Torn Between Twin Brothers

Chapter 107 - Jeff Found What He Was Looking For.

It only took them less than thirty minutes, and Jeff found what he was looking for.

"Stop! Stop it right there. They're the ones I'm looking for. Find out which room they're staying in, especially that young man." He pointed at James, who looked like he was wasting a lot of time.

After hearing what Jeff said, the GM started working. Jeff returned to the penthouse while waiting for the GM to give him their room numbers.

He just arrived at the penthouse when the GM came and provided him with what he needed. He then left right away to handle other matters of the hotel.

Jeff changed his clothes first before going to the floor below them where the presidential suites were located.

Two bodyguards were standing by one of the doors, while on the other door was Tiny. Jeff immediately recognized him from a distance.

Tiny also recognized Jeff as well as the two Royal bodyguards. They all immediately greeted him as he approached them.

"Are they sober yet?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, sir!" Answered Tiny as he opened the door and let him enter first. Once Jeff was inside, Tiny followed.

James and Prince Edward were sitting on the chairs outside on the balcony, relaxing. Both turned to look when they heard Tiny calling their names.

"James, your highness Prince Edward, someone is here to see both of you!" Tiny called out as they walked towards them.

Both boys turned to see who was coming, both afraid that it was one of their family members. James thought that it would be his father, while Prince Edward thought it was King Alexander. When they saw that it was Jeff, both of them let out a sigh of relief.

They both swiftly stood up to greet Jeff.

"Godfather! What brings you here?" Greeted James while giving Jeff a light embrace.

"Chairman Go, hello! How are you!" Prince Edward extended his hand for a handshake.

Jeff let go of James, then accepted Prince Edward's hand and shook it. 

"It seems you two have a death wish. What gave you the idea of getting drunk then flying all the way out here?" Jeff said sternly with a blank look on his face.

The two young men could only grin while averting their gaze elsewhere away from Jeff.

"Would you like a cold drink or a hot one?" James asked while trying to think of a good reason to explain why they were there in the first place.

"I don't want anything, and I only came by to tell you that your father and his Majesty King Alexander were on the way here. So, you better have a good reason to be here or else. You both know what I mean. Right?" Jeff said while sitting down on one of the vacant lounge chairs.

James could only scratch his head while sitting back down. 

Prince Edward only grinned from ear to ear before going back to the food and drinks in front of him.

"Anyway, I have a feeling that you decided to transfer to Harvard University; that's why you're here. Am I right?" He was looking at James when he spoke.

James's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that his Godfather could guess his reason in one shot. Could it be that Ava, too would be attending Harvard? He decided to ask to verify if his hunch was correct.

"Godfather, has Ava decided to attend Harvard? Is that why you're here right now?" His eyes were filled with excitement while waiting for Jeff to answer.

However, he was stunned when he heard his response.

"No, she has no plans on attending Harvard. Instead, she will be going to M.I.T. She wanted to study computer engineering." He said calmly while he was watching James's reaction.

However, it was Prince Edward's eyes that were wide this time. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Ava? Interested in pursuing computer engineering? Wow! He would love to see her in action; maybe he too would study the same.

After hearing what Jeff said, James was overwhelmed with his thoughts. He could take up a double major, business and computer engineering. That way, he could be in the same classes as Ava and take care of her if someone tries to bully her. That was not a bad idea... 

Jeff saw what he was doing. A smile crept on his lips as he got ready to get up.

"Why don't the two of you join us for dinner tonight, unless you will be flying back to Stonasia after finishing what you came for." He followed after standing up, ready to leave.

Both James and Prince Edward were quick to respond, "Sure! What time do you want us to meet?" Both said simultaneously.


As soon as Jeff left, James contacted his father for help with his transfer to Harvard. He figured that with his father's help, the process would be much smoother than him going without any recommendations.

Unfortunately, Tanaga was in the air on his way to Massachusetts already. So, he was not able to get in touch with him. There was nothing he could do but go on his own as he originally planned.

He needed to make sure that he was prepared before going into the battlefield. He contacted the school and asked for all the necessary documents that he needed to be sent over since he left in a drunken stupor and didn't bring anything with him.

Unknown to him that Jeff had spoken to Tanaga and that he had already made all the necessary arrangements. So, when they arrived at the Harvard administration office, the Dean and Guidance Counselor was already waiting for him.


James and Prince Edward were taken to the Dean's office instead of the Guidance Counselor's office. Less than 30 minutes later, everything was settled, and James was enrolled in Harvard. The Dean asked Prince Edward if he was planning to enroll as well, seeing he was with James. He wanted to say yes, but it was not up to him to make the decision.

"I will have to get permission first. Once I get the approval from his Majesty, I will surely come and enroll. I hope you will take care of me the same as you did with my friend here." He then slightly tapped James's shoulder.

Since they were already finished, James wanted to leave already. He wanted to catch Ava while she was still at the registrar's office at M.I.T. So, he thanked the Dean for his help in making the whole process as smooth as possible, as he got up so they could leave already. Prince Edward was quick to follow.


The Dean and his assistant were already waiting for Jeff and his family when they arrived at M.I.T. The driver had taken them to the Dean's office and parked right at the front to drop them off.

Jeff only brought two bodyguards with them, trying to be inconspicuous. However, it was pretty hard when they were parked right in front of the building while other cars were parked in the parking lot.

The assistant was quick to open the passenger door. While the two bodyguards were already standing outside, waiting for them to get out.

The driver went to the passenger side, where Jeff was seated, and opened the door. Jeff stepped out first before everyone and waited for Ann to help her out. 

When Ava stepped out of the vehicle, some students who were walking by stopped out of curiosity. Some wondered why the trio was there when none of them looked like college students. When they saw Ava they couldn't believe she could be old enough to attend college, so they all kept walking on after a quick glance.

"Welcome! Welcome!" The Dean greeted them while extending his hand to Jeff for a handshake. 

"Thank you!!" Jeff replied, then took his hand. He then turned towards his wife, "this is my wife, Ann."

The Dean once again extended his hand towards Ann. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Go. I'm glad you could accompany them." After they shook hands, the Dean ushered them to his office, where refreshments were waiting for them. 

"I'm so glad that you decided to accept our invitation. To have a young genius like you is our privilege and honor." The Dean said to Ava while they were about to sit down.

"Thank you for inviting me. It's always been my dream to study at M.I.T. I was not sure I could qualify before I was old enough. I thought that I would have to wait until I graduated high school. I didn't know that I could attend before then. If I knew then that I could take the test early, I would have done so." Replied Ava seriously. She was looking at the Dean with a straight face.

That caught the Dean off guard. He couldn't believe that the young girl in front of him was speaking like an adult.. She had the same features like her father, and they practically acted the same from the way she held herself.

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