1384; You are too poor. (3 more)

Outside the city of Salun, Randy took Lingxiang to the ground, hid in a small forest, turned into a humanoid and walked out.

“It’s finally here.” Ling Xiang said excitedly.

“Okay, I’ll go first when Salon City arrives. Randy patted her sleeve, she’s already been very tired after flying for most of the day.


“No, you have to take me to Black Tortoise City.” Ling Xiang grabbed the brunette girl’s hand.

Randy said patiently: “Black Tortoise City is just ahead, just across Salon City.

“You have to take my magical beast spar, you have to take me there.” Ling Xiang said with a serious face.

….well, come with me. “Randy pulled her face, just wanting to go to rest quickly.

“Let’s go, the ink is left. Ling Xiang urged repeatedly.

The two walked towards the city of Salun, where the location and the port were on the opposite side, closer to the inland.

To get to Black Tortoise, you need to traverse the entire city of Salon.

Ling Xiang was worried that the brown-haired girl would sneak away, so she held her hand the whole time.

The two walked into the city of Salun, and passed through an alley full of dirt.

“It stinks.” Randy held her breath and hurriedly quickened her pace.

“Cities are like this.” Ling Xiang said crisply.

Randy paused and turned back: “No, the city of Black Tortoise is very clean and has no odor.”

“Impossible.” Ling Xiang looked suspicious.

The city wants to be clean, but it takes a lot of manpower and money to maintain it, and not many nobles are willing to do so.

“Hmph, you’ll find out later.” Randy raised her chin and snorted, and continued walking.

“Listening to what you said, I’m even more curious about Black Tortoise City.” Ling Xiang’s eyes showed surprise, and she quickly followed.

The city of Salun is very big. For the sake of safety, Randy did not dare to fly over it, so he could only walk on foot.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the movies.” On the street, a man stood with his sweetheart and showed the movie tickets in his hand.

“Wow, you are so nice.” The woman’s face was full of happiness, and she could see that she was very excited.

“Let’s go quickly, the movie is in the afternoon, and it’s just right to walk there.” The man walked quickly away from the woman.

Randy whispered, “Is the movie theater open?”

Before she left Black Tortoise, the cinema had not yet opened.

Ling Xiang asked curiously, “Randy, what is a movie?”

“How to say it, it’s hard to explain, after all, I haven’t seen it.” Randy shrugged.

“Then let’s go see a movie too.” Ling Xiang said with interest.

“But I’m good.” Randy pulled her face.

Ling Xiang rolled her beautiful eyes and said softly: “I invite you to watch a movie.

“Then let’s go.” Randy’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she took Ling Xiang to the city within the city.

Ling Xiang said angrily: “Really, you are very stingy.

“I’m poor (aidj). Randy takes it for granted.

“You are too poor,” Ling Xiang said speechlessly.

Randy didn’t speak, but the pace quickened a lot.

Half an hour later, the two approached the city within the city, and the nearest gate was Gate 5.

Ling Xiang’s face was surprised, she turned her head and asked, “Is this the inner city of Sarun’er City?”

Randy said proudly: “Of course not, it is under the jurisdiction of Black Tortoise City, it belongs to Black Tortoise City. 99

“Hey, but this is still in Saran’er City?” Ling Xiang was stunned.

“I don’t know what the specific situation is.” Randy shrugged and dragged Lingxiang through Gate 5, entering the city within the city under the jurisdiction of Black Tortoise City.

As soon as she walked into the city within the city, Ling Xiang found a different place.

“This place is too clean.” Ling Xiang said in shock.

She looked around and found that the street was flat, and there was no stench of eating people, and no disgusting excrement.

“Black Tortoise is cleaner than here.” Randy lifted her chin slightly, feeling involuntarily proud.

“This is also great!” Ling Xiang’s eyes glowed, and she fell in love with the city within a city just at a glance, and looked forward to the next trip to Black Tortoise.

“Let’s go to the movies first.” Randy urged.

She remembered that the cinema was in the central business district, not far from the Black Tortoise restaurant.

Ling Xiang nodded vigorously: “Okay.

She looked around like a curious baby, and was amazed when she saw the toilet.

Half an hour later, the two approached the gap in the central business district.

Ling Xiang looked at the towering building and was stunned again, too excited to say anything to praise.

“Calm down, the Black Tortoise restaurant in the business district is higher.” Randy said calmly.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen such a tall building.” Ling Xiang’s throat moved, and the thought of not wanting to leave grew in her heart.

Randy didn’t say anything and walked to the cinema.

Ling Xiang hurriedly followed, at this time she was not like a princess, but more like a country girl.

Soon after, the two came to the cinema and were startled by the line at the ticket counter.

“A lot of people.” Ling Xiangfen opened her lips.

“Look for a line with fewer people.” Randy squeezed into the crowd and was at the back of the line.

Ling Xiang’s eyes shone brightly, and she was at the bottom of the line in anticipation.

She looked at Randy and said in a low voice, “There are too many people, can you spend some magic beast spar and let us go to the front.

“No, you can’t jump in the queue or bribe, or you’ll be kicked out.” Randy said seriously.

Such conduct is expressly prohibited in the laws and regulations of the City of Black Tortoise.

“That’s it…” Ling Xiang showed regret.

Randy reminded: “After watching the movie, you should go to see the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise City, lest you make a mistake and be caught in the small black room.”

“Got it, there are so many rules.” Ling Xiang pouted.

The two continued to line up, and when they arrived at the ticket counter, it was already twenty minutes later.

“Two movie tickets. Randy said clearly.

The staff asked: “The latest movie screening is six o’clock, is it ok?”

“Isn’t there any earlier?” Randy hesitated.

Now around three o’clock, there are still three hours before six o’clock.

“No, the earlier movie tickets are all sold out.” The staff shook his head.

Lingxiang spoke first: “Then it’s six o’clock, two.”

“Okay, a total of twenty first-order Warcraft spar. The staff smiled.

“Here.” Lingxiang counted enough magic beast spar on the counter.

After the staff taps, they register skillfully, and then stamp the ticket to collect the ticket.

Five minutes later, the two pushed through the crowd and walked out of the cinema.

“There are still three hours, what are you going to do now?” Randy collected the movie tickets and looked sideways at Ling Xiang.

Ling Xiang thought for a while, then turned around and asked, “Let’s go and see the perfume, is there any here?”

Randy cautions: “Black Tortoise has it, but it’s expensive. 11

“It’s okay, I have a Warcraft Crystal.” Ling Xiangcai said rudely.

“Then let’s go, I’ll take you there.” Randy raised his hand to signal.

Ling Xiang grabbed the girl’s hand and excitedly went to the Black Tortoise restaurant.

When the two walked into the Black Tortoise restaurant, they stayed for two hours.

In the past two hours, Ling Xiang seemed to be red-eyed when she saw something good, and she bought twenty bottles of perfume alone.

Randy is like a coolie, she helped carry the paper bag and accompany the girl to visit all the stores.

“How many Warcraft crystals do you have?” Randy asked with a numb expression.

“There are many, many more.” Ling Xiang patted the animal skin bag on her waist.

Randy twitched the corners of his mouth, how could a palm-sized animal skin bag hold so many beast spar?


ps: [3 more]: Please customize,

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