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Chapter 273: The Clearest Satellite in History

In folklore, there is a saying that the resolution of the military satellites of the United States has reached the 1mm level.

It is so exaggerated that even the number of ants on the ground can be counted.

Only because of confidentiality reasons, the images taken by these satellites were not leaked.

Of course, such a statement is obviously false.

According to the laws of physics, it can be calculated that under the existing conditions, the resolution of the diffraction limit of satellites in low earth orbit is only in the range of a few centimeters.

Not to mention, it will also be affected by many other adverse factors such as atmospheric problems.

Only by using lens assembly or lens folding technology can a breakthrough in the diffraction limit be achieved.

The news that those American satellites can read the words on the newspapers on the ground is completely alarmist.

As for those higher-resolution, clearer pictures, they are all taken by drones, not satellites.

Xu You continued to explain the calculation formula for the error that he established in the algorithm, and explained the reason.

"The error here is the sum of the predicted coordinate error, predicted category error, and predicted confidence error. According to the satellite's training on target detection, we can let the satellite further in-depth study the processing of the target detection algorithm and continuously optimize the satellite image. "

Through the comparison of simulated satellite images, it can be seen intuitively that there is a gap in the clarity of the two generations of satellite images.

Even, from these two pictures, it is difficult to see that these are pictures taken by two satellites with almost the same specifications.

Of course, one of them is a photo simulated by Xu You's algorithm and model.

As for whether the satellite after launch can really capture such a high-definition picture, no one can be sure now.

After listening to Xu You's explanation, Wu Jing said:

"I think that the launch of the next high-scoring satellite can enter the preparation stage. Our spare satellite can just be put to use."

Normally, during the development of each satellite, an identical spare satellite will be prepared.

If it is said that the launch of the first satellite failed due to unexpected circumstances.

In that case, the spare satellite can immediately go up and replace the mission of the previous satellite.

If the first satellite is successfully launched, spare satellites may be used for other purposes, or they may not be used at all.

This time, because Xu You optimized the image detection algorithm of the satellite, it happened to be able to maximize the use of this spare satellite.

After that, the Huaxia Space Administration formulated a launch plan for this time according to the situation.

There is still some time before the launch, and Xu You and Wu Jing do not need to participate in the next test work.

Xu You and Wu Jing can finally go home together and see their relatives.

"Mr. Wu, can I change my words now?"

After coming out of the Fifth Aerospace Academy, Xu You couldn't help asking.

"Of course, Yuu."

Wu Jing couldn't hold back anymore, and called Xu You by his nickname.

No matter how old Xu You is or how many extraordinary achievements he has made, in Wu Jing's heart, Xu You will always be her own child.


At this moment, Xu You can finally forget about scientific research for a short time and return to life.

After Xu You and Wu Jing returned to Shengcheng, they went to various relatives' homes to make up for the regret of not going home for the New Year.

This year, Xu Zhou was the loneliest person.

In the past, it was just that Wu Jing was not at home for the New Year, but this time even Xu You didn't come back.

But Xu Zhou still understood very well that it was not easy for these two girls.

As the person with the lowest status in the family, Xu Zhou had no choice but to bear all this silently.

As the date of satellite launch approached, Wu Jing and Xu You went to the launch site of the satellite together.

Both Wu Jing and Xu You had to witness with their own eyes that the satellite launch was successful.

This time, the launch site of the satellite is still at the Suzhou Satellite Launch Center.

With the previous experience, Xu You is already very familiar with this place.

However, because Xu You participated in the design of this satellite, it is classified information.

Xu You didn't deliberately greet those comrades who had fought side by side, but just acted as a bystander.

When the launch day came, Wu Jing and Xu You came near the launch site.

Fifteen minutes before launch, all staff had been evacuated from the tower.

Wu Jing and Xu You also stood in a remote safe area, waiting for the rocket to launch.

This time the rocket launch is still being broadcast live on CCTV.

However, in the revealed news, there is no special emphasis on what a special satellite this is.

It is only represented by such a simple code name as "High Score Fourteen No. 02".

Because it itself is just a backup satellite of Gaofen 14.

Such news did not attract the public's special attention, and only a few astronauts followed the live broadcast of the rocket launch in front of the TV.

As those who personally participated in this project.

Both Wu Jing and Xu You knew the great significance of this satellite.

If all goes well, this will be the satellite with the highest resolution and the clearest picture in human history.

In the areas it can photograph, there will be no more secrets.

Before the launch of the rocket, all preparations have been completed.

"Countdown - one minute, get ready!"

As the countdown progressed, everyone's mood became tense.

"Five, four, three, two, one, fire!"

When the commander-in-chief gave an order, there was only a bang, and a strong flame burst out from the tail of the rocket.

"Rocket—take off!"

At this moment, Xu You witnessed the rocket launch for the first time.

Xu You still remembers the last time, when he was at the Suzhou Satellite Launch Center, just watching the test drive process was enough to shock Xu You.

And this rocket launch made Xu You feel even more excited.

After the rocket is ignited, the powerful thrust makes the rocket go straight up into the sky.

"Procedural turn!"

"The position telemetry signal is normal!"

"The tracking of the 160 position is normal!"

"312 radar tracking is normal!"

"The flight in the cabin is normal!"

Every signal indicates that the rocket is operating normally according to the ideal situation.

Even if all the signals indicate that the rocket launch went very smoothly.

But Xu You, Wu Jing, and all the staff at the launch center.

Their mood is still tense.

Because, in the back, there are two key nodes.

Only through these two critical nodes can we fully declare the success of the rocket launch.

The first node is the separation of the stars and arrows.

After the launch vehicle reaches the predetermined altitude and speed, and the attitude is adjusted, the satellite will separate from the rocket at a certain relative speed.

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