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Chapter 338 I Have a Bold Idea

As we all know, when an atom reaches thousands or even tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, the electrons in the atom will break away from the attraction of the nucleus and form negatively charged free electrons.

Atoms that lose electrons become positively charged ions.

At this time, a state of coexistence of ions and free electrons will be produced, which is commonly known as "plasma state".

This is a very common phenomenon in the universe.

Although the plasma as a whole is not charged, its constituent particles are charged.

Therefore, inside the plasma, there is a magnetic field.

This achievement of Lin Shi reminded Xu You of the magnetic confinement of a controllable nuclear fusion device.

Lin Shi didn't know what subject Xu You was researching now, and was a little surprised by Xu You's surprised look.

"Okay, I'll show you the data now. It's all in my computer."

After finding her experimental data, Lin Shi explained it to Xu You.

"At present, the number of experiments I have done is not many. I have done several temperature conditions and compared it with several other plasmas with relatively strong magnetic fields."

Xu You carefully checked these experimental data of Lin Shi, and a smile appeared on his face.

At lower temperatures, the plasma state of this topological superconductor has a slightly stronger magnetic field than other plasmas.

But as the temperature continues to rise, these advantages become more and more obvious.

This feeling is a bit like several exponential function images with different indices.

When the exponent gradually becomes larger, the exponential function with a larger base has a faster climbing speed of the image.

At this moment, Xu You had a bold hypothesis.

When the temperature of this substance is high enough, the resulting magnetic field can be extremely large.

This may help tokamak devices achieve stronger magnetic confinement.

Lin Shi didn't know what Xu You was thinking, and felt a little at a loss for Xu You's inexplicable smile.

"Is it... my research is really meaningless?"

Lin Shi originally thought that even if this result was published in some top journal, it would at least be published in SCI Section 1 or something.

But judging by Xu You's reaction, maybe he couldn't post even one district.

Hearing this, Xu You quickly waved his hands and said:

"No, on the contrary, your research results may have great significance. Even if the reviewers of those journals don't approve, I will definitely approve."

Now Xu You believes that he is more authoritative than the reviewers of those journals.

Because Xu You himself has become one of the most authoritative reviewers for Ji University's core journals.

As Huaxia's influence in the world's academic circles increases.

Ji University's core journals are no longer inferior to those top western journals.

"Teacher Xu, what do you mean?"

Xu You didn't answer Lin Shi's question directly, but asked rhetorically:

"Does anyone else know about this achievement?"

"Not yet, because the experiment is relatively simple, and I am doing it myself."

"Lin Shi, if this result cannot be published, can you accept it?"

Lin Shi didn't know what Xu You meant by this sentence.

However, relying on Lin Shi's trust in Xu You, Lin Shi immediately agreed to Xu You's request.

"Mr. Xu, I will listen to you."

"Okay! Lin Shi, if you have no objections, I will be the one to decide on this topic."

"Well, I have no problem."

"Remember, don't reveal this to anyone else for now. Let's go to the laboratory now."

Because of this achievement, it may have very high application prospects.

Xu You temporarily pushed aside other less important matters, and put the priority of this experiment first.

After arriving at the laboratory, Xu You and Lin Shi started high-temperature experiments on this topological superconductor.

Due to the limited experimental conditions, some ultra-high temperatures cannot be reached in this laboratory.

Xu You's idea is to make the experimental data more detailed first.

With the joint efforts of Xu You and Lin Shi, they made more experimental data.

After fitting, Xu You and Lin Shi found out.

When this substance is in the plasma state, the magnetic field generated does have a functional relationship with the temperature.

The entire functional relationship is not a standard exponential function, but similar to an exponential function, the slope of the image is constantly increasing with temperature.

According to this formula, if this material can be heated to a very high temperature, the magnetic field it will generate will be very, very large.

In theory, even larger than the magnetic field in a tokamak.

"If this substance can be added to the nuclear fusion raw material, then the plasma can achieve very strong self-constraint."

In this way, even without an external magnetic field, the confinement effect on the nuclear reaction raw materials can be achieved.

And if the two magnetic fields are superimposed in an appropriate way, the confinement ability of the magnetic field can be made stronger.

It is possible to make a controllable nuclear fusion device create a record for a longer operating time.

However, it is not an easy task to verify whether this material will generate an extremely strong magnetic field at ultra-high temperature.

In order to ensure safety, even in the nuclear physics laboratory of Ji University, it is impossible to conduct nuclear fusion experiments.

After all, such an experiment is indeed too dangerous.

A little carelessness can cause serious consequences.

Experiments of this level are all done by simulation in the school's nuclear physics laboratory.

If you want to achieve ultra-high temperatures, you can only go to a base that specializes in controllable fusion experiments and conduct such experiments.

In the following time, Xu You tried to simulate the magnetic field strength of this material at ultra-high temperature through brain simulation.

However, due to the lack of sufficient data support, Xu You has not yet been able to perform a good simulation.

With Xu You's current ability, it is not possible to completely simulate all the properties of particles in the brain, and more depends on a large amount of data as support.

Thinking of this, Xu You decided to verify it through experiments.

Xu You approached Deng Fu, an expert in nuclear physics at Jida, and explained his thoughts.

"What? Professor Xu, you mean, you already have a new idea for a controllable nuclear fusion device?"

Hearing Xu You's words, Deng Fu was also taken aback.

Originally, Deng Fu felt that Xu You's suggestion that he might design a brand-new controllable nuclear fusion device might be just a fantasy.

Unexpectedly, Xu You had a breakthrough so soon.

"My idea is to improve based on the tokamak device. I haven't decided on the specific improvement plan. If possible, I hope to use the controllable nuclear fusion device to conduct some experiments. Academician Deng, we have Is there a place where controlled nuclear fusion experiments can be carried out?"

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