1356: Why don’t you know good people? (1 more)

In the old continent, the sky is as gray as ever.

The clouds are as thick as the deep sea, and only a very small amount of sunlight falls through the clouds, but it still cannot change the ashes of this continent.


In the air, the transport spacecraft moved forward at full speed, and the wind in the air gradually became stronger.

On the deck of the transport ship, Charlotte felt the wind and guessed: “The wind is strong, and it should be approaching Wan Baixiao soon.”

“It’s finally here.” Yue Feiyan’s drowsy state suddenly dissipated, and she became refreshed.

They left the brackish waters to land and were in the air for two more days at full speed.


The wind in the air is getting stronger and stronger, and there are many sand particles mixed in.

“There is sand in the wind, Wan Bolin is in front, and the speed is reduced by 10%.” Yue Feiyan shouted in an echo.

“Yes.” The crew acted, reducing the power of the steam engine and reducing the number of “eight and eighty” times of carbon delivery.

The speed of the turbine driven by the steam engine was slowed down, and the speed of the transport spacecraft was also reduced to prevent the speed from being too fast and causing an accident in Wan Berlin.

Yue Feiyan took a glass-like pearl from her waist and stuffed it into her mouth without looking at it.

After a few seconds, the red-haired girl stretched out her hand and pressed it on the transport spaceship, exerting the ‘crystal control’ ability brought by the empowering pearl.


The colored glass forms an elliptical barrier, covering the deck of the transport spacecraft, blocking the wind and sand.

“It’s done. Feiyan clapped her hands in 1999, and the effect of empowering pearls just passed.

The transport spacecraft continued to move forward, and many earth and stone pillars appeared around, and the dense sandstorm also reduced the visibility to no more than 20 meters.

Yue Feiyan ordered loudly: “Ascension, avoid earth and stone pillars.

“Yes.” The people on the boat acted again.

The transport spacecraft flew high, and although the wind and sand were larger, it could avoid the collision between the hull and the dense earth and stone pillars.

The transport spaceship swayed slightly, and the sand slapped on the hull and the glass barrier, making a dense rustling sound.

Yue Feiyan put her hand on the orange-haired girl’s shoulder, and said angrily, “In two hours, you should be able to get to Bird City. 93

“Mmmm.” Charlotte’s orange eyes shone brightly.

Yue Feiyan said thoughtfully: “I can stay for a day this time, and I will go to Jinyuan City tomorrow. You can accompany the amazing people and go to the transit base. 93

Charlotte smiled and said sideways: “Feiyan, have you forgotten that Bird City and the transit base are connected. 59

Yue Feiyan almost couldn’t help rolling her eyes, and said cutely: “I mean, you go to accompany Jingjing, and I will handle the matter of the transit base.”

Charlotte refrained from laughing and said solemnly: “Feiyan, the person in charge of the transfer base in Bird City is my father, and he will be watching, so I have to accompany me. 3)

The corners of Feiyan’s eyes jumped in June.

Her eyes flickered, and she shouted angrily: “You have no rest, just follow me to inspect the transit base.

“Feiyan, thank you.” Charlotte laughed dumbly, and reached out to embrace the red-haired girl in her arms.

“Shout, thank you… Yue Feiyan pouted her lips uncomfortably and swallowed the last swear word back in her stomach.

“You’re so nice.” Charlotte praised again.

“Okay, okay, a compliment is enough.” Yue Feiyan quickly pushed the orange-haired girl away, her ears flushed, and her expression was still uncomfortable.

Charlotte’s eyes are surprised, and Yue Feiyan is also shy?

“My stomach hurts, go to the toilet!” Yue Feiyan felt uncomfortable, chose the urethra, turned around and ran away.

Charlotte covered her mouth and chuckled, feeling the red-haired girl Tsundere more and more.

Yue Feiyan rhymed again now, two hours later, the transport spacecraft approached Bird City and was descending.

“It’s finally here. Yue Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief.

She put on the helmet, and the sparrow armor wings behind her spread out, ready to go out and command the transport spacecraft to land at any time.


At this time, a figure appeared in the air, and the four pairs of wings behind it were eye-catching.

Shakov fluttered his wings to disperse the surrounding wind and sand, increasing the visibility.

“Descent.»” Charlotte shouted from the transport ship.

“Yes. The crew of 33 responded in unison, beating the war drums and passing down orders.

dong dong dong~~

Ten minutes later, the transport spaceship landed steadily outside the Bird City, the turbine stopped spinning, and the cry disappeared.

Yue Feiyan and Charlotte got off the boat and met Shakov who was approaching.

“Father~~~” Charlotte snorted happily and flew up like a child.

Yue Feiyan asked politely: “Lord Shakov, we meet again.

“Well, let’s go first, it’s windy and sandy outside.” Shakov said with a smile.

“Yes, go first.” Charlotte quickly agreed.

“Okay.” Yue Feiyan had no objection, and followed Shakov into Bird City, where the wind and sand were blocked by the glass barrier.

Charlotte tilted her head and asked curiously, “Father, what about Dage and second brother?

“They are busy and are still in the transit base.” Shakov said slowly.

“Is that so…” Charlotte nodded slowly.

Yue Feiyan turned her head and asked: Shakov, “Your Excellency, how is the operation of the transit base?”

“Everything is fine. Long-term trading relationships have been established with other cities in Wanberlin, and there are also trading exchanges with cities a little further away.” Shakov said calmly.

“Where’s the factory?” Yue Feiyan asked again.

Shakov responded: “At present, there are three factories, workers have three difficulties, the operation is normal, and the warehouses are almost full.

“Then I came just right.” Yue Feiyan raised her brows lightly. This time she came to the transit base to transport the goods produced by the factory to the new continent.

“Well, the goods are all packed, and they can be directly transported to the transport spaceship.” Shakov nodded.

There are three factories in Feiwu City, mainly producing sanitary ware, including toothbrush, toothpaste, facial cleanser, shower gel, shampoo, etc., as well as rubber products and animal skin products.

“According to the rules, I have to check the goods and go to the factory.” Yue Feiyan paused.

She looked at Shakov and said coquettishly, “Your Excellency is busy beforehand, or you can accompany Xia Luo.

“Don’t worry, let’s go and have a look at 3.9 together.” Shakov said calmly.

“Yeah, I forgot that I am also an inspector, so how can I rest. Charlotte said with a serious face.

Inspector, a position given by Mu Liang.

Yue Feiyan almost rolled her eyes, she wanted to let Charlotte have a good rest and spend more time with the amazing.

She whispered softly: “Why don’t you know good people…”

Charlotte said crisply: “Let’s go, wait until the inspection of the transit base is over before taking a rest.

“Whatever you want.” Yue Feiyan pouted.

She looked at Shakov and said with a face: “Your Excellency, lead the way.

“Come with me. 99 Shakov raised his hand and rubbed his daughter’s head, and walked into the transit base.

Yue Feiyan followed and walked towards the interior of the transit base.

since oooooo

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code,

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