at that time and a loyal subordinate of the previous king, an eighth-order powerhouse.

During the three years they were fleeing, they hid in Tibet and were almost caught several times. Finally, they hid in the mining area before they got rid of the pursuers. They have survived with difficulty until now.

"Uncle Zhang, what are you thinking about?" Su Linyi stretched out her hand and waved in front of Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang shook his head and sighed: "It's nothing, I just sigh that His Highness is stronger. 99

Su Linyi's eyes were firm and said: "No, I'm still too weak, to avenge my father and mother, I must become stronger.

Her goal for the rest of her life is to avenge her father and mother, and kill her original enemies, those nobles and royal family members in the palace of Yili City today.

She also wants to take back the throne, which used to be her father's thing and must never be given to others, let alone killing her father's enemy.

Thinking of this, Su Linyi's teeth are itching with hatred, and she can't wait to go to the palace to kill the enemy now.

"Your Highness, this matter cannot be rushed." Uncle Zhang said earnestly.

He also had hatred in his heart, his wife also died in the catastrophe, only one son and one daughter survived.

"I know, let's go back first. Su Linyi nodded and walked out without speaking.

Uncle Zhang secretly sighed and quickly followed.

Outside the mine, Allman looked at the corpses all over the ground and shrank his neck in fear.

"Come with me, I have to go back to the base before dark. 39 Su Lin Yisi signaled and walked up the mountain.

The slaves looked around, some wanted to run away, but when they saw the machete in the hands of the man in black robe, and the corpses all over the place, they immediately gave up the idea of ​​running away.

Sister Orna did the same, daring to keep up with Su Linyisi's pace.

"Everyone keeps up with 610. If someone finds out, they will only die." Uncle Zhang threatened.

When the slaves heard the words, their hearts tightened, and they didn't dare to think carefully, but they felt anguish in their hearts, thinking that they would fall into the wolf's den after escaping from the tiger's mouth.

The crowd just climbed over the two mountains, and the black-robed man cleaned up the traces they had passed.

Some people clean up their footprints, and some people use natural magic to restore the green plants that were trampled on, so that no trace of someone walking is visible.

Before dark, everyone came to the foot of another big mountain, where there was an abandoned mine, which was the temporary base for Su Linyisi and others.

Everyone walked into the mine, all the way to the deepest point.

"Open the door." Su Linyisi said.

"Yes." A black-robed man stepped forward and skillfully performed earth magic.


The stone wall in front of everyone suddenly separated, revealing a hole for three people to enter and exit side by side.

"Go in." Su Linyisi motioned.

The slaves did not dare to disagree, and walked into the cave with trepidation.

Su Lin Yisi stopped, looked at Uncle Zhang and said, "Uncle Zhang, go and count the ore. I will go to the black market tomorrow and sell all the remaining ore."5

"Yes." Uncle Zhang nodded respectfully.

They need food, potions and weapons, so they have to grab the ore and sell it on the black market.


ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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