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Chapter 242 One core is in trouble, nine cores are onlookers

"Would you like us to take a look?" Xu You asked.

"Yeah, maybe we can find some problems." Lou Song also agreed.

Lin Shi knew that her level was far behind Xu You and Lou Song, but she was also eager to help solve the problem.

In fact, at this time, Luo Wenkun didn't want Xu You and the others to directly participate in this project.

After all, Luo Wenkun paid his employees a lot of salary, if they couldn't solve the problems they were supposed to do, then what's the use of them.

Moreover, if Xu You, Lou Song, and Lin Shi really solve this problem, it may make these employees feel a little embarrassed, or they will develop the habit of relying on others for help.

But Luo Wenkun also knows that at this time, the most important thing is to solve the problem as soon as possible and release the Android beta version of the app to the outside world.

Luo Wenkun said that he is still young, and he is not in a hurry to make the company bigger all at once.

But if every step is procrastinated, you don't know when you can reach the final goal.

Thinking of this, Luo Wenkun still decided to let Xu You and the others participate.

"Mr. Wang, my friends are all computer experts. Tell us about the problem in detail, and see if we can help you think of a solution."

"Okay, Mr. Luo."

Although Luo Wenkun didn't introduce them in detail, looking at the appearance of these people, Wang Zhi felt that they were probably Luo Wenkun's classmates or something.

Since Luo Wenkun said that they are computer experts, they might be students majoring in computer science at Ji University.

But students are students after all, without many years of practical work experience, no matter how strong their learning ability is, it is impossible to solve this bug so easily.

But this is the boss's friend, and the boss's order must still be carried out.

Next, Wang Zhi gave Xu You and the others a detailed account of the bugs in the current version of the app.

Because the current version of the Xueba Community app is the Android version.

When everyone is testing, they are also testing with the Android version of the mobile phone.

At the beginning, everyone didn't find any obvious problems.

But later, a company employee reported that in his mobile phone, the software would occasionally freeze.

Everyone thought that this was just an example, and it might be a problem with the configuration of his mobile phone.

Until later, several employees reported this phenomenon.

The price of their mobile phones ranges from 1,000 yuan to more than 3,000 yuan, and the mobile phone chips are also different.

In this way, it cannot be explained by the insufficient configuration of the mobile phone.

After everyone held a meeting to discuss and summarize the characteristics of these mobile phones with such bugs.

Finally found the common ground.

It turned out that they were using mobile phone chips from a certain brand.

Some people think that this may be a problem with this brand of chips. On the Internet, this brand has been hacked miserably.

Although it is advertised as a "ten-core processor".

The performance is not as good as the octa-core, quad-core, or even dual-core processors of competitors.

Netizens dubbed it "one core is in trouble, nine cores are onlookers".

Of course, in fact, the chip of this brand is not bad in actual use, and no one has reported this kind of problem in other apps.

Even if it is true that there are hidden defects in this brand of chips, it is always impossible to let them redo the chips, or give up this part of users.

Still have to start from the code part to try to solve the problem.

After a period of time, part of the code was modified in the group, and the bug was finally fixed.

But in further testing, a new bug was discovered.

That is, the problem of increased app power consumption.

If there is only occasional high power consumption, it is still acceptable.

But this time, the problems are very common, and the power consumption is almost twice that of the previous generation.

Faced with such a situation, Wang Zhi felt that if the revisions were continued in this direction, the water pipes would probably burst completely.

"I personally think that if it is modified, it must be modified according to the original version, because the hot version obviously has more serious bugs."

Xu You also nodded, agreeing.

"That's right, I also agree with this idea. Then Mr. Wang, can you show us the detailed code?"

Wang Zhi glanced at Luo Wenkun, who quickly nodded in agreement.

Of course, Luo Wenkun would not have any secrets about his few friends.

Next, Xu You and others checked the code of the first version of the Xueba Community app.

Because this is an Android platform software, the file format used is APK format.

The programming language is developed based on the java language.

Looking at it, Xu You also knew that it would be difficult to find the problem in a short time if it went on like this.

After all, there are too many codes in the whole code. If you want to read them all, you don’t know how long it will take.

Thinking of this, Xu You said:

"Can you lend me a computer so I can look at the code myself?"

Lou Song echoed the words, "Lend me one too."

"Okay, Mr. Wang, help me arrange it." Luo Wenkun said.

With that said, Wang Zhi ordered an employee to provide Xu You and Lou Song with a computer.

Because Xu You and Lou Song have their own unique problem-solving habits, if everyone uses the same computer to view the code, the efficiency will definitely be very low.

Lin Shi knew that even though she had a second degree in computer science, her computer skills were still not that high, so she didn't follow Xu You and Lou Song's example, but watched a computer with other people, focusing on learning.

"Looking at the posture of these two people, are you really planning to solve the bug today?" Wang Zhixin said.

Of course, Wang Zhi also has the ability to find bugs through code.

However, as for when the bug can be located and solved.

It's hard to say how much time it will take.

Not to mention, after this, more serious bugs may appear in the follow-up.

Although Wang Zhi didn't believe it, these two young people could really find out the bug and solve it.

But still provided them with a computer and helped them find the corresponding code files.

On this issue, both Xu You and Lou Song tacitly chose not to cooperate.

It's not that they don't trust each other enough.

It's just this kind of problem, it's better to read all the code by yourself.

Simply looking at a part of the code may not find any problems, because they may be completely correct in themselves.

Only after reading all the codes can we find out the key problems.

After Xu You and Lou Song got their own independent computers, they all focused on the code.

From the way they look at the code, it can be seen that they look for problems in different ways.

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